“Pro-Palestinians” in NYC Celebrated Independence Day by Burning American Flags
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“Pro-Palestinians” in NYC Celebrated Independence Day by Burning American Flags

“Pro-Palestinians” in NYC Celebrated Independence Day by Burning American Flags

“F–k Israel! F–k America! Woohoo!”

The anti-Israel crowd proved once again this week that they hate the United States of America just as much, maybe even more. In Washington Square Park and other locations, protesters burned American flags and made a general nuisance of themselves.

These people are part of the Democrat party’s base.

The New York Post reports:

Disgraceful America-hating anti-Israel protesters burn US flag on July 4th in NYC

A braying mob of around 100 anti-Israel protesters spent Independence Day burning American flags and chanting “Burn it down!” in Washington Square Park, part of a coordinated “Flood Manhattan for July 4th” demonstration.

At least one person was arrested, cops said, but they did not disclose the charges the alleged perpetrator was facing.

Video shows a New Yorker in a Yankees hat trying to reason with the group, but he’s quickly shouted down by a man in glasses who gleefully cheers “F–k Israel! F–k America! Woohoo!” as his fellow pampered trust-fund radicals giggle in approval.

The camera then pans down to a tattered Old Glory, smoldering next to a poster depicting Trump and Biden wearing crowns beneath “DEATH TO ALL KINGS” in big block letters.

The poster was evidently a reference to the Supreme Court’s ruling earlier this week granting US presidents “absolute immunity” from prosecution from “official acts” during their time in office.

Keffiyeh-wearing photographers brought their lenses in close to capture the flag desecration as chants of “Free free free Palestine” and “Burn it down” echoed throughout the park.

See below:

Margaret Clark of RedState asks an obvious question:

It’s July 4th, and Americans Are Burning Our Flag — Why Are These People Even Here?

It’s July 4th, and instead of celebrating our country, protestors in New York City’s Washington Square Park are burning our flag.

The Pro-Hamas protesters think that the best way to “free Palestine” is to spit upon the country that made “free” even a thing…

The ignorance and the disrespect are unbearable. It is infuriating to consider how we got to this point. How did it happen? In part, we have allowed people to migrate here — often illegally — who do not share our values or have any desire to assimilate. And that must stop, now.

Secondly, poor leadership has allowed people to destroy property, assault others, praise terror, threaten entire people groups, and call for the destruction of our country — all in the name of free speech. Where is the line? Why can’t a peaceful protest be clearly defined from a violent one, and laws enforced? When does freedom of speech become hate speech? When does anti-American language qualify as terrorism or encouraging terror? The founding fathers did not envision anarchy when they outlined our freedoms. The kid-glove handling of these brats must stop.

These people are not interested in debates about policy or the direction of our country.

They want to burn it down.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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The morons in the photo should have test driven the combustiblity of the flag before taking their idiocy to the streets. Or borrowed one from the other Jew haters who know enough to soak theirs with a flammable substance.

That gamma male’s exposed neck is such an attractive target.

Stand by with fire extinguishers, maybe they will self immolate?

That candy-ass with the pipestem arms, black mask and stupid hat couldn’t give or take a punch if his life depended on it.
Some day, perhaps it will.

Hey, c’mon man, . . . these are just good, solid, blue voters trying to earn a little extra credit in their Columbia U. courses.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Q. | July 5, 2024 at 10:58 am

    According to Biden, “There’s good people on both sides!”

Likely as not they will be delegates at the Democrat National Convention.

If some idiot wants to burn the US Flag .. ok. However, the proper response is ID the individual and check their permit, assuming they applied for one, to conduct a Fag burning in public to ensure the municipality could adequate LEO presence to discourage/deal with counter protesters and adequate Fire/EMS as a safety precaution.

Oh, no permit? Get arrested and booked with 1st appearances before a magistrate for bond no sooner than 48 and no less than 72 hours. Oh, are you on a valid Visa..whoops the condition of granting/maintaining the Visa must preclude such willful acts (the fine alone for failure to get a permit which is a form of theft IMO should easily qualify as a felony). Oh you are here illegally due to expired Visa or just jumped the border or whatever other reason? Bye, you getting deported. Oh, you have a warrant? You getting extradited and or held without bail. Oh, you’re a public employee? Oops, criminal activity is grounds for termination. Oh you and ten others work for XYZ Corp and y’all used company time and company email to plan this primal activity? XYZ Corp gonna get a visit to explain just what is going on there and if they choose not to cooperate then obviously any gov’t contracts/grants must be suspended until this is resolved. End of rant.

    txvet2 in reply to CommoChief. | July 5, 2024 at 5:08 pm

    “”to conduct a Fag burning in public””

    You can only do that in muslim countries.

    ttucker99 in reply to CommoChief. | July 6, 2024 at 12:46 pm

    Exactly what I was thinking. Burning a flag is protected speech however burning anything in public is against the law without a permit. So like you said charge them with an open fire in public, reckless endangerment (not in any firepit and crowds all around) and whatever else fits and deport them. Of course they only do this in places they know will put up with it. You don’t see this in Texas, Florida, Louisianna, and other states that would enforce basic fire safety ordnances.

destroycommunism | July 5, 2024 at 10:49 am

“Independence Day”??

towns are starting to call it

FREEDOM OVER ( insert town name )

which sounds like a move towards the left to not call it Independence Day

so burning the flag would become the norm at some events

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | July 5, 2024 at 11:10 am

OK. So is it now acceptable for:

Chanting Death to Palestine!
Chanting Kill all Imams?
Burning Somali, Palestine, Iranian, Iraqi, and other Islamic country flags?
Burn the Quran?
And any other action that these trust fund babies call for?

Perhaps a day will come when all trust funds will be taxed as the money is spent; all housing in Malibu, Brentwood, Martha’s Vineyard, the Hamptons, Palm Beach, and any other trust fund baby paradise is confiscated so that their houses can be given to the poor and homeless.

Maybe the communists and Socialists are correct. We have too many kings, too many princes and princesses, too many rich people, too much money spent on frivolity like private jets, yachts, ski vacations, etc.

If these trust fund babies have so much free time and money, maybe they should lose it.

They should be careful what they ask for. Death to America is death to the constitution. The end of the constitution is the end of the protections afforded them.

No more due process, no more limits on confiscation of property, no limits on taxation, no more protections. Just a government that will give and take at will.

Exhibit trillion in reasons why we should be focused on K-12, and getting a law passed that would FORCE the government to see open parts of the Internet (i.e. Youtube/Tik Tok/Facebook) as the modern public square required to abide by the Marsh v Alabama ruling concerning how much right to control you have being proportionate to how open you make your business to the public for profit.

Are these flag burners what you want Gen Alpha to look like to?

We need free speech on the internet instead of “MUH GOVERNMENT BAAAADDDDD!!!!”, and to clear out K-12 education and replace it with a pro-American education system if we want to counteract this and need to do both to have any chance.

Their hatred of good is bad. If only they could go to Gaza and proudly burn a Hamas flag.

It’s hard to comprehend why they hate a place where they can freely and proudly burn its flag.

Marlin Brando

The Wild Ones 1953

“Hey!… What are you rebelling against?”

“What ya got?”


Upsets flag fetishists everywhere.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | July 6, 2024 at 10:19 am

    I’m sure you’re furiously searching for a quote from Jacques Lacan or some other pretentious continental philosopher to ensure us that your intellectual superiority stands intact.

    Pretentious ass.

I don’t think we should have Hate Crime laws, but since we do, burning a USA flag should be a Hate Crime!
“Marlin Brando”
Something fishy about this.

The goose-stepping, Dhimmi-crat brownshirts — Muslims and non-Muslims, alike — aren’t going anywhere. Their bigoted, genocidal attitudes and predations have been enabled by an utterly emasculated, feckless and morally bankrupt Dhimmi-crat Party and leadership, for over twenty years.

Next time the cretins pull this, someone needs to douse them with lighter fluid.

nordic prince | July 5, 2024 at 12:34 pm

Soy boy still wearing a mask tells you everything you need to know about these NPCs.

Try burning a Cultural Marxist flag and see what the DOJ does to you

    stevewhitemd in reply to Skip. | July 5, 2024 at 2:53 pm

    Yes, burning an ANTIFA* flag flag would be interesting…

    * Remember, ANTIFA actually doesn’t exist so anyone who becomes upset when an ANTIFA flag is burned is identifying as a member of a non-existent organization…

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to stevewhitemd. | July 6, 2024 at 2:08 pm

      According to Milquetoast, it’s not illegal to burn your own property. So burning the Antifa flag that you bought is acceptable as free speech.

      I would also consider burning my copy of the Quran, Palestine flag, Iraqi flag, Iranian flag, and BTW, is Fuck Islam equivalent to Fuck America?

      Just trying to understand.

Follow the money
Send Ivan Raiklin after Soros

Screaming “Revolution, Revolution!”

Who’s an insurrectionist again?

I would not be opposed to setting those traitors on fire. Given that’d be too much, how about life in a very difficult prison, administered by their Palestinian brethren?

A well tossed balloon filled with gasoline would liven things up.

    Geologist in reply to alaskabob. | July 5, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    I’ve never tried it, but I think a balloon filled with gasoline would dissolve rapidly, probably before it could be thrown. A milk carton, that wax-cardboard container, would probably work better.

      Hodge in reply to Geologist. | July 5, 2024 at 9:13 pm

      If you put a little styrofoam in the milk container along with the gasoline…. uhm, well, it won’t burn out as fast.

stevewhitemd | July 5, 2024 at 2:51 pm

Tax the trust funds at the capital gains rate. A “non-profit” these days is anything but. We could make an exception for money that is truly spent on the welfare of common people (building a hospital, for example).

Require a sunset on every trust fund — 40 years after establishment is good enough. Unspent funds go equally to the state and federal government (spent funds are taxed).

The yearly audits that trust funds are supposed to have must be independent and public.

Do all this and the “trust fund babies” will be far, far less noticeable.

I’ve spent the past couple of weeks watching the UEFA and CONCACAF tournaments. One thing that struck me is how every member of every team stood tall when their national anthems were being played, and virtually all sang along. Only American athletes seem to hate their own country.

Subotai Bahadur | July 5, 2024 at 7:55 pm

We are really two or more separate hostile nations and peoples. I don’t see any sign or hope of reconciliation or coexistence. The day will come when it will no longer be deniable.

Subotai Bahadur

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | July 5, 2024 at 9:56 pm

    I hate Democrats and their Socialist Marxist ilk.

    I have no intention of reconciling, and speaking of Co-Exist, the Islamic part of that stupid bumper sticker will eradicate the remaining.

    Democrats want Conservatives gone. The only reason they need us around is that we grow the food that they eat.

    National divorce. NOW !

BierceAmbrose | July 5, 2024 at 11:15 pm

They kind of made the opposite point from their chants, did they not?

There really is no more on-point political expression than burning an American flag in public on the fourth of July while chanting anti-US slogans … except allowing flaccid, confused “activists” to burn a flag in public on the fourth of July while chanting anti-US slogans, no matter how little they understand what point they are trying to make.

“And it harm no one else; you do you.” is kind of the point. Discovering who are the idiots and haters is just a bonus.

Meanwhile, I’m having another inappropriately large slab of fire-charred, local, grass-fed beast; local, small-farm corn that was growing this morning; sundries pulled at my whim from my own garden while the rest cooks; and wine imported all the way from I don’t care where because it’s good and I like it; while watching the municipal fire works over the river play out above the nightly firefly display in my back yard. Because I can. Because America.

U S A! U S A! U S A!

When does freedom of speech become hate speech? When does anti-American language qualify as terrorism or encouraging terror?

It doesn’t. There is no such legal concept as “hate speech”. Hate speech is not something to be contrasted with free speech, it’s merely a subset of free speech.

Anti-American language never qualifies as terrorism. And encouraging terror is free speech, and is protected by the first amendment, as is all “mere advocacy”.