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‘Pro-Palestinian’ Activists Protest Outside Home of CNN’s Dana Bash

‘Pro-Palestinian’ Activists Protest Outside Home of CNN’s Dana Bash


These people are just the worst. They recently did the same thing to CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Watch below:

Featured image via Twitter video.


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destroycommunism | July 6, 2024 at 1:32 pm


they are trying to force their comrades into taking a harder stance and be more overtly pro blmplo

it usually works as even the scotus was and is fearful of these te rrorists

will patriots start to show up and counter them and risk the new woke pd’s???

jolanthe | July 6, 2024 at 2:07 pm

What do pro Palestinian activists suggest calling Palestinians if they say Palestinian is a slur?

henrybowman | July 6, 2024 at 3:36 pm

I invested heavily in Redenbacher in February.
This month, I’m making out better than 10% Joe.

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