Pro-Gun Control Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s Bodyguard Shoots Man Trying to Steal Car
Sotomayor with the McDonald dissent: “In sum, the Framers did not write the Second Amendment in order to protect a private right of armed self defense.”

On July 5, pro-gun control SCOTUS Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s bodyguard shot a man trying to steal his car outside her home in D.C.
"In sum, the Framers did not write the Second Amendment in order to protect a private right of armed self defense." — Sotomayor, with the dissent in McDonald
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) July 9, 2024
D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department gave an account of what happened at about 1:15 a.m. Friday in Northwest. The marshals were on Sotomayor’s security detail, law enforcement sources told News4 on Tuesday.
The marshals were parked in separate vehicles when Kentrell Flowers, 18, of Southeast, got out of a vehicle, approached a marshal and pointed a handgun at him “in an apparent attempt to carjack him,” police said in a statement.
The marshal drew his gun and fired several shots. A second marshal got out of another vehicle and also opened fire.
Flowers was taken to a hospital with injuries that police described as non-life-threatening. The marshals were not hurt.
The U.S. Marshals Service confirmed to NBC News that the marshals involved in the shooting were part of the unit protecting Supreme Court justices’ homes.
Sotomayor was not at home during the incident.
Flowers faces charges of armed carjacking, carrying a pistol without a license, and possession of a large-capacity magazine.
Let’s look at McDonald v. City of Chicago, which found that the Second Amendment applies to states since they are incorporated by the 14th Amendment.
The case revolved around Otis McDonald, 76, wanting a handgun due to the crime in his Chicago neighborhood. He had shotguns but didn’t trust them with a robbery. A handgun would be better.
But Chicago had a citywide handgun ban passed in 1982, making it impossible to register a handgun in the city.
McDonald sued the city.
On June 28, 2010, SCOTUS overturned the Seventh Circuit’s decision, with the majority (5-4) stating that the right to bear arms is “fundamental to the Nation’s scheme of ordered liberty” and “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition.”
Therefore, Chicago’s handgun ban violated a person’s natural right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.
Sotomayor joined the dissent, penned by former Justice Breyer.
In sum, the Framers did not write the Second Amendment in order to protect a private right of armed self-defense. There has been, and is, no consensus that the right is, or was, “fundamental.” No broader constitutional interest or principle supports legal treatment of that right as fundamental. To the contrary, broader constitutional concerns of an institutional nature argue strongly against that treatment.
Did the Framers stutter, liberal justices? I don’t think so: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

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defund her hypcorisy
The self proclaimed “wise Latina” is a SCOTUS version of Biden; just about wrong in everything.
She’s not being a hypocrite.
Sotomayor with the McDonald dissent: “In sum, the Framers did not write the Second Amendment in order to protect a private right of armed self defense.”
HER security is public–paid for by YOU, and me, and everyone else she’s trying to deny guns to.
You see, pigs don’t actually LIKE milk and apples, but they have to have them in order that they might do the hard work of governing.
“Security for me but not for thee….”, so says the (allegedly) wise Latina.
What is the 3rd Amendment?
Quartering Troops in your home.
THAT was what the Framers were thinking about when they wrote the Bill of Rights. You better have armed individuals if you wanted to make sure the Government wasn’t going to trample your INDIVIDUAL rights.
I find when I tell people what was on the Framers mind when they wrote the 2nd Amendment, it helps them understand they were NOT worried about a deer entering their home.
the same elitist verbiage
I am important
you are not
dont forget during the mandatory demvid19 takeover
I have to break the rules:
Im eating at the french laundry
I am the face of chicago I must get my haircut
they tricked me they tricked me
I was forced to come get my hair done
fauci at the ballgame mask off etc etc
she now MUST recuse herself from any and every case involving weapons/second amendment
No, she doesn’t need to. She has never disputed that US Marshals and other LEO should be armed. Now if she’d defended herself, or she had a private bodyguard, that would be different. Still wouldn’t require recusal, but at least it could be used to shame her into ruling correctly next time, or at least into moderating her rhetoric. But this doesn’t even do that.
Defend leftists again, Milhouse. Why not? right? It’s what you’re here for.
And you agree with her.
The things I pick out for scorn or disgust are the things you champion.
You useless piece of lying filth. What good do you do in the world? What is the point of your existence? Go back to your Father in Hell.
Personally I’ve always found Milhouse’s comments to be fair and, to the best of my knowledge, accurate.
I value that in MY SIDE of politics and discussion in general. I HATE IT when MY SIDE is as disingenuous as those I appose.
Thanks Milhouse, keep up the good work. You always bring balance to a …. discussion.
she is unable to differentiate ( as you are also) that BOTH PRIVATE AND PUBLIC people need to be armed to protect themselves from criminals
Milhouse is actually NOT endorsing that position.
On the contrary, she is the one who makes that distinction between government and governed, while we do not. That’s why she believes the government should be armed and the governed should not. She doesn’t want the right to arm herself, she only wants the cops and soldiers armed. Including the marshal involved in this story. And that only when they’re on duty. When they’re off duty she thinks they should be as helpless as the rest of us.
The Framers wrote the Second Amendment in order to limit the government from interfering with the right of citizens owning guns.
The Bill of Rights was to limit government and, if necessary, physically constrain it. Every judge is on the payroll of the government and so I can see that she is concerned that her “employer” has the upper hand on use of force. In her world, the rule of the jungle applies to everyone else… where the powerful and the many can prey on the weak..
A man pointing a gun at him, not just trying to steal a car.
Good point. I am very 2A, but the headline to this article is pretty misleading. That’s what the MSM does, not LI.
I always enjoy the irony when the left anti-2A folks benefit from the 2A, but please don’t act like the left when reporting it.
Also, the fact that he happened to be guarding her house is completely irrelevant. She wasn’t in the car, she wasn’t even in the house. He didn’t use his gun to protect her; he was protecting himself, and that could have happened just as easily no matter where he was.
And he’s a US marshal, so for better or for worse the left supports his being armed. They only want to disarm us ordinary people (including Sotomayor) who aren’t LEO.
That it was outside of the wise latina’s house is really irrelevant. I doubt the carjacker knew who lived there and just saw a potential victim
The guy was sitting in his car at 1am. He practically screamed “victim” to the carjacker.
(On the good side, he was not actually a victim.)
In the last year, we have had FBI agents in DC, Secret Service agents (on Biden’s protective detail during a trip to California) and now US Marshals assigned to protect the Justices all be involved in armed carjackings. This is in addition to a number of Capitol Hill staffers and other politicos who have also been carjacked, some with deadly outcomes.
In 2023, the TINY city of Washington DC saw over 900 carjackings. But, crime isn’t up in Biden’s America. He promises.
California showed them the way.
When crime goes up, just define more crimes as not-crimes.
I think in CA, cops won’t even report an armed carjacking if the vehicle has a Bluebook value of less than $950.
Anything under $1k isn’t worth carjacking.
“Wise Latina” is to “third-world shithole”
as “atheist” is to: _____hole
“There are other things so clearly out of the power of Congress, that the bare recital of them is sufficient, I mean the “rights of conscience, or religious liberty — the rights of bearing arms for defence, or for killing game — the liberty of fowling, hunting and fishing …. ” These things seem to have been inserted among [Pennsylvania’s] objections, merely to induce the ignorant to believe that Congress would have a power over such objects and to infer from their being refused a place in the Constitution, their intention to exercise that power to the oppression of the people.”
ABC News.
By Luke Barr and Emily Shapiro
July 9, 2024, 2:09 PM
The last paragraph of the Flowers article:
“Violent crime is down 30% in D.C. this year compared to last year, according to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. Homicides have decreased by 27% and motor vehicle theft dropped by 33%.”
Cold comfort!
And we should believe the media and government authorities ….. why, exactly? Because after their non-stop lies about Biden*’s mental condition, the Wuflu, the J6 “insurrection” , Russiagate, the 2020 elections, and too many others to list I would not believe them if they said, “Good morning.”
Yes, the FBI is reporting a significant drop in crime, but all is not as it seems.
Yeah something like a 1/4 of the usual data is absent due to non reporting or delayed reporting. Totes unsurprising that the gov’t would put out sketchy data or that the legacy media would trumpet it …or that well after the headlines that the data would revised…see the BLS reports.
Worse – some cities threaten victims who report crimes:
DC is one of the cities that have stopped reporting crime stats to the FBI.
Well, that’s (D)ifferent!
The marshal drew his gun and fired several shots. A second marshal got out of another vehicle and also opened fire.
Flowers was taken to a hospital with injuries that police described as non-life-threatening.
This right here is the normal situation with LE shootings. “Several shots.” And a second LEO firing, too. With weapons that definitely violate “high-capacity magazine” laws for citizens. I’m guessing the after action report will show 20+ rounds fired. And the perp has “non-life-threatening” injuries.
But, hey, only LEOs and the military are well-trained enough and professional enough to carry guns, right? (“BLAM! Ow! I’ve got this.”)
But, the anti-gunners (particularly people like the Wise Latina) all want us to get lots of training so we don’t hit bystanders and want us to be able to shoot the gun out of the bad guy’s hand and such.
This is not hypocrisy, it is hierarchy. The elites have different rules than the smellies at Walmart.
The same people/agenda that keeps the (faulty) crime stats are
The Soto gang represents that agenda
When the government is represented by those who only support the LEO you know they are pro tyranny
think Jan6 and the only person murdered was the navy vet Ashli Babbit
and the LEO who murdered her was given COMPLETE COVER BY THE
Interesting how Sotomayor, an Elite Dem, will have Armed Security, in this case US Marshalls, but does not want guns for the rest of the American Citizens.
so…it took 2 of them firing at him to NOT kill him?