Only 27% of Registered Voters Believe Biden has Mental and Cognitive Health to Serve as President

You saw the debate. We saw the debate. And the American people think President Biden is mentally compromised, as a very recent CBS News poll found that only 27 percent of registered voters think Biden has the cognitive abilities to discharge the duties of the office of President.

From Fox News: Majority of voters thinks Biden is cognitively unfit to serve as president: poll:

A poll released by CBS News on Sunday found that more voters have doubts about President Biden’s cognitive abilities after Thursday’s presidential debate….When asked earlier in June if Biden had the mental and cognitive health to serve as president, 35% of respondents said he did. After the debate, that number dropped to 27%.

In agreement with that majority of voters would be Professor Jacobson, who argued in a recent post that the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution should be invoked immediately to remove Biden from office: Biden’s Cognitive Decline Is A National Security Threat – Invoke The 25th Amendment NOW:

Democrats are in complete panic over Joe Biden’s performance in last night’s debate. This was no mere bad debate, many candidates have had bad debates and recovered.This debate displayed Biden’s severely declined cognitive ability for all the world to see for an hour and a half. The media cannot claim the live video feed from CNN was a manipulated “cheap fake” – the smear campaign used against those of us who have been pointing out the obvious for over a year, but particularly recently with Biden visibly freezing and zoning out in public appearances:

Democrats are focused on whether a mentally diminished Biden can win the election againt Trump, and who would be a better candidate. Democrats are caught between a rock (a diminished Biden) and a hard place (the even more unpopular and non-serious replacement Kamala Harris, who Democrats would be loath to replace because she checks identity group boxes).Democrats need to put aside whether Biden is up to the task of being a successful nominee. No honest person who watched last night’s debate can think that Biden mentally is up to the job of being President.If I’m China, I’m taking off the shelf the war plans to invade Taiwan. If I’m Iran, I’m breaking out towards a nuclear weapon. If I’m Putin, I’m doubling down on Ukraine and possibly other former Soviet satellites. Can you imagine an emergency situation where immediate military decisions that only a president can make need to be made in seconds or minutes, and the military having to go to diminished Joe for a decision?This is serious stuff. This is no joke. Biden’s cognitive decline is a national security threat of the highest order.[emphasis added]

As Professor Jacobson alludes to, the problem is that Joe Biden still has his finger on the nuclear weapons button, although that image is a bit of a misnomer, as an October 2022 Times of India article makes clear:

Doomsday could start with a football — the so-called “nuclear football” as the attache case carried wherever the US president goes is popularly known.The rather awkwardly stuffed black bag doesn’t look like much, the only clue to its importance being that it never leaves the hand of a uniformed military aide.But inside are top secret codes and plans enabling a president to authorize nuclear strikes — and pick from a sort of menu of targets — anywhere in the world….[W]hen President Joe Biden, for example, traveled to Puerto Rico, Florida, New York, New Jersey and Maryland within the space of a few days this November, he traveled, as he does everywhere, with his “football.”According to Biden, Russian President Vladimir Putin is threatening the world with “Armageddon” when he hints at using nuclear weapons against Ukraine.The US riposte, if it happened, could be launched from the back of the Beast limousine. Or Air Force One. Or a secret bunker….More discreet — and also bearing a deceptively innocuous nickname — is the other important element in triggering nuclear war: the “biscuit.”If the “football” houses the menu of war plans, the “biscuit” contains the codes, known as Gold Codes, by which the president can identify himself and make the order.About the size of credit cards, one of these is meant to be carried by the president at all times.

But that’s a problem, as we know, because some of Biden’s aides have reported that Biden has cognitive trouble outside of the 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. window, or when travelling abroad. From Business Insider: Biden’s aides said his debate performance was poor because he struggles to function after 4 p.m., report says:

President Joe Biden‘s aides have defended his debate performance, saying he struggles to function outside a six-hour window during the day, Axios reported.The publication, citing people close to the president, said Biden worked best between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.According to the anonymous aides who spoke with Axios, Biden is more likely to make verbal mistakes and become tired outside this time period or while traveling abroad.

As Professor Jacobson argued, Russia, China, and /or Iran are all more inclined now to take advantage of the U.S. now, and it seems unlikely that they would do so at a time convenient for Joe Biden. We need a President who can take that 3 a.m. call and be fully aware, fully coherent, and capable of making critical national security decisions then and there.

Do we have that?

And, as Professor Jacobson noted in his recent discussion of the debate, SCOTUS Rulings and Debate Disasters – Oh My, his argument about invoking the 25th Amendment is not a partisan issue; only the Democrats can make that happen and the upshot would be VP Kamala Harris taking over as President, not a Republican. But at least Kamala has presumably uncompromised cognitive abilities, and while she may be unlikely to make a good decision, at least she could make one.

The world is a very dangerous place between now and the November election, that’s for sure.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Biden Cognitive, Democrats