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One Arrested in Connection With Attack on Jews, Elderly Veteran at North Carolina Library

One Arrested in Connection With Attack on Jews, Elderly Veteran at North Carolina Library

Monica Buckley, one of the victims: “The only reason the police knew what was happening was because of the livestream that I had on — and people who were watching the live stream are who called the police. The library didn’t call the police, not a single person there called the police while we were being beaten by a mob.”

Authorities arrested one person in connection with the brutal attack of three Jews at a library in Asheville, North Carolina.

Zarkin faces two counts of resisting, delay, and obstruct.

Monica Buckley uploaded a video of the attack on her, David Moritz, and Bob Campbell.

Campbell is 80-years-old and has cancer.

Buckley and Moritz, both Jewish, attended the “Strategic Lessons from the Palestinian Resistance” to learn what is “being taught in their community.”

Buckley live streamed the event on Instagram “because she feared for her safety.”

The so-called “anarchists” broke their spacing rule to block Buckley’s phone. They became more aggressive as she found ways to get around them.

Most got up to leave, but some decided to confront Buckley, Moritz, and Campbell.

Someone pushed Buckley’s phone out of her hands as the struggle ensued.

Besides the obvious injuries, the worst part is that people watching the live stream called the cops. No one at the library helped Buckley, Campbell, and Moritz.

“The only reason the police knew what was happening was because of the livestream that I had on — and people who were watching the live stream are who called the police,” Buckley told WLOS. “The library didn’t call the police, not a single person there called the police while we were being beaten by a mob.”


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destroycommunism | July 2, 2024 at 1:02 pm

Zarkin faces two counts of resisting, delay, and obstruct.

where is the assault charges?

destroycommunism | July 2, 2024 at 1:03 pm

how do you get blmplo into a library?

tell them there are some j ews there to be assaulted

The Gentle Grizzly | July 2, 2024 at 1:29 pm

Jews need to arm up, or at the very least get competent Krav Maga instructors to show you what to do. Maybe carry canes with a little added weight.

Where were the craven librarians? Almost every public institution has a protocol to address violence–calling the police, at a minimum

Pull that harassment stunt on some old guy in my presence and those lil pasty white nazi’s will be spitting teeth.

Asheville, NC is the Berkley of the South, for those who may not know. It is a rabidly liberal place.

MoeHowardwasright | July 2, 2024 at 2:44 pm

Asheville is to be a cool place to go for a few days. It’s dissolved into a cesspool. Vagrants sleeping the square, hotbed of blm and antifa. Wouldn’t go near there again. Many businesses have left and the bar and restaurant scene has cratered. All while the virtue signaling politicians and left wing loons look on. FJB

henrybowman | July 2, 2024 at 2:57 pm

Is your local library a disarmed-victim zone?
Check it out. You may be surprised.

How does an event like this get approved at a public library ? They think it’s okay to praise terrorism , deny people access to your event and assault them ? This is not a private fundraiser or seminar it’s the local library , I mean honestly what is wrong with the public employees who allowed this to take place ? Do they also do terrorism kiddie hour too ?

    Morning Sunshine in reply to schmuul. | July 2, 2024 at 3:20 pm

    that is just it – I have asked to host events at the public library, and the rule I have been told in 2 states 500 miles apart: if it is at the PUBLIC library, it is a PUBLIC event. The organizers cannot deny entrance to the general PUBLIC. We generally got around that by holding homeschool events there during the school/work day so that only our people were able to attend. But often we would have the odd mom with pre-schoolers who were already at the library come join us for age-appropriate events (and seeing that we are HOMESCHOOLERS – there was always something for the younger set).
    My point is that the organizers are probably not allowed to ask people to leave. They just did not think that Jews would actually show up.

Where is Biden? Where is Harris? Where is Merrick Garland? Where is Christopher Wray?

Not a word of unequivocal condemnation or substantive response from top Dhimmi-crats and our domestic law enforcement apparatchiks, regarding the goose-stepping, rabid, Jew-hating black zealots, Islamofascists, Muslims supremacists, and, non-Muslim, Dhimmi-crat allies and enablers who have engaged in repeated and escalating violence against American Jews, during Biden’s wretched tenure in the White House geriatric ward.

    The NC Attorney General should file hate crimes against…

    oh wait…Josh Stein (D)…gubernatorial candidate…

    Never mind.

destroycommunism | July 2, 2024 at 4:21 pm

the j ews have historical FOOLISHLY given protection money I mean educaitonal money to the poc communities

its now time for them to give back and help protect the jewish people from the blmplo squads

Subotai Bahadur | July 2, 2024 at 8:17 pm

Multiple attackers, caught on video. Only one arrested, and she was charged with a lesser offense. This being Leftist country what are the odds that either a) the one arrested will actually be prosecuted, b) that any of the others on video will be arrested and charged, and/or c) that if b) occurs that any of them will be prosecuted?

If you are Jewish a Democrat controlled polity, assume that you are considered a free fire zone.

Subotai Bahadur

Yeah, Ashville, this is a great look.

They expect to be freed as freedom fighters…..and they will be. The Democratic Party will see to it.
There are two Justice systems in America. These pigs are on the side of the ones in charge.

texansamurai | July 2, 2024 at 10:23 pm

lord–if that abdul with the cheap shades had touched one of my loved ones he’d never need shades or glasses again

I believe a bookstore called Firestorm Books in West Asheville helped sponsor this event. It was sponsoring pro terrorist events as far back as 10 years ago. I fought them then. Asheville is the tip of the leftist spear. Legal Insurrection Foundation successfully sued the city for making race-based college grants a few years back. Get out of Asheville.

inspectorudy | July 3, 2024 at 1:54 am

Ashville is a very liberal city much like San Fransisco and Austin. They see themselves as “Freedom” fighters by attacking old people. Where are the Hell’s Angels when you need them?

Scraggly unwashed hair, body piercings, no bras.

But hey, every single one of them are wearing masks. For hygienic reasons I’m sure.