Olympics Back-Tracks on Offensive Drag Queen Opening Ceremonies Mocking Christians

My colleague Mary Chastain shared her anger at the opening ceremony antics for the 2024 Paris Olympics, which appeared to mock the Last Supper — one of the most significant commemorations for Christians.

The ceremony mocked Christians with a drag Last Supper, which takes place on Holy Thursday during Holy Week.Holy Thursday is one of the most important days in the Catholic calendar.Catholics do not have Mass again until the Easter Vigil. On Good Friday, we have a liturgy.

Now the Olympics’ organizers are apologizing.

Paris Olympics organizers apologized Sunday to anyone who was offended by a tableau that evoked Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” during the glamorous opening ceremony.Da Vinci’s painting depicts the moment when Jesus Christ declared that an apostle would betray him. The scene during Friday’s ceremony featured DJ and producer Barbara Butch — an LGBTQ+ icon — flanked by drag artists and dancers.Religious conservatives from around the world decried the segment, with the French Catholic Church’s conference of bishops deploring “scenes of derision” that they said made a mockery of Christianity — a sentiment echoed by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova. The Anglican Communion in Egypt expressed its “deep regret” Sunday, saying the ceremony could cause the IOC to “lose its distinctive sporting identity and its humanitarian message.”

However, the apologies and explanations are replete with moral scoldings, blaming us normals for our reactions.

The excuses insult the intelligence of nearly anyone with the smallest amount of knowledge of the ancient world.

But reverend Benjamin Cremer, based in the US, later shared a post that dispelled the allegation that the controversial scene featuring drag queens was mocking Leonardo da Vinci’s classic painting and therefore Christianity.Cremer’s post read: ‘It was a representation of the event called the Feast of Dionysus. Greek God of festivity and feasting and ritual and theatre.”The Olympics are from Greek culture and tradition. French culture is deeply rooted in feasting and festivity and performing arts.’According to Cremer’s theory, the scene depicted in the opening ceremony was based on a painting called ‘Feast of the Gods’ by Johann Rottenhammer and Jan Bruegel, circa 1602.

If the organizers had truly wanted to depict the ancient Greek feast, the participants would have been reclining, not positioned along a table, in a way similar to the iconic Last Supper.

Elite Greeks and Romans reclined to dine, and ordinary people copied them when they could. Although the practice seems strange to us, it must have been both comfortable and convenient, since reclining during meals spread throughout the Mediterranean and survived for over a millennium!

The men and women would have been completely separated.

After a long days work, the appetite had grown and now it was time to really eat. This was and still is in Greece, the most important meal of the day. This was the time they would gather with friends and discuss philosophy (some of them anyhow) and their daily events. Notice that I said friends and not family.This is because men and women normally ate separately. If they had slaves the slaves would serve the men dinner first, then the women, and then themselves. If they did not have slaves, the women of the house served the men first, and then themselves after the men were done.

I also want to address the “Goddess of the Seine” image. The organizers assert that it was not the image of the “Pale Rider” that many thought it was but an homage to an ancient divinity.

It turns out that if they really wanted to give Sequana a hat-to, they would have had her floating in on a duck.

She stands on a boat, the prow of which is shaped like the head of a duck with a ball in its mouth, representing the playful, sometimes rebellious, nature of her duck familiars.

The globalists running this show think we who are upset are a bunch of uneducated rubes and hicks.

More and more normals are opposing the elite view of “tolerance” when it goes against the divine that is in each one of us. As the apology shows, we are beginning to be heard, and I expected we would be heard louder and more clearly over the next few years.

Finally, I am angry not only at the woke moralizing but also at the distraction. The Olympics is meant to be a time to celebrate excellence, especially given how hard the young people there have worked to get there.

What those organizers should have been celebrating is divinely assisted and inspired human achievement.

Tags: France, Olympics, Religion