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Olympics Back-Tracks on Offensive Drag Queen Opening Ceremonies Mocking Christians

Olympics Back-Tracks on Offensive Drag Queen Opening Ceremonies Mocking Christians

The woke moralizing in the “apology” is angering, but so is the distraction away from the magnificent achievements of our athletes.

My colleague Mary Chastain shared her anger at the opening ceremony antics for the 2024 Paris Olympics, which appeared to mock the Last Supper — one of the most significant commemorations for Christians.

The ceremony mocked Christians with a drag Last Supper, which takes place on Holy Thursday during Holy Week.

Holy Thursday is one of the most important days in the Catholic calendar.

Catholics do not have Mass again until the Easter Vigil. On Good Friday, we have a liturgy.

Now the Olympics’ organizers are apologizing.

Paris Olympics organizers apologized Sunday to anyone who was offended by a tableau that evoked Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” during the glamorous opening ceremony.

Da Vinci’s painting depicts the moment when Jesus Christ declared that an apostle would betray him. The scene during Friday’s ceremony featured DJ and producer Barbara Butch — an LGBTQ+ icon — flanked by drag artists and dancers.

Religious conservatives from around the world decried the segment, with the French Catholic Church’s conference of bishops deploring “scenes of derision” that they said made a mockery of Christianity — a sentiment echoed by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova. The Anglican Communion in Egypt expressed its “deep regret” Sunday, saying the ceremony could cause the IOC to “lose its distinctive sporting identity and its humanitarian message.”

However, the apologies and explanations are replete with moral scoldings, blaming us normals for our reactions.

The excuses insult the intelligence of nearly anyone with the smallest amount of knowledge of the ancient world.

But reverend Benjamin Cremer, based in the US, later shared a post that dispelled the allegation that the controversial scene featuring drag queens was mocking Leonardo da Vinci’s classic painting and therefore Christianity.

Cremer’s post read: ‘It was a representation of the event called the Feast of Dionysus. Greek God of festivity and feasting and ritual and theatre.’

‘The Olympics are from Greek culture and tradition. French culture is deeply rooted in feasting and festivity and performing arts.’

According to Cremer’s theory, the scene depicted in the opening ceremony was based on a painting called ‘Feast of the Gods’ by Johann Rottenhammer and Jan Bruegel, circa 1602.

If the organizers had truly wanted to depict the ancient Greek feast, the participants would have been reclining, not positioned along a table, in a way similar to the iconic Last Supper.

Elite Greeks and Romans reclined to dine, and ordinary people copied them when they could. Although the practice seems strange to us, it must have been both comfortable and convenient, since reclining during meals spread throughout the Mediterranean and survived for over a millennium!

The men and women would have been completely separated.

After a long days work, the appetite had grown and now it was time to really eat. This was and still is in Greece, the most important meal of the day. This was the time they would gather with friends and discuss philosophy (some of them anyhow) and their daily events. Notice that I said friends and not family.

This is because men and women normally ate separately. If they had slaves the slaves would serve the men dinner first, then the women, and then themselves. If they did not have slaves, the women of the house served the men first, and then themselves after the men were done.

I also want to address the “Goddess of the Seine” image. The organizers assert that it was not the image of the “Pale Rider” that many thought it was but an homage to an ancient divinity.

It turns out that if they really wanted to give Sequana a hat-to, they would have had her floating in on a duck.

She stands on a boat, the prow of which is shaped like the head of a duck with a ball in its mouth, representing the playful, sometimes rebellious, nature of her duck familiars.

The globalists running this show think we who are upset are a bunch of uneducated rubes and hicks.

More and more normals are opposing the elite view of “tolerance” when it goes against the divine that is in each one of us. As the apology shows, we are beginning to be heard, and I expected we would be heard louder and more clearly over the next few years.

Finally, I am angry not only at the woke moralizing but also at the distraction. The Olympics is meant to be a time to celebrate excellence, especially given how hard the young people there have worked to get there.

What those organizers should have been celebrating is divinely assisted and inspired human achievement.


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Too little, too late. It was pretty obvious that this was very disrespectful and sacrilegious from the onset. Now that they’ve caught some backlash now they want to apologize, screw them


The Olympics deserve to die, and this has long been the case. It has morphed into an ordinary effort to make money for the people behind it, as evidenced by the addition of so many nontraditional “sports” in recent years.

destroycommunism | July 29, 2024 at 11:38 am

reverend Benjamin Cremer

is a pro men can be women advocate as he tries to get his 15+ min of fame

destroycommunism | July 29, 2024 at 11:39 am

what would they say if the “skit” was of a certain mu s lim and his affliction for young fe males???

E Howard Hunt | July 29, 2024 at 11:47 am

This was not meant as a parody of the last supper, but rather a depiction of a Biden Cabinet working lunch.

So I grew up speaking french fluently. “La Cène Sur Un Scène Sur La Seine,” translated as “The Last Supper on a Stage on the Seine.” is not a precise translation.

A more accurate translation would be “A holy communion on a stage on the Seine”. Which could be the christian communion or just a general gathering of divinities. The last supper which would be “Dernièr Diner”. “Dernière Cène” precisely translated to “last communion” is also used for the last supper.

So take it whatever way you want. Just know the translation is more ambiguous then presented.

    goddessoftheclassroom in reply to Draaen. | July 29, 2024 at 12:00 pm

    With respect, The Last Supper is correctly styled La Cene (pardon the lack of l’accent grave) in French; it was in fact the very first Communion ever.

    As insulted as I felt, I must give props to the triple pun of the title.

      Why ‘with respect’?

      The castigator displays their ignorance while accusing others of such.

      ‘La Cene’ is what that painting is called in France –a fact overlooked by the one ‘teaching’ the rubes

      mais je sius tres triste pour vous.

Apologies are meaningless in this case as what was done was deliberate and with malice aforethought.

Insulting Christians was their goal. They succeeded. Why should their apology be sincere? It’s nothing more than “we’re sorry you took offense to that which we meant offense.”

You cannot unring a bell after all.

Even if you take them at their word, which I don’t, the performance was inappropriate and in very poor taste. It’s supposed to be a family event, right? If your cataloging the decline and fall of Western Civilization, add this event to your notes.

    henrybowman in reply to Stuytown. | July 29, 2024 at 2:53 pm

    Plus it fails the Donnie Darko* principle:
    Whether it’s a movie, a joke, or a skit like this — if you have to explain it afterwards, you suck as an artist. And the more you have to go out of your way to explain it, the worse you suck.

    *(Donnie Darko required an entire website.)

      tbonesays in reply to henrybowman. | July 29, 2024 at 4:22 pm

      Donnie Darko was an Owl Creek Bridge story.

      The above is not an explanation but is instead a weak denial. They absolutely intended to mock the Last Supper, the other painting that doesn’t fit the geometry is ‘ret-conned’ in a half assed attempt at denial. It should be given only the minimum amount of necessary rebuttal.

Kamala must be disappointed that they give her an opportunity for a photo -op.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 29, 2024 at 12:43 pm

Religious conservatives from around the world decried the segment

I decried the segment, not on religious grounds but based on the fact that it was ugly and repulsive and all of the participants were ugly and repulsive. That wasn’t art any more than a pile of dog sh*t is.

It was disgusting – from a purely aesthetic point of view.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | July 29, 2024 at 12:59 pm

Now do MooHamMud!

The perversions of this opening event fit in perfectly for the sand band and their merry bunch of perverts.

But, alas, beheadings and mayhem will follow. Charlie Hebdo anyone.

If Christians aren’t boycotting the Olympics, they have nothing to bitch about.

The woke weirdos decided that capture of the institution wasn’t sufficient, they had to spike the ball. Ok fine y’all PO the normies, including the non religious, b/c you did this crap deliberately then facing backlash chose to deliberately lie about it. Nope, not another dime to support Olympic sports until those who staged this and the Olympic Committee members who directly or indirectly allowed this along with the PR team pumping out BS spin are driven out of the institution very publicly with their actions as the listed as the direct cause.

pablo panadero | July 29, 2024 at 1:29 pm

I can remember the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic opening ceremony where 84 grand pianos rose up in a tiered fashion to play “Rhapsody in Blue”. We have come a long way in the culture wars since then.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to pablo panadero. | July 29, 2024 at 2:38 pm

    There was the 2012 London stop along the way – celebrating socialized health care with nurses dancing on hospital beds. What any of that might have had to do with an alleged sporting event is anyone’s guess. I thought, surely, they could never sink lower than that …

LibraryGryffon | July 29, 2024 at 2:08 pm

I want to know what the parody of an Italian fresco, painted by an Italian has to do with either France or sports. Even without the offensiveness, it has no place there.

Barbara Butch, the woman in the center, posted this photo to her instagram, admitting that this photo had everything to do with them mocking the scriptures.

She then deleted it a few hours later and called it “the feast of the Gods”.

Those who are intelligent enough to be familiar with Dionysus and the bacchanal are certainly smart enough to know of its relationship to Da Vinci’s “Last Supper.” They’re also intelligent enough to understand that most people aren’t aware of the relationship. The producers of the show should have known that the tableau would be misunderstood by most viewers, as they would recognize it as the “Last Supper” and would find it offensive.

It seems to me they intended to offend, but engineered the offense in such a manner as to give themselves plausible deniability.

    henrybowman in reply to DaveGinOly. | July 29, 2024 at 2:56 pm

    “If some of you weren’t so busy trying to end the Dept.of Education, you might know this.”
    Bless Your Heart, bitch.

      Charlie Patton in reply to henrybowman. | July 30, 2024 at 3:17 am

      When I went to school, there was no Department of Education. I have a granddaughter in school now. Neither one of us learned a thing about “Sequana, Goddess of the Seine.” But I got to enjoy nutritious lunches that my mom made for me to take to school, as did the rest of my classmates, while my granddaughter is required to eat swill chosen for her by some politician’s wife.

healthguyfsu | July 29, 2024 at 3:26 pm

How can one have the men and women eat separately when we cant know what a woman is?

Subotai Bahadur | July 29, 2024 at 4:47 pm

First, noting that I am not a Christian. I am not anti-Christian in any way, I just do not hold that faith. But I recognize that it is the Judeo-Christian tradition that is the underpinning of what we regard as Western Civilization. I also recognize that France took a hard national ideological turn against Christianity during the French Revolution. It is what they are, and have every right to be.

That being said, the French have the right in their own country to insult and attack Christianity. And they did that in the Olympic opening ceremonies, by their own admission eventually.

However . . . the rest of the world, especially those who consider themselves part of Western Civilization based on those traditions, have every right to be offended by those insults and attacks and the French have no right to limit the degree of offense taken.

Not contributing in any way to the Olympics strikes me as a rational and actually rather low-key response. Not traveling to France or purchasing French goods if there are any alternatives possible, thus limiting funding of the French, also makes sense.

And reconsidering support for France in world politics . . . unless it benefits us more . . . also seems reasonable. Twice in the 1900’s we saved France when they were ankle-deep in merde albeit in head-first. At great cost to ourselves. Absent greater benefits for us, why should we sacrifice anything for a country that has such hatred and contempt for us?

Just in passing, that kind of choice of what to do may be approaching soon. While not covered widely in our news, if you look you will find articles from the first day of the Olympics where the nationwide high speed train system in France, which roughly fulfills the same socio-economic role there as the Interstate Highway System does here, was simultaneously sabotaged nationwide. Today [7-29-24] I saw news that nationwide the French internet system was sabotaged. From the map published, I counted 80 cuts in the main cables nationwide, all at the same time. One wonders who may be behind both nationwide efforts.

My guess is that it involves those whose religion that they really are terrified of offending. And that they may want help as they return to the “ankle deep” position. The question then will be if we will be willing to give that help, or leave them dealing with their own choices.

Subotai Bahadur

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 29, 2024 at 5:36 pm

Elite Greeks and Romans reclined to dine, and ordinary people copied them when they could. Although the practice seems strange to us, it must have been both comfortable and convenient, since reclining during meals spread throughout the Mediterranean and survived for over a millennium!

It’s much earlier than that. On Passover, Jews recline (to the left) as Pharoah did – in act of royal leisure.

    Not really. The seder as we know it only goes back to Greek times, and is based on a Greek symposium. We don’t know what form pre-Greek sedarim looked like, only that they featured matzah, bitter herbs, and an actual sacrificial lamb rather than the extra matzah that we use to stand in for it.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | July 29, 2024 at 10:28 pm

      Oh … give me a friggin break. You think that the seder just popped up out of nowhere, as it has been, over 1000 years after the Exodus? And you think that Jews just made up the reclining of Pharoah in more modern times (modern as far as Judaism goes) when all of these notions and history and culture has been with the Nation of Israel since before its first step back into Sinai for the return trip to Israel?


      I want to congratulate you on your success. You are as annoying as you aspire to be. Not many can achieve their goals so thoroughly as you do in that area.

        There was some sort of seder in pre-Greek times, but it did not look like the modern one. The modern seder starts in Greek times and was inspired by the Greek symposium, not the other way around.

        And there is no such thing as “the reclining of Pharoah”. You made that up. There is no hint in the Torah, the Talmud, in any medrash, or in the hagadah itself that Pharaoh ever reclined.

        Indeed the closest thing we have to a description of a contemporary Egyptian feast is Joseph’s meal with his brothers a little over two centuries wearlier, and the verb used is וישבו, “and they sat”, not reclined.

        Reclining came in with the Greeks, after Alexander of Macedon’s conquest.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | July 29, 2024 at 6:50 pm

Meal Team Six in the middle could feed a tribe of cannibals for a week or more.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | July 29, 2024 at 8:23 pm


    Meal Team SIx … too much!

    Sports Illustrated is probably negotiating with her, right now, for next year’s “swimsuit” edition.

If the organizers had truly wanted to depict the ancient Greek feast, the participants would have been reclining, not positioned along a table, in a way similar to the iconic Last Supper. […] The men and women would have been completely separated.

Except that that’s not how they are in the painting actually being portrayed, Dionysus in the foreground is reclining, Pan is dancing, one god is standing in front of the table, and one is sitting on it, but everyone else is sitting behind the table, and male and female gods are mixed together.

That’s because it’s the gods who are feasting, not ordinary Greeks. Greek men didn’t socialize with women or dine with them, unless they were prostitutes. But they perceived their gods, male and female, as equals and as feasting together.

And they didn’t backtrack. They simply apologized for the offense felt by all the people who mistook it for a portrayal of da Vinci’s painting because it’s the only painting they know of that portrays a feast, and they don’t know that the Last Supper and the Feast of the Gods were both common themes in medieval art, with many paintings of each.

“the elite view of “tolerance”” is to give a huge platform to the most divisive, intolerant, hate-filled bigots on the planet so they can vomit their hatred of Christians and Christianity on TV’s across the entire planet.

They “tolerate” displays of hatred towards everyone that they, themselves, hate.

Then they tell us that they did this to be “inclusive”.

The 2 1/2 billion Christians most definitely NOT included don’t count. They are not to be tolerated or included under any circumstances.

Liberals are the worst people that ever existed.