The White House shot down The New York Times report that President Joe Biden told a key ally he’s considering if he can be the Democratic presidential nominee.
“That claim is absolutely false. If the New York Times had provided us with more than 7 minutes to comment, we would have told them so,” Spokesman Andrew Bates told Fox News Digital.
The president, who the ally emphasized is still deeply in the fight for re-election, understands that his next few appearances heading into the holiday weekend must go well, particularly an interview scheduled for Friday with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News and campaign stops in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
“He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place” by the end of the weekend, said the ally, referring to Mr. Biden’s halting and unfocused performance in the debate. The person, who talked to the president in the past 24 hours, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive situation.
Another top advisor admitted Biden knows “of the political challenge he faces.”
Don’t worry. I’m sure ABC News will give Biden the questions beforehand and edit the interview as much as possible to make it seem like he’s a spring chicken!
The man behind the curtain will fix everything.

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“We just asked and Joe doesn’t recall ever saying that. Or speaking with anyone about anything.”
He also doesn’t recall any American servicemen being killing on his watch—because he was looking at his watch.
Biden’s not dropping out because it really doesn’t matter who runs on the Democratic ticket — it’s just a vote for the Deep Sewer.
I can’t decide who loses the Devil’s Bargain when they pick the figurehead. I mean the people in on the deal. The rest of us always lose.
The Democrats and media are now seen as even bigger liars than Biden for trying to hoodwink the public of his mental and political prowess.
There is no realistic way to recover from this. Well, there is, but not for someone in Biden’s condition. Two ways are:
1. Submit to a comprehensive mental exam by three independent doctors who declare him mentally fit.
2. Hold a one hour unscripted live news conference answering questions from reporters without notes or helps.
Obviously, both of the above are impossible for Biden to do, therefore it is impossible for him to recover.
The jig is up!
This is absolutely glorious.
“That claim is absolutely false. If the New York Times had provided us with more than 7 minutes to comment, we would have told them so,” Spokesman Andrew Bates told Fox News Digital.
Andrew needed more than seven minutes to refute this?
So, he speaks at about the same rate as Biden?
I bet this was some DEI requirement for “presidential spokesman.”
Watching KJP laud Biden is a surreal experience.
In their defense, it takes more than 7 minutes for any organization to formulate and agree on an official response to anything.
The striking thing to me is that the liberal media played the trick that they traditionally only use on the right:
1. Prepare a hit piece complete with the line at the end saying “[the subject of the hit piece] was asked for comment but did not respond prior to publication”.
2. Send an e-mail (preferably to an account that isn’t monitored…like “donotreply@rightwingorganization.com”) to the subject of the hit piece asking if they’d like to comment.
3. Count to 10. Quickly.
4. Publish the hit piece.
I will stick with my original prediction: Biden* will not drop out. Instead he will go back to the basement for the duration and Democrats will concentrate on jailing Trump and removing him from the ballot.
And before you know it – all of this hand-wringing by supposedly panicky Democrats will suddenly and mysteriously vanish, never to be mentioned again.
Assuming he doesn’t blunder again and cause a floor fight at the convention
There probably is some discussion with Biden and his inner circle about this. That doesn’t fix the immediate problem of an unlikable, airhead candidate b/c Harris is gonna be the replacement. Nor does it fix the longer term problem for d/prog and their media enablers; they knew this crap in 2020 and went ahead with it anyway.
If Biden isn’t capable of mounting an effective political campaign FOR President b/c of his physical/mental decline then HTF they let him stay in office AS President until January? No No hell no….if he is incapable of running for President he is incapable of serving as President.
Even then, executing the 25th Amendment option they put Harris into office. Frankly that may be the best option the d/prog have long term. She can’t realistically be kicked to the curb for another nominee, Jim Clyburn has already said his considerable support/influence goes to her if Biden steps aside.
The d/prog willing drove themselves into this culdesac and got trapped. The legacy media aided it. The public has finally seen exactly how bad off Biden is. What’s really going on IMO is a bunch of CYA but it looks like the pointing Spiderman meme with the whole of the d/prog and media leadership trying to shift blame and figure out an exit. I don’t think they have one short term for the election. The only realistic option long-term that doesn’t blow up the d/prog coalition is the 25th Amendment putting Harris in as POTUS till January and making her the nominee. Probably gonna lose either way but this option allows them to tell Harris (and Clyburn) to STFU, you had your chance and didn’t deliver in ’24. That’s the only realistic path to save the d/prog coalition; keep as Mich of the status quo as possible, allow Harris to self destruct and save the internal recriminations till after the election.
That VP pick continues to pay off. They can’t ditch him; they’ll end up with her. They can’t boot her, her being all historical and stuff. She won’t take one for the team; only for herself. (Must … stifle … the … jokes.)
I wonder. Who does Team Brandon have with the brains to figure this?
The pieces don’t make the moves, they take the moves offered them. So, who decided Joey Mumbles plus Special-K were the answer. What do they get from this vs. other alternatives at the time.
I haven’t been able to listen to the presser. But, I imagine no reporter has asked the White House for Biden to release a sworn affidavit listing all current and recent medications he’s taken.
NY Times/Siena: 6/28 – 7/2; 1532 LV: Approve: 36; Disapprove: 61; Spread -25.
Likely voters. How does he survive? The WH narrative is a joke. The Administration is filled with dishonest clowns and the people are taking full notice.
The Democrat Party and their media are all dishonest clowns
If you think Kamala can be made exciting watch her talk to Taraji Henson I believe this was professionally put together by BET et al. I have seen Ms. Henson act so I know she can but she comes across as almost as big a block of wood as Kamala.
If Biden makes it to the convention, a big IF, there will be a floor fight. How many delegates will go to Harris or Gruesome? How many ballots will it take to settle on a candidate?
Short of him either voluntarily dropping out, or making an appearance where he lapses into sounding like Bill the Cat, he will be the candidate.
There’s not enough popcorn
his being bigger than fdr /obama is all but waiting for him if he leaves
the celebration would be bigger than the ones given for the end of ww2
his “sacrificing” for the good of putting in the first black female etc
give me 20-1 odds he leaves and I’ll take the bet
It’s true! Biden is not weighing dropping out.
As a matter of fact, Biden is not weighing anything. He’s the one who is being weighed. He has been weighed in the balances and found wanting.
Of course the WH denied it. Did anyone seriously imagine it was true?! The NYT made it up, because it’s decided he has to go in order to defeat Trump.