New Talking Point: ‘Trump is Now the Oldest Nominee for President’
Not a coincidence it happened at the same time.
Lovely new talking point considering they didn’t care about President Joe Biden’s age. Notice how they jump in on the same talking point at the same time.
TECHNICALLY they are not wrong. Biden was 77 in November 2020. He didn’t turn 78 until November 20.
TECHNICALLY Biden is not the official 2024 Democrat candidate.
Trump is 78 years old.
But the talking point is still hilarious because now they care about age.
Sellers: Kamala Harris is running against the oldest nominee for president of the United States in American history… I mean, the man is nearly 80-years-old and so the question is, can he serve another four years? I'm not sure he can
— Acyn (@Acyn) July 21, 2024
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins: "Trump is now the oldest nominee that we’ve ever seen in US presidential history."
Now that the coup has successfully removed their cognitively impaired nominee, they’re going with the "Trump is too old” narrative.
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) July 21, 2024
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Would Kamala care to go head-to-head with Trump in a cognitive-function test?!
Or on eligibility to hold office?
She’s the poster child for ending birthright citizenship. I don’t believe either of her parents were Green Card holders and even though she was (allegedly) born in the US, she spent most of her childhood in Canada. I think she would be the first president since Andrew Jackson whose parents were both born outside the US or Colonial America.
You mean like this?
Sad that a simple explication of the nuances of the Constitution needs warning and draws accusations of the racisms.
No, but she’s be all-in on a dick-sucking contest.
You know what? Right now there are over 1,000 Democrat campaign strategists scouring the Internet for Trump supporters who are racist, because Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee. By calling the first black female presidential candidate a “dick-sucker”, you are exactly the Trump supporter they are looking for. Your comment may not appear in a national TV ad, but I promise you that your comment will appear in thousands if not millions of emails. The sad part of this is that you are, indeed, a racist, and all of your posts here on LI will be used by the Democrats against Trump. I hope you are proud of yourself.
Lulz, Junior you are truly pathetic. I’m calling her a whore, because she is well known to be a whore. Ask Willie Brown. I didn’t say a damn thing about her race.
So what does that say about YOU, who made the connection from dick sucking whore, to race?
Who is the real racist here Junior? Look in the mirror, you pathetic troll.
Any criticism will be construed as racist or sexist, because for the left, everything is based on group identity. Everything. It is their wedge tool to bludgeon Americans.
Well, when you think of it, sword swallowers are a group….she smashed the “glass ceiling” with the back of her head.
No, they’re not. You’re talking about anonymous comments on the Internet. No reason to look for anything. They’ll just post whatever they want and blame Trump supporters. Much easier and cheaper than looking for anything.
Yeah, right buttercup.
Biden supporters can talk about shooting the Republican Presidential Candidate, and murdering Trump supporters. But all you are concerned about is leftists scouring the internet for nasty comments about a slut who happens to be black.
Fûck democrats. Including you.
The day you choose to vote for Trump, let us know. But now that your knob gobbler is the “presumptive“ candidate, until the real racists in your Democratic Party decide the pseudo black cocksucker will be replaced by Go Ernie Hair Gel, or some other Lilly white guy or girl, you get your panties in a twist.
Aw Cheese-n-rice, Junior. Harris IS a dick-sucker, it’s how she got Willie Brown’s patronage in Oakland to score those sweet taxpayer funded positions she got.
Don’t you know ANYTHING?
Why don’t you grab your smelling salts and head for the couch? Maybe you can Dutch-oven yourself into a state of unconscious.
Why are you here, ya simp?
Take a hike. The work required to destroy the Democrat grip on power in this country is going to be for people harder than you.
Throw in the towel, dufus. It’s over.
This is true.
But how is this true? In what way is fellatio supposed to be racist?
It’s exercise and we have been informed that exercise is racist.
Exactly. And note that they are scouring and SCRUBBING.
Had no idea cocksucking was “racist.”
It must be “a black thing,” like hiding money in a mattress. Fani wasn’t available for comment.
Or gold bars in your house is a “Cuban thing.”
Your rhetoric is always the same, like it comes from some common playbook.
People like you self righteously overuse words like “racist” to the point where the word itself no longer has any weight or meaning.
Aw, still trying to get the taste of Biden’s penis out of your mouth?
Cocaine helps.
Facts are facts. Harris is the Dhimmi-crat nominee for President solely because of her skin pigmentation, and, the fact that she excelled in servicing Willie Brown’s schlong. That’s the reality, however unpleasant it is, or, however hypersensitive you become when someone observes that salient fact.
So you don’t like the truth much? Ask Willie Brown about her dick sucking
Kamala would win… at head.
She’s a first class knob gobbler
How would you know? How could anyone know, without either personal experience or having spoken to someone with such experience and an indiscreet tongue?
Er, ah, if rumor is true, she’s the one with the indiscreet tongue. Just sayin’.
Yeah, that double entendre was intentional.
I’m not saying KH will suck a dick, but she will hold it in her mouth til the swelling goes away.
So, age is all they have?
How old is Hillary now?
So old, that when she farts, dust shoots out.
Slightly younger than Trump.
Age is irrelevant. It is cognition, intelligence and experience. This is all the left has now, since the RNC ripped away abortion, and the assassination attempt made Pres. Trump a more human, vulnerable person.
What is interesting is how that story popped up on everyone’s lips simultaneously.
No coordination here, nope. Note who says it, and you have the members of the cabal.
Why am I seeing the Kennedy picture here?
Something sublime?
Oh, the picture changed.
Professor Jacobson…….
This appears to be adware.
Yes, it has been going on for weeks. Clickbait ads of RFK Jr with zero text. They claim to be some “health” organization. It’s apparently only a gigantic coincidence that the guy is running for President.
Technically, he has been that since he was nominated.
Not a very smooth pivot for the d/prog but can’t blame them for trying b/c they ain’t got many arrows in the quiver at this point.
It’s not hypocrisy — it’s hierarchy.
Trump has good genes.
NYT uncommitted.
Choosing Ms. Harris would be a reasonable
path for Democrats to take; she has been Mr. Biden’s running mate, and while no votes were cast for her as a presidential candidate in primaries, the president’s voters expected her to be on the ticket in November.
Nonetheless, party delegates should have a voice in a decision of this consequence. There are other qualified Democrats who could take on Mr. Trump and win, and picking a candidate without a real contest is how the party got into a position of anointing a standard-bearer that large majorities of Democrats and independents had profound concerns about.
While the hour is late, there is still time to put leading candidates through a process of public scrutiny before the party’s nominating convention begins on Aug. 19, to inform the choice of a nominee and to
build public support.
“while no votes were cast for her as a presidential candidate in primaries, the president’s voters expected her to be on the ticket in November.”
That, and she happens to hold the only other key to the campaign chest.
the deep state has to be abolished
nikkly haleys people are saying they are supporting harris
the deep state must be abolished
🚨🚨EXCLUSIVE: Internal Secret Service Docs Show Only Three Post-Standers Allotted to Trump Rally vs. 12 at Jill Biden’s Event
Ahead of Secret Service Director Cheatle’s Congressional testimony Monday, Sen. Chuck Grassley presses her for answers in a letter sent yesterday, citing internal Secret Service emails obtained from protected whistleblowers.
Grassley cites internal USSS emails showing just three post-standers assigned to Trump’s rally vs. 12 for First Lady Jill Biden event in nearby Pittsburgh.
Secret Service officials repeatedly denied requests for additional resources made by former President Donald Trump’s detail prior to the July 13 assassination attempt, the Washington Post reported.
July 21, 2024
THE WEEK OF JULY 22, 2024 – JULY 28, 2024
Monday,July22,2024: The President has no public events scheduled.
Tuesday,July23,2024-Sunday,July28,2024: Additional details to the President’s schedule forthcoming.
They’re probably going to OD him on his cocktails and haven’t decided yet which day to do it.
Hasn’t been seen in 4 days…. “proof of life”?
They sent him to a taxidermist to be prepped so he can remain in office for the rest of his term.
He probably had a stroke, and they are refusing to tell us. I don’t trust any of them…..
“…probably had a stroke…”
Yeah, after he was told we just tweeted out your resignation from the presidential race on your X account.
Does anyone else smell desperation? If this is their first line of attack, then desperation is all they have.
Trump should have anticipated that line of attack. Had he claimed at the convention he was now the oldest ever candidate for President all the lamesteam media “fact-checkers” would have exposed his claim as a lie 😀
If this is the best they’ve got, they’re screwed
DJT is the oldest candidate in the race, and still the most experienced at being president and, compared to Kamala, the most cognitively functional.