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Nancy Pelosi Chides ABC Reporter Over Biden Question: ‘Am I Speaking English to You?’

Nancy Pelosi Chides ABC Reporter Over Biden Question: ‘Am I Speaking English to You?’

She gave a bland answer on Morning Joe, too.

Nancy Pelosi gave Morning Joe a mush answer about President Joe Biden.

Well, ABC reporter Rachel Scott attempted to get a definite answer from Pelosi.

Pelosi snapped:

REPORTER: “Do you believe he should run for re-election?”

PELOSI: “I’m not — am I speaking English to you? I’m not going to be making any statements about any of that right now in the hallway.”


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979AggHokie | July 10, 2024 at 5:16 pm

to be a dem, is to never be accountable for anything you say or do.

    JOHN B in reply to 979AggHokie. | July 14, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    She said this to a female black reporter. As a black, she is not supposed to understand English–just repeat whatever Pelosi, Biden, Schumer etc tell them to say..

    But you won’t hear any black ministers or black “leaders” complaining about Nancy acting demeaning to a black reporter..Tthey know what the Democratic leadership would do to them.

Honestly it’s usually hard to tell what she’s saying through the Vodka slur

Is the Dhimmi-crat lapdog/trained seal/obsequious shill media going to lecture us about how allegedly “decent” crone Pelosi is?

All of these wizened, career Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks are manifestly nasty, obnoxious, imperially arrogant and entitled reprobates.

But she did kneel down in the hall for BLM

    gonzotx in reply to Skip. | July 10, 2024 at 7:49 pm

    but needed help getting back up

    It was priceless

    guyjones in reply to Skip. | July 11, 2024 at 7:31 am

    Complete with “kinte” cloth scarf prop! The only thing missing from the stunt was a “keffiyeh” scarf to show solidarity to the genocidal, Jew-hating, Islamofascist, Arab Fakestinian invaders from Arabia.

      guyjones in reply to guyjones. | July 11, 2024 at 7:37 am

      The crone also owns two $24,000 refrigerators stuffed with gourmet ice cream, that combined cost nearly as much money as the median household wage in the U.S. She doesn’t have to worry about Bidenflation.

And in more “consequential” news:

Looks like AOC is introducing articles of impeachment against justices Thomas and Alito.

    BigRosieGreenbaum in reply to Exiliado. | July 10, 2024 at 6:13 pm

    Ooh, I guess she’ll break out the “I’m totes serious glasses” when she makes her speech about it to Congress.

    Notice that she is introducing the articles of impeachment against the Supreme Court Justices nominated by the Bushes — you know, the RINOs, GOPe, globalists, war mongers, Neo Cons, etc, etc, etc. Yet AOC has no problem whatsoever with Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court. That speaks volumes about Trump.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | July 10, 2024 at 8:01 pm

      You pinhead, your post speaks far more about you than AOC’s “articles of impeachment” do about Trump.
      I suggest you read up on the concept of “separation of powers” before you rub any more dung on your face, you smell bad enough already.
      I thought I told you to quit upvoting yourself.

        Ghostrider in reply to steves59. | July 11, 2024 at 7:50 am

        Maybe it’s JR’s anal retentiveness, or his futile attempts to bring order to a chaotic, divided, anti-Trump, TDS world. Who knows?

        All I know is JR is the type of person who believes there’s no more beautiful sight than firewood stacked in long, perfect rows.

          steves59 in reply to Ghostrider. | July 11, 2024 at 10:55 am

          I personally believe that JR (“Junior”) is a prepubescent girl sitting in front of Mom’s computer.
          I’ll give him credit. Every time he posts, he takes a real asskicking here, including a few from the editors.
          He seems to have a high tolerance for pain (and his own stupidity).

      DaveGinOly in reply to JR. | July 10, 2024 at 10:00 pm

      No, it speaks volumes about Justice Thomas that he has attracted the ire of the Dems. He’s exceptional.

    gonzotx in reply to Exiliado. | July 10, 2024 at 7:51 pm

    Somebody please get this woman back in the bar

    Oh, she worth millions now

    She’ll own the bar, but that’s ok, as long as you all stop
    Posting about her and she is no
    Longer a US Comgresswoman

The palace coup happens at the Convention.

What is the longest the media has gone without talking about January 6th?

Biden has totally reversed his own campaign strategy.

    BigRosieGreenbaum in reply to tbonesays. | July 10, 2024 at 6:17 pm

    Well isn’t Nancy so pleasant and forthcoming with her answers.? Too bad the reporter didn’t back hand her as a response, then yell at her in Spanish.

      tbonesays in reply to BigRosieGreenbaum. | July 10, 2024 at 7:32 pm

      Or call her a nativist.

      Anyhoo, the Ds strategy was to make sure the dialogue was 100% about Trump {Jan 6, criminal convictions}. Now everyone is talking about Biden. I have never seen the people who control the dialogue screw it up before.

    BigRosieGreenbaum in reply to tbonesays. | July 10, 2024 at 6:17 pm

    Sorry I wasn’t replying to you, just the post.

Nancy Pelosi Chides ABC Reporter Over Biden Question: ‘Am I Speaking English to You?’
Reporter: “I dunno, how many vodka martinis have you had?”

destroycommunism | July 10, 2024 at 9:13 pm

the reporter replied to pelosi

is it b/c Im black?

pelosi: Oh I couldnt even tell
I never judge by race

    Oh, she was definitely talking down the “uppity” black woman.

    The Dem’s racism always bursts through the thin veneer of POC “love.”

      gnome in reply to Dimsdale. | July 11, 2024 at 5:26 am

      She was talking to a journalist. They come in all colors and they need frequent reminding that they aren’t the gods they think they are. Thinking she should understand English exalts her. I’ll accept speciesist – cow against sow, pick your sides.

The tiniest hint of scrutiny and pressure and these frauds get all bent out of shape. Pelosi is a very powerful voice in d/prog circles, she has to know she’s gonna get asked but not only doesn’t have a good noncommittal answer teed up but comes across like the caricature of an entitled, old, white women Karen PO that someone beneath her ‘status’ has the insolence to ask.

Imagine if Trump said that to a black woman??

It’s the first sensible thing I’ve ever noticed coming from Pelosi. You’d have to be suffering serious partisan blindness to criticise her for this.

Perhaps if she’d tried ebonics the journosow would have picked up on it. They’re scum and they need to be reminded of it often and by both sides.

But the media gives pelosi free pass for her racist taunt?

SeekingRationalThought | July 11, 2024 at 8:52 am

I doubt that Pelosi would have belittled a white reporter that way.

Lucifer Morningstar | July 11, 2024 at 9:02 am

Why in the world did that reporter refer to Pelosi as “Madame Speaker” (13 secs) when she doesn’t have that job any longer. That’s what I want to know. Since Pelosi lost the Speakership she’s just another Representative among the 435 members of the House and should simply be referred to as, “Representative Pelosi” and nothing more. Because that’s all she is at this point. The Representative from California.

Granny Boxwine has spoken!

What was the context? Had the reporter been asking her and she had been refusing to answer? Or had she been asking and getting evasive answers? Big difference.

Pelosi thinks blacks can’t be native speakers of english?

Racist much?

midge.hammer | July 20, 2024 at 1:39 pm

She was speaking in the Xenophobe dialect of English.