METAPHOR ALERT: Biden’s Failed Gaza Pier To Be Permanently Retired In A Few Days
An egregious waste of a whopping $230 million of your money, that resulted in injured servicepersons, almost no aid delivered, and embarrassment to the U.S., passes into the dustbin of history.

We have followed the Biden Pier disaster from the jump, as you know:
And Professor Jacobson knew it was a disaster:
Absolutely, Israel doesn't want or need this. Biden refuses to let Israel win. American troops are being inserted into the conflict so Biden can win the Michigan pro-Hamas vote.
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) March 7, 2024
It didn’t take long for the Gaza Pier to become a floating slow-moving train wreck:
- Biden’s Gaza Floating Port Plan Generating Concern Among Military Professionals
- Report: Gaza Terrorists Attack U.S. Humanitarian Pier During Construction Work
- Biden’s Gaza “Pier to Nowhere” a Disaster and National Embarrassment, Breaks Apart
And now, in one final kick in the you-know-what, the Biden Administration has announced that the Gaza Pier will be dismantled.
From the Associated Press: US-built pier will be put back in Gaza for several days to move aid, then permanently removed:
The pier built by the U.S. military to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza will be reinstalled Wednesday to be used for several days, but then the plan is to pull it out permanently, several U.S. officials said. It would deal the final blow to a project long plagued by bad weather, security uncertainties and difficulties getting food into the hands of starving Palestinians.
The officials said the goal is to clear whatever aid has piled up in Cyprus and on the floating dock offshore and get it to the secure area on the beach in Gaza. Once that has been done, the Army will dismantle the pier and depart….
U.S. troops removed the pier on June 28 because of bad weather and moved it to the port of Ashdod in Israel. But distribution of the aid had already stopped due to the security concerns….
As a result, aid brought through the pier into the secure area on the beach piled up for days while talks continued between the U.N. and Israel. More recently, the World Food Program hired a contractor to move the aid from the beach to prevent the food and other supplies from spoiling….
And the weather now is projected only to get worse.
The pier was damaged by high winds and heavy seas on May 25, just a bit more than a week after it began operating, and was removed for repairs. It was reconnected on June 7, but removed again due to bad weather on June 14. It was put back days later, but heavy seas again forced its removal on June 28.
There is simply no way to describe this operation other than as a disaster. And check out the floating porta-potties:
I give the Gaza pier one more month before we can officially call it a 300 million dollar failure. And are those porta potties? I bet they are spotless.
— Eric CIAramella’s Dirty Whistle (@TheAndersPaul) June 14, 2024
Unsurprisingly, X users are not happy with their tax dollars being spent on this:
Biden spent $230M on a Gaza aid pier that lasted 21 days.
Meanwhile Hawaii residents got $700 after their entire lives, homes, and belongings burned to the ground.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 9, 2024
Biden wasted $230 million on a pier by Gaza and it lasted 21 days. This is also borrowed money. Imagine what that money could have done for Americans – not DEI garbage, but homeless veterans & American families they never help. Maui didn't get any help. Ohio didn't get any…
— ƤƖҲƖЄ (@Pixie1z) July 10, 2024
Biden wasted 230 million dollars for a troubled Gaza Pier that was only operational for 21 days. Now it’s set to be scrapped for good.
Maui residents got $700 per family after wildfires
People of East Palestine, Ohio got nothing.
Wrong Palestine I guess.— Daniel Cohen (@DanielCohenTV) July 10, 2024
Biden's Hamas pier in Gaza will be permanently dismantled after costing U.S. taxpayers $230 million, and working for 21
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) July 9, 2024
I’m just hoping this is my last post about this. From my perspective, there is no way U.S. military planners didn’t know that this would be of marginal to no utility, but they obviously were overridden by an administration desperate for feel-good talking points about delivering humanitarian aid, regardless of the actual results.
What a waste.

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There’s absolutely no shortage of stupid ideas coming out of the goddamn communists. All of that to supply terrorists, the pedophile in chief should be executed for his treason.
fjb will blame israel for his failures as a nod to the budding omar regime
Biden’s Gaza pier to be permanently retired
What a coincidence! The same thing’s happening to Biden that happened to his pier
I got a description, in the Army we’d call this a goat f8%K. I do agree that this was obviously an extreme example of ‘directed planning’ where the Commander, in this case the WH, overrode reasonable objections, didn’t give a crap about solving the problems/questions revealed by MDMD and just said ‘I don’t care, make it happen now’.
The Navy wouldn’t call it that, Because… well, it would be slandering their mascot.
Makes you wonder about the choice of mascot though….
In technical terms how has any different from a cluster f&ck?
Good question. You have to make a conscious decision to purposefully go out of your way to locate and round up the goats before the plan is consummated.
With a cluster f8&K some ass clown SR leader can just pull the pin on a ‘happy hand grenade’ and throw it like a hot potato from the ‘good idea fairy’ onto their subordinate lap about 1600 on the Friday before a 3 Day weekend with a NTL deadline of before ‘close of business today’.
Started out FUBAR, continued FUBAR, and ended FUBAR. But maybe circle jerk would also apply.
$230million would have bought a lot of ammunition for Israel.
Of course, Broccoli Biden would have held it up or given it to the terrorists.
And, worst of all, built to give aid and comfort to an enemy of America and to reward a peoples who have spent all of their time and effort trying to destroy the civilized world and who constantly poll at higher percentages in favor of hamas (who they initially voted for in droves) than any government in the Western world enjoys from its populace.
America owes the gazans NOTHING … to be overly charitable. Traitor Joe was, once again, giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies. They don’t call him “Traitor Joe” for nothing!
Even if it had worked, it would have been a waste.
Gaza should be leveled.
“the Biden Administration has announced that the Gaza Pier will be dismantled.”
Of course, I fully expect that the administration “declared victory” first, right?
“We achieved what we set out to achieve,” shit like that.
Afghanistan all over again.
How much does it cost? I’ll buy it! /
The time is all we’ve lost — I’ll try it! /
He can’t even run his own life /
I’ll be damned if he’ll run mine…
Nice! Extra credit for the Jonathan Edwards reference.
This is what happens when you’re cognitively damaged and your crackhead son or your moronic wife makes decisions in your name. I refuse to believe the Army Corps of Engineers didn’t try and tell this this was a very bad decision but they were overruled so Biden’s surrogates could pretend something was being done.
I would not be surprised if those Army Engineers in charge of the military Corps weren’t DIE appointments who didn’t even ask “how high” when told to jump. Those under them surely had objections, but you don’t get all those stars by voicing objections to the political masters of the D variety.
“Biden wasted 230 million dollars for a troubled Gaza Pier that was only operational for 21 days. Now it’s set to be scrapped for good.
Maui residents got $700 per family after wildfires
People of East Palestine, Ohio got nothing.
Wrong Palestine I guess.”
Pretty much sums it up right here. Piss on real Americans in need, and wrong Palestine.
Priorities were definitely revealed.
They were indeed. Every sentient American should be outraged, including the families of the soldiers injured on the pier during its majestic 21-day reign.
Question is, how many sentient Americans are there?
IMO it turn out many more than previously thought….the spectacle of the Biden WH parade of errors is like being stuck at a RR crossing watching a horrendously long train go past….eventually even the dim bulbs in the vehicle notice the train.
Reminder — Gazans are holding prepubescent Israeli girls captive. Going on 10 months. Any word about them from anybody besides Bibi and “extremists?”
Not to mention 5 US citizens, whom the administration and the press can’t be bothered to mention.
“I’ve got an idea! What if we built a port without a harbor, bare-a**ed to the ocean?”
Top. Men.
They’re going to make it dis-a-pier,
The Brandon junta will find another way to aid the animals in Gaza and undermine the US and Israel.
The most appropriate metaphor I can draw is flushing your money down the toilet.
That would infer that you have working plumbing, that’s probably not happening in gaza. Remember they stole their water pipes to make missiles out of them
the World Food Program hired a contractor
I guarantee this wasn’t Black Rock or some other western security agency. This is a nice way of saying they paid Hamas to move the aid for Hamas.
As for everything Biden has ever done, the pier did a great job!
When was it ever a good idea to give aid to people holding Americans or anyone else hostage?
Don’t forget — Biden promised the gazans they could have the metal supports to turn into rockets to attack Israel
The Biden base will forgive the results and credit the intentions. The rest of us risk an OD on schadenfreude.
Delivering aid was never the point. Funneling money to Palestinian terrorists was.
This is my surprised face…really…can’t you see my shock?