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Maduro’s ‘Victory’ in Venezuela a Huge Blow to Biden Administration

Maduro’s ‘Victory’ in Venezuela a Huge Blow to Biden Administration

I mean, imagine even THINKING a dictator would ever consider holding an election that could get him kicked out.

What a shock.

Venezuela’s national Electoral Council announced late Sunday night that Dictator President Nicolás Maduro received 51% of the vote to win reelection.

Edmundo González, Maduro’s opposition, supposedly only got 44% of the votes despite leading Maduro by 25% in the polls.

Once again, the Biden administration looks weak because it made numerous concessions to Venezuela if it promised to hold free and fair elections.

I mean, imagine even THINKING a dictator would ever consider holding an election that could get him kicked out. Precious.

Biden’s team knows its green energy plan is a farce and won’t work, but the members cannot admit it or allow drilling!

The administration hated the sanctions placed on Venezuela by former President Donald Trump because they believed those led to a decrease in oil production.

Well, a decrease in oil production could lead to higher gas prices, which would upset everyone.

But, you know, the administration just cannot have any drilling or oil production in America because green energy! It’s pathetic what came from the administration in March:

U.S. officials are concerned that reverting to Trump-era sanctions that accelerated the decline of Venezuela’s oil production would raise the price of gas at U.S. pumps and prompt more migration from Venezuela as President Biden campaigns for re-election in November. Restricting Western oil companies would tighten global energy supplies and open the way for Chinese investment in Venezuela, they say.

Biden administration officials have said they didn’t think that the oil sanctions—leveled against Venezuela in early 2019 in former President Donald Trump’s effort to force Maduro from power—was constructive.

Top officials including national security adviser Jake Sullivan; Amos Hochstein, senior White House energy adviser; and Deputy national security adviser Jon Finer are encouraging a different approach that emphasizes broader strategic interests such as energy supply over political change in Caracas.

“We are committed to maintain sanctions relief if Maduro and his representatives uphold the commitments outlined” in a deal they signed in October for an electoral road map, a senior U.S. administration official said Friday. “We urge Maduro to do so.”

Maintaining the current policy “spells a greater opportunity of keeping Venezuela as part of the Western marketplace, less inclined to spin back in the direction of China and Iran,” said an oil industry adviser familiar with the deliberations.

But it all started in October 2023 when the administration gave Venezuela a six-month license allowing oil companies to work in the oil rich country.

Maduro promised free and fair elections and taking back deportees after banning anyone from joining the presidential race.

It didn’t take long for Maduro to change. He banned Marina Corina Machado from running against him, stopped taking back Venezuelan illegal aliens, and arrested political opponents.

The administration reinstated the sanctions on Venezuela in April.

You know, because, who would have thought a dictator would agree to anything that lessens his hold on power?


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He saw what we did in 2020 and said, “ hold my beer”

Has the Carter Center declared the election free and fair?

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | July 29, 2024 at 9:25 am

Really? No surprise here.

The Gentle Grizzly | July 29, 2024 at 9:30 am

Same thing here when Harris wins in November.

E Howard Hunt | July 29, 2024 at 9:32 am

That headline excited Mayor Pete.

On the contrary; The Harris – (TBD) Campaign in all likelihood has already schedulded its Zoom call with Maduro’s team to determine how to replicate his amazing “come from behind” victory and overcome a 25 % point deficiet.

Harris and her campaign want to know who Maduro’s software vendor is and whether or not Venn diagrams were a key component to the eventual outcome.

Most secure election in history. To say otherwise is dangerous misinformation.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to Grey_Man. | July 29, 2024 at 10:41 am

    It’s insurrection, really. Any opposition to the outcome is an attempted coup and treason and requires indefinite imprisonment.

How long till Edmundo González is arrested, “tried for treason”, and executed. Or maybe Edmundo González will just be assasinated by an unknown person.

I am heartbroken for all my Venezuelan friends, but not surprised.
Over the last few months they all have been excited, because “this time we will get him out for sure.”
My reply has always been the same, and similar to the sub-headline on this post:
“Do you really think that Maduro will give up power?”

It is sad and heartbreaking, but I was right.

So hopefully we can trust our elections at least as much as we trust venezuela’s? Oh wait..

Meanwhile kamala getting installed like a commie. Leftist primary just for show.

    CDR D in reply to smooth. | July 29, 2024 at 11:19 am

    Yeah, but now the Dems have 100 million pre=printed ballots with the wrong name on them. They need to start printing all over again.

      gonzotx in reply to CDR D. | July 29, 2024 at 4:37 pm

      Not a problem

      Have that lady that dragged out all those huge black bags from under the table working on it as I type

Vote in socialists/fascists and inevitably you have to shoot your way out.

There are always many who are happy to help dictators keep power. Hiring illegal aliens as police just makes it even easier.

destroycommunism | July 29, 2024 at 11:40 am

fjb actually believe that an election can be stolen???

whats next?

men can be women?

destroycommunism | July 29, 2024 at 11:41 am


but he is bad and the usa leftists are good they indoctrinate the kids with

destroycommunism | July 29, 2024 at 11:43 am

their middle class was r ape d like a hamas hostage

and what blmplo want to do to the usa

IN FACT MURADO’s slogan was

we will win by hook or crook

uh same as

by any means necessary…the lefty blmplo slogan

Did anyone really think there would be a free or fair election when Maduro controls all the media and the vote counting as well as getting to basically choose the opposition candidate?

    Dimsdale in reply to geronl. | July 29, 2024 at 1:28 pm

    Thank God that could never happen here!!

    Oh wait….

    Olinser in reply to geronl. | July 29, 2024 at 2:11 pm

    And despite all that control, he still lost by 30% and had to just blatantly ignore the result and declare victory, demonstrating just how hated he is by his country.

    And let this be a lesson to everybody saying that you just have to win ‘beyond the margin of fraud’.

    There IS NO MARGIN that they won’t simply declare victory.

Are you kidding me. Maduro was in big with BLM and this was all expected. The admin isn’t fooling anyone.

    artichoke in reply to ajcbjl. | July 29, 2024 at 2:11 pm

    Likely. The other was just an excuse for PR. After all even if everyone knew it was crap, it gave the mockingbird media their talking point for it.

    BLM is meant to be intolerable and to undermine our country. That’s why Russia supports it, why other hostile regimes support it.

Best foreign policy president ever!

I just saw Tony Blinken on TV demanding from Venezuela a level of transparency regarding the balloting that we can’t even pry out of a court here.


In retard world, they think that you stop Venezuela from emptying its prisons here by boosting its economy. A rational person thinks it’s better to stop waving them thru about 8 national borders all the way thru Central America and Mexico and into the US itself.

One well staffed and defended roadblock at one of the many choke points in the mountains on the Pan American Highway would stop the whole charade, and the whole parade. We can easily pay off the government of that little country, say Guatemala or Honduras, enough to cooperate. We let them send their excess people up here anyway and send back remittances, and if they don’t cooperate, they can have their nationals, who are illegal aliens here, back in a hurry. That should be persuasive.

henrybowman | July 29, 2024 at 2:59 pm

So what did Biden promise Maduro for holding an election?
A free pier, I hope!

Is it really not the result Sundowner and his Puppeteers wanted?

Subotai Bahadur | July 29, 2024 at 3:57 pm

In what way is this a “huge blow to the Biden administration”? What it was, was a test run for them so that they can work out the kinks in the process even if the vote goes severely against them. If there were US observers, the notes that they were taking were not to argue against Maduro retaining power.

Subotai Bahadur

The only thing that a contemporary Dhimmi-crat President’s foreign policy is guaranteed to produce is failure and the enabling/empowerment of the world’s most malignant and despotic regimes. LBJ; Carter; Clinton; Obama — the story is always the same.

You have to go back to Truman and JFK, to find a Dhimmi-crat who actually conducted a robust U.S. foreign policy, with credible deterrence.

I mean, imagine even THINKING a dictator would ever consider holding an election that could get him kicked out. Precious.,

Lenin held a free and sort-of-fair election, as he had promised to do. The Bolsheviks were trounced. The Duma met for one day, with armed Bolshevik sailors stationed in the gallery to make sure the members behaved, and it was then dissolved. As Lenin said, he had promised to hold the election, not to obey its results.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 29, 2024 at 11:53 pm

Maduro’s ‘Victory’ in Venezuela a Huge Blow to Biden Administration

According to whom? Traitor Joe and his junta got exactly what they wanted. It was a win-win for them.