LIVE: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Testifies Before House Oversight
Cheatle will testify about the security failure that led to the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump.

At 10 AM ET, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle will testify about the security failure that led to the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump.
I am in Chicago this afternoon, but I will update you as much as possible. Here is the live stream.
Democrat Rep. Moskowitz Compares Cheatle’s Testimony to Harvard President’s Testimony
“I don’t know who prepared you for this. I don’t know how many times you’ve testified in front of Congress, but a president was almost assassinated live on television. Not just for Americans, but for the world to see. And this being your first opportunity, I understand there’s an ongoing investigation. I understand there’s things that you can not talk about, but the the idea that we’re getting less than you did on television is something that Democrats, independents and Republicans are going to find unacceptable,” Moskowitz said.
“Are you telling the committee that once it’s concluded you’re prepared to fire the people on the ground who made poor decisions that day?” he asked.
“I’m prepared to take the actions,” Cheatle responded.
“No, no, no, that’s that’s nonsense. Okay. Accountability. The failure was human. That doesn’t mean they’re bad people. It means they failed that day. And a president was almost–a former president was almost assassinated. Okay. Are you prepared to fire the human failure on the ground? Yes or no? When you have the names of where those failures were, they’re people. It’s not like a piece of technology failed. It was people who failed that day. Are you prepared to fire them?” the lawmaker pressed.
“I don’t have an answer as to whether [they will be fired],” Cheatle said.
“Well, then how can there be accountability if you’re not prepared to fire someone?” Moskowitz concluded.
Wow. @RepMoskowitz (Dem, Florida) takes Secret Service Director Cheatle to task. I mean – he just demolishes her, in a very polite way.
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) July 22, 2024
MOSKOWITZ: "Are you prepared to fire the human failure on the ground, yes or no?"
CHEALTE: "I don't have an answer —"
MOSKOWITZ: "Then how can their be accountability?"
— (@townhallcom) July 22, 2024
Dem Rep. Moskowitz compares Cheatle’s testimony to that of the elite university presidents who couldn’t answer basic questions about anti-semitism on their campuses.
Moskowitz: "Did you see that hearing?"
Cheatle: "No, I don't think I did."
Moskowitz: "Let me tell you, it…
— (@townhallcom) July 22, 2024
Rep. Crockett Brings Up DEI, But Not for Reasons You Might Think
They obviously protected a young white male:
CROCKETT: “But, you know, I want to stay here for for just a second, because earlier you had a conversation in which there was a discussion about training. And I wanna talk about training and I want to talk about the fact that there’s been a little bit of dancing around as it relates to this being a suspicious person and this being a situation that was perceived to be a threat. And it seems as if there’s a different analysis that takes place. One of my questions has to do with if you have have any bias training that your officers undergo. And the reason that I ask that is because as a civil rights lawyer, I have learned so many times, in having to deal with law enforcement, that there usually is not a perception of a threat when it is a young white male, even if they are carrying a long gun. Yet a lot of times, at least in this country, when it comes to law enforcement, there is a perceived threat just by somebody having a little bit more melanin in their skin.”
Democratic Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett wonders if bias training is part of Secret Service training, seeming to imply the white gunman in the Trump assassination attempt wasn't targeted so closely whereas he would have been taken out sooner if he were black.
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 22, 2024
Rep. Tlaib Goes After Guns
TLAIB: “Thank you so much, Mr. Chair. Thank you, director, for being here. You know, we hear the headline a 20-year-old young man with access to an assault weapon commits a mass — you know, act of mass violence. I mean, we’ve heard this before, over and over again. The unfortunate thing is, my residents don’t get a committee hearing. We have not had one committee hearing about the over 260 mass shootings that we’ve had, killing hundreds of people, injuring hundreds — changing their lives forever. And don’t get me wrong. To many of my colleagues, I mean, I watched, and even the pool of blood, the screams, it was horrific, but it made me think about the images I saw after mass shootings at schools, grocery stores.”
Yet another Democrat uses the hearing on the Secret Services' failures at the Trump rally to talk gun control and call for a ban on "assault weapons."
TLAIB: "The former president gets a hearing, but our residents don't a hearing about mass shootings, about gun violence…"
— (@townhallcom) July 22, 2024
Rep. Connolly Hates That Cheatle Won’t Go With His Gun Control
Yes, some Democrats have been trying to use the assassination attempt to push gun control.
JUST IN: Democrat Rep. Gerry Connolly loses his mind after Secret Service director Kim Cheatle refuses to respond to his anti-2nd Amendment bait.
Connolly: Do Americans having guns help or make your job harder?
Cheatle: *Refuses to answer.*
At least Democrats and Republicans…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 22, 2024
Cheatle: ‘No Specifics’
Yeah, I knew she would say she couldn’t comment on anything. Hearings are such a waste of time.
Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle isn't answering any of Rep. Comer's questions about the assassination attempt against President Trump:
"I'm not going to get into specifics of that day in itself."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 22, 2024
Comer: "At any point, did Secret Service have an agent on top of the roof?"
Cheatle: "We're only nine days out from this incident and there is still an ongoing investigation."
Comer: "Can you answer why you didn't place an agent on that roof?"
Cheatle: "We're still looking."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 22, 2024
Cheatle Takes ‘Full Responsibility’
Then why hasn’t she resigned?
'We failed. I take full responsibility'
The director of the Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle says she will 'move heaven and earth to ensure an incident like July 13th does not happen again'.
Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
— Sky News (@SkyNews) July 22, 2024
Ranking Member Raskin Mocks Those Who Believe in Divine Intervention, Calls for AR-15 Ban
I have not seen any non-leftists call for gun control after the assassination attempt. Doesn’t surprise me that the left is using it.
In a hearing about Secret Service's failures to protect President Trump, Rep. Jamie Raskin spent his opening statement talking about gun control and mocked people for believing in divine providence.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 22, 2024
Opening Statement
DHS shared a few excerpts from Cheatle’s opening statement:
“The Secret Service’s solemn mission is to protect our nation’s leaders. On July 13th, we failed,” Cheatle is expected to say, according to excerpts of her remarks released by the Department of Homeland Security. “As the Director of the United States Secret Service, I take full responsibility for any security lapse. As an agency, we are fully cooperating with the FBI’s investigation, the oversight you have initiated here, and conducting our own internal mission assurance review at my direction.”
“We must learn what happened and I will move heaven and earth to ensure an incident like July 13 does not happen again,” Cheatle is also expected to say. “Thinking about what we should have done differently is never far from my thoughts.”

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Well, now she’s had time to work with Democrats to prepare her for the hearing.
Nothing coming out of this diversity hires mouth will be remotely close to the truth.
I expect her responses to be: “I refer you to Homeland Security, I refer you to the FBI, I refer you to the local police, etc.,” lots of dodgeball types of answers. Unless she has been coached to take the Fifth?
Just a smug bureaucrat nothing more she shouldn’t be on the job tomorrow
Let me predict the most frequent responses:
1) “Thank you for the question Representative…”
2) National security precludes me from answering your question, Representative…”
Nothing else will be revealed.
No one will be reprimanded, let alone fired.
Because this was an inside job, an attempt by the deep state to eliminate an existential threat to their power.
And it will not be the last.
No, there was not an inside job to kill Mr. Trump. That’s a “movie plot” — it requires suspension of disbelief. What you suggest would require dozens, if not hundreds, of people to cooperate. That includes reasonable, ordinary, patriotic people who would not go along with killing someone.
Sorry, not believable. This was not an inside job, it’s spectacular incompetence.
I’d respectfully dissent, inasmuch as you’re not considering the possibility of willful negligence, inaction, omission and deviation by SS and/or DHS, in order to facilitate the inevitable violence that the vile Dhimmi-crats have ginned-up and incited against President Trump, over the course of nearly one decade.
And, who knows if the shooter was recruited, enticed, entrapped? It’s happened, before, with the FBI and Whitmer’s “kidnapping” scheme.
“What you suggest would require dozens, if not hundreds, of people to cooperate.”
So? Throughout history, countless criminal, political, military and espionage plots have been successfully carried out in secrecy despite their involving “dozens if not hundreds of people”. Although pulling it off requires a degree of intelligence, obsessiveness, discipline and ruthlessness that most people don’t possess (see, e.g., Jussie Smollett), many do. If the mob can manage it, so can the FBI, Secret Service, DHS, etc.
Why would this differ from anything else the government has done to us for the last several years?
Agreed. Any ‘plot’ wasn’t secret it was in the open. The agencies openly touted DEI hires, lowered standards to accommodate individuals who couldn’t pass the previous standards. They understaffed Trump by design of bean counting. Their selection of subordinate leadership within the agency is clearly a failure. The agency didn’t adequately recon, plan, rehearse nor effectively coordinate with State and Local agencies.
These are all the result of a willingness on the part of the Executive and Congress to accept a decline in agent selection, training, supervision of resources which put mission accomplishment lower down the list of priorities than other goals.
Whether it’s MIHOP or LIHOP, it’d have the same effect. But it beggars belief to think that it was merely a long string of “coincidental” “failures”/”incompetence.” The odds of the latter are approaching “monkeys typing out Shakespeare” levels.
She needs to resign, period.
After watching her testimony for only 15 minutes, I have to say, I have absolutely no confidence in her to do a competent job in her current role.
Yes, she needs to resign!
little satire
As predictable as the sun rising & setting, Democrats immediately begin their dogmatic incantation of: Gun control, gun control, gun control. I hate these people.
The opening statement is just so much self-serving posturing and self-aggrandizement.
“I, I, I, I, I….” — she sounds like narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama.
“What you suggest would require dozens, if not hundreds, of people to cooperate.”
So? Throughout history, countless criminal, political, military and espionage plots have been successfully carried out in secrecy despite their involving “dozens if not hundreds of people”. Although pulling it off requires a degree of intelligence, obsessiveness, discipline and ruthlessness that most people don’t possess (see, e.g., Jussie Smollett), many do. If the mob can manage it, so can the FBI, Secret Service, DHS, etc.
A conveniently well-planned failure that failed to get the target killed.
Perhaps they should just turn in the complaint for her lying to Congress now so that the doj can ignore it that much sooner
This was not an inside job, it’s spectacular incompetence.
disagree–more like deliberate inaction disguised as “spectacular incompetence”
consider, for a moment, the crystal clear remit for the leos/feds/et al: “protect trump and the attendees ” then consider that the shooter (fortuitously deceased) was observed well before the shooting both as he reconned the venue and ascended the building AND when confronted by leos brought a rifle to bear on them–and no one notified trump’s detail–or took action to eliminate the threat until AFTER the shooter opened fire
I know this will sound naive, but why start questions at the top where information filters to, instead of say the actual shooter who will be doing the reporting? The advance team should be questioned the local LEOs should be questioned. The last in line should be the political mouthpiece who knows how to deflect everything.
the only believable reason for the security folks ( locals and feds) not acting at once is that no one had a shot as seems to be confirmed by the sniper who actually took the shooter out–but what about BEFORE?
too many people with eyes on proof the guy was a threat for someone, even an armed citized, to not engage and neutralize the the shooter
We keep hearing over and over about the ‘evil’ AR-15, assault rifles, etc. as if that is some unique thread.
I would really like someone to point out that the AR-15 is a terrible sniper rifle. The 5.56 round is more than deadly… but I would hope that the SS is assessing risks based on a more likely sniper rifle.
Hell, the SS overwatch don’t use the Ar-15. You can clearly see that they are using a at least a 7.26/.308 rifle.
Any remotely intelligent bad actor would have used a scoped rifle, with a bolt action and could have made that show from a few hundred yards out.
Stop trying to blame the rifle. It’s 1000% on the failures of the SS
Exactly right. The AR-15 is a lousy sniper rifle. If the assassin had used a good deer rifle with a good scope, Trump would be dead.
Very important detail that was brought out late in the hearing and few have picked up. There is no recording of the radio traffic on the day of the shooting, They do record the radio traffic of other events. Why would there be no recording?
How can you do an effective investigation when you fail to document when the technology is readily available? How can you learn from mistakes, improve in the future without the necessary information?
I take full responsibility….unless I have to take any consequences in which case I will just give the usual bullshit non answers. She should have resigned already! A man died here! And a leading candidate for POTUS nearly had his head blown off on TV. What is wrong with this lady? Hey Biden, put down the jello and fire her! Now! Show the world you still have a pulse. The governing class is such an embarrassment. What we the people would give for some basic competence and integrity.
The Communists in the Democrat Party have just begun to emerge from their hiding places or is Democrat just another word for Communist/Socialist/Anarchist; the party that is intent on destroying the United States of America?