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Biden Interview: “I just had a bad night” – Refuses Neurological and Cognitive Evaluation

Biden Interview: “I just had a bad night” – Refuses Neurological and Cognitive Evaluation

“Bad episode” and “bad night” is the line he’s sticking to.

It’s President Joe Biden’s first interview after his awful debate performance. The pre-taped interview airs starting at 8:30 p.m. Eastern. ABC News promises to release an unedited transcript of the interview.

Some excerpts were released in advance. “Bad episode” and “bad night” is the line he’s sticking to.



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Watching it, Stuffy hitting him with health situation

Seeing comments elsewhere Sundowner is having a medical emergency as this is being played

scooterjay | July 5, 2024 at 8:16 pm


Medical emergency is false report

Even if Trump “lied 28 times”, Biden saying he got no soldier killed on his watch is one lie too many for me. How many times did he look at his watch as those 13 soldiers’ bodies were being brought home? There is a difference between a harmless exaggeration and a malicious, hurtful lie.

Stuffy was fairly tough on health situations and falling poll numbers

Looked to me that the game plan was to have Biden recite a bunch of the talking points he wasn’t able to recite during the debate, deflect the direct questions about his mental acuity and mental health as much as he can, and deny the polling numbers.

I’m watching it on a delay, and oh look, while saying Trump lies he just lied about Trump (about injecting bleach to cure Covid).

I agree with George: It’s not a good idea for Biden to compare his crowds and crowd enthusiasm with Trump’s. Calling into question the kind of people who attend Trump’s rallies will turn into a Trump campaign ad in no time.

    henrybowman in reply to p. | July 5, 2024 at 9:41 pm

    The timing of the Snopes debunking of “fine people on both sides” is more and more looking every bit as coincidental as Merriam-Webster’s instant online redefinition of “sexual preference” as a genderphobic slur.

jqusnr | July 5, 2024 at 8:55 pm

and folks this was TAPED.
Lord knows what they had to do
for the full interview ….
I so want him to stay in the race …
please …

nordic prince | July 5, 2024 at 9:01 pm

“I had a bad night…”

“You had a rough month….”

Excuses, excuses.

Oh FFS – if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Hodge | July 5, 2024 at 9:02 pm

Interesting. Not too bad, frankly.

I am fascinated by the idea that Joe has enough power to defy the Democratic Party and the Liberal Press. Somehow I just can’t believe that.

I can’t shake the idea that there is a preplanned switchero coming.

I believe George was a successful hit-man, and Joe is history in the very short term.
Next week, he will be in the rear-view mirror.

KJP lied about him NOT seeing a doctor.

BIDEN: Because I was sick. I was feeling terrible. Matter of fact, the docs with me, I asked, they did a COVID test to try to figure out what was wrong. They did a test to see whether or not I had some kind of infection, a virus. I didn’t. I just had a really bad cold.

Only saw a clip or two, but “I’m the guy” sounded like Biden bragging of his academic and civil rights prowess, which were zilch.

All of the talk about “panic” among Communist Party leaders was a lot of horse-puckey. There was no panic: what happened was that Biden* had such a complete and total meltdown on national TV that other Communist Party satraps who have their eyes on the White House saw this as a golden opportunity to dump Biden*.

But it has not worked since there was no agreed upon replacement, and in any even the Communists fashioned the primary in a way to insure Biden* was able to “win” without having to do much. Since Frau Doktor Jill Biden will not give up the Presidency the only way to get rid of Biden* now is (1) 25th Amendment, or (2) he dies.

His refusal to take a neurological/cognitive test is like a sign in Times Square flashing, “Joe Biden fails the test.” literally, no one in their right mind would refuse to take such a test in his precarious political situation.

Did you notice how Biden was running on his successes?
Me either.

Biden and his clan are just the types that will take down the country for personal gain. If he has absolute power over the delegates, then Democrats may be forced to use the 25th Amendment.

The weekend at Bernies is over.
George did his job.

henrybowman | July 5, 2024 at 9:46 pm

“I have a — I get a full neurological test every day with me and I’ve had a full physical. I had — you know, I mean — I’ve — I’ve been at Walter Red for my physicals. I mean — yes. The answer is –”

If this is the sort of stuff that made the 15-minute “greatest hits” video, I can’t imagine how Abe Simpson the stuff they cut must have been.

    alaskabob in reply to henrybowman. | July 5, 2024 at 10:28 pm

    Yes …everyday…..10 AM to 4 PM with a nap in between. Quite the stress test there Joe. For those who cover for him seeing no downside….. well…. you will inherit the outcome.

Paddy M | July 5, 2024 at 10:03 pm

Special thanks to the NT crowd and your return to our precious norms. Hope the hurt feelz were worth it.

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