Will We Ever Know the Truth About the Trump Assassination Attempt? Legal Insurrection Podcast Episode 3
In which my Dad, a once avid hunter and active rifle enthusiast pops in to reiterate that a shot with a small caliber rifle from 130 yards is not a difficult shot (and if you’re a good shot, it’s not).

Episode 3 is live!
In this episode, we discuss the Trump assassination attempt, JD Vance, Biden’s cognition (or lack thereof), the trump lawfare dismissals, and more.
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If any evidence exists that could be harmful to DJT (or helpful to Dems), it would be leaked and we would be saturated with it by now.
a lefty followed his marching orders and murdered and tried to murder djt
thats it
the ss is anti american and pro dei
thats it
In the 80s and 90s I was constantly arguing with people that Oswald was the lone shooter.. look forward the 2000s when the files would be opened and I could tell people I told you so. They still aren’t open, which makes me wonder.
If Trump becomes President we may know, especially in Trump puts RFKJr in charge of the investigation.
I think he was definitely the lone, i.e., only, shooter, but I would not be surprised in the least if he was part of a conspiracy.
What’s interesting is Oswald’s post-arrest statement that he was a “patsy.” Saying that is not the same thing as proclaiming one’s innocence, which Oswald easily could have done. It implies that he was involved in some way, but, also that he was being set up.
Some of the conspiracy theorizing on this has reached epic weird, Left and Right. Right now the best explanation I’ve seen is that the current administration sent the B-team of USSS to Trump’s events probably more out of spite than actual malice. (The USSS are very proud of their teams, and I’d put their B-team up against practically any threat, no prob. Provided they don’t screw up like this.)
Human nature tends to ignore improbable threats such as the water tower, which had no real way to access without a fair amount of obvious drama. The roof in question has a good view, but it’s in direct sunlight on a steel roof in summer. Put a pair of agents up there and you’d have to rotate them down every hour before heatstroke and surface burns rendered them useless. So they thought of the roof as inaccessible, but they didn’t expect some kid to bring a ladder. Then at least some of the “suspicious character” alerts were ignored because that building was a USSS planning point, and “Yeah, of course there’s a guy with a gun there. That’s us.” So they got caught from an unexpected direction by an unpredictable kid, made worse due to communication confusion and inexperience. Plus the counter-sniper team could not practically engage without really, really positive ID because all it would take is one photographer with a telephoto lens to get shot by accident… Thank God the counter sniper had the guy targeted and stopped the threat as quick as he did.
I’m not committing to anything here. I’ll wait until the dust settles.
Having said that. Water towers are accessible. They need maintenance. If it would b to obvious, a military level sniper would climb the tower the day before. There are people who claim shots came from that area. Are they right?
Yeah … I would not say that steel roofs are kill zones that fry people over an afternoon. You could put a blanket down, for the real weak people, but no one is dying from heatstroke or burns standing up on a roof. I would venture that the sand on a beach is far worse, in that respect.
I just do not imagine that agents would fry if they had to stand or sit on that roof for 5 or 6 hours. And I’m talking about normal agents, not snipers – who are trained to lie silent and motionless for seriously extended periods of time in the worst conditions imaginable.
The heat wasn’t a problem for the countersniper team on the other roof.
Well know as soon as they get back with us on the Las Vegas murderer
And the truth about the JFK murder
Er, the police told the SS that they could not cover the building-
Local police alerted the Secret Service before former president Donald Trump’s rally Saturday that they lacked the resources to station a patrol car outside a key building where a gunman later positioned himself and shot at Trump, according to local and federal law enforcement.
Richard Goldinger, the district attorney in Butler County, Pa., where the Trump rally took place, said the Secret Service “was informed that the local police department did not have manpower to assist with securing that building.”
Goldinger’s account was confirmed by Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi. Guglielmi said the proposal to station a patrol car and officer outside the Agr International building complex had been part of the Secret Service’s advance planning for securing the prominent structure, which had an expansive roof with an unobstructed view of the rally stage less than 150 yards away, where Trump would later stand.
I believe the public will never hear what the real system failures were that allowed this to happen. Problem revolves around leadership/management failures. I believe there have been a large number of near misses that we will never learn about because they are the result of leadership failure. No over view. To me a Big, Big issue.