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Lawsuit Alleges Northwestern U. Law School is Discriminating Against White Men

Lawsuit Alleges Northwestern U. Law School is Discriminating Against White Men

“It shouldn’t matter if someone is white, Black, brown or purple.”

This is the part of DEI policies that people on the left don’t like to talk about.

ABC in Chicago reports:

Northwestern accused of discriminating against white men during hiring process: lawsuit

A lawsuit is accusing Northwestern University’s Law School of discriminating against white men.

The complaint was filed in federal court by a conservative group called “Faculty, Alumni and Students Opposed to Racial Preferences.”

The suit claims the school violated anti-discrimination laws by hiring women and people of color over white men with better credentials.

Dean Hari Osofsky; law professors Sarah Lawsky, Janice Nadler and Daniel Rodriguez; Northwestern University Law Review Editor in Chief Dheven Unni; and Senior Equity and Inclusion Editor Jazmyne Denman are also named in the lawsuit.

The Northwestern School of Law is ranked as a top tier law school in the country, but, when it comes to hiring, the prestigious institution is accused of being a “cesspool of corruption and lawlessness.”

“Yes, that’s the facts that we have is that Northwestern has been passing over people who are white in favor of people who are other races. They’ve been passing over men in favor of folks who are women,” said Chris Hilton, of Stone & Hilton, the plaintiff’s attorney.

The suit is the first of what is expected to be many against higher institutions. The 30-page lawsuit accuses NU of violating federal law by hiring based on race and gender quotas.

“It shouldn’t matter if someone is white, Black, brown or purple. Someone should be getting a job at one of the best law schools in the country based on their merit and not based on their race,” Hilton said.

The suit claims in the past three years, 21 offers were made to minorities and women, and only three to white men. The legal action cites specific examples of what the plaintiff calls mediocre and undistinguished records, including a professor who graduated near the bottom of her law school class.


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destroycommunism | July 4, 2024 at 1:27 pm

universities across america live in fear of the violence that the blmplo gangs

they also hire 1960s pro communistnazi sympathizers as professors and admin

the whiteman culture is of hard work ambition etc

alll stated by the af-amer museum as being racist towards poc

this is what happens when you allow the children to run the adults

“Folks” who are women.
Black should not be capitalized. Just because the AP style book demands it, doesn’t mean the lawyer needs to do so.

Please, their lawyer(s) sound just as bad as NWU….my alama mater.

Many or most universities have been doing this for the past 20 years. The last time I was on a hiring committee, I asked if the committee would abide by the University’s Nondiscrimination Statement. They acted like I’d just farted in a crowded elevator. Their response was “Yes of course we will, but one of the most important qualifications will be diversity.” (Meaning race.)

When we initially made up our list to interview, the top candidate (by far) was a white male. We got a message back from the Dean that if our top three included a white male, they would stop the search. So the committee had to go back and downgrade the white male so he came out #4. The Dean was forcing the committee to do the racist dirty work for him.

This spiral downward began at least as far back as the early 90’s when the law school hired unrepentant commie terrorist Bernardine Dohrn (daughter in law of former NWU trustee chairman Thomas Ayers) as a clinical professor.

Louis K. Bonham | July 4, 2024 at 6:19 pm

And this is news? It’s been going on for decades.

One of my former law partners (top of his class at UT Law, federal appellate clerkship, several published articles on antitrust law) tried to break into getting a tenure track position in the late 1980’s. (He probably would have made a good law prof.)

All the schools he interviewed with essentially told him “five years ago, we would have hired you in a heartbeat. But we are under pressure to “diversify” the faculty, so straight white guys like you are out of luck unless maybe you were a SCOTUS clerk.” (One position he lost out on wound up going to Anita Hill, who is an intellectual featherweight with one qualification.)

Today, professors in my network routinely report being on hiring committees and being told “he won’t put it in writing, but the dean / president / etc. has made it clear that he won’t approve any new hire we propose that’s not BIPOC / female / etc.”.

Or as the excretable Erwin Chemerinski admitted on video, they just employ “unstated” affirmative action.

Hopefully, there will be some adverse judgments, but unfortunately I doubt many test case plaintiffs will be signing up. Win the case and academia will unite to blackball you forever — look at how Alan Bakke was treated professionally after winning his case.

There is hope in red states like Texas and Florida, where state law bans on DEI practices may get some traction. But in states like CA, IL, WA, OR, and the Northeast, forget it.

Go back and read the Supreme Court cases including Bakke. Quotas have always been illegal. The rationale for diversity was to foster viewpoint diversity, which is an important and worthy goal.

We all have to work hard to advance merit in all of the nation’s institutions. Given the nature of competition and market forces merit will win out in the end.

Wanna bet NW has made many statements proving the case?