Kamala Harris Announces That She Is Seeking The Democrat Nomination
“I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination.”

Well, I guess it’s official, at least in the sense that Kamala Harris has announced that she is indeed seeking the Democrat nomination for president.
I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party—and unite our nation—to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda. If you’re with me, add a donation right now.https://t.co/xpPDkCRhoZ
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) July 21, 2024
Of course, even this is built on a blatant lie. Democrats think that if they keep repeating that the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 is actually Trump’s . . . it will magically become so. Sigh. Trump’s agenda is the new GOP platform and his own Agenda 47, but lying liars have to lie. It’s what they do.
Expect abortion and ‘Trump is worse than Hitler’ to feature prominently, as well as every and any criticism being met with cries of racism. And also, to a lesser degree, misogyny.
And less than a day ago, she was still shilling for Biden as mentally cogent and capable. Her role in the conspiracy to cover up his cognitive decline cannot be forgotten (archive link).
As Vice President, I see @JoeBiden when the cameras are on and when the cameras are off—in the Oval Office, in the Situation Room, and on the campaign trail.
Joe Biden is a leader who fights for the American people. pic.twitter.com/w2OIN6oGpU
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) July 20, 2024
Full text:
As Vice President, I see @JoeBiden when the cameras are on and when the cameras are off—in the Oval Office, in the Situation Room, and on the campaign trail.
Joe Biden is a leader who fights for the American people.
Meanwhile, J.D. Vance is ready:
Joe Biden has been the worst President in my lifetime and Kamala Harris has been right there with him every step of the way. Over the last four years she co-signed Biden's open border and green scam policies that drove up the cost of housing and groceries. She owns all of these…
— JD Vance (@JDVance1) July 21, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Last photo- she is talking about Willie Brown’s size.
Now she can bronze her old knee pads.
Willie Brown for VP?
It’s “wheels up for Heels-Up”.
You do realize you’re the only person doing as badly as the senile old groper, right?
The single most horrifying example of “failing upward” in American history.
Obama Pivots to Harris.
Which is a hilarious analogy if you remember how Biden gets along with staircases.
I think she is as bad or worse than Biden. The one advantage to keeping Biden was it was pretty clear they were not going to activate their cheating machine for Biden… they will however for Kamala
She definitely worse than Biden on Israel. A huge concern. HUGE.
Yes, despite Obama’s not publicly endorsing her yesterday, she’s an Obama puppet. The Dems are actually going to try to turn things on their heads and force Kamala into office. For almost 4 years Biden failed to retire and let Kamala into the job, which was the only reason they let him win in 2020. Now he’s sidelined and possibly killed, and they still want Prezident Kamala. Maybe next week we’ll “learn” that Biden succumbed to Covid, and she’ll be promoted immediately.
I’m not convinced. We will see. I think they’re just hanging her out to lose because she’s less of a drag on the down ballot.
More than anything else, the clincher will be the VP choice. if its somebody like Shapiro or Whitmer, they’re all in on her and will try to cheat her in.
If its somebody with no career left like Bootyjudge, then they’re letting her lose.
100% agree. Whitmer just announced she will not seek the nomination… if she stays completely away from the whole mess I’d say that’s one more log on the pile of Harris being sacrificed to the political gods. Polling was showing Shapiro only helping in 1 state…
Shapiro was a no go because of the Democrat’s virulent antisemitism.
I’m not sure why Shapiro’s name keeps popping up. He’s a complete non-entity. Most of Pennsylvania don’t even know that he’s the Governor. His great accomplishment is, generally, keeping his name out of the news. Even though he was part of the criminal clusterf**k that was the intentional detonation of the East Palestine chemical cars he has been ignored in that … just part of his identity as a non-entity.
I sort of crack up when I see dems put his name forth.
Shapiro declined as well.
That’s going to depend on polling, though. If she’s tanking, they can’t overcome the poll vs. “votes” thing. That’s why we always have to win big, bigger, biggest. We have to win way past the margin of cheating. No one on God’s green earth (with a brain and who watched the results come in, until they didn’t) believed Biden won 81 million votes.
There is no way he won more than Obama. We were all here during 2008, there was energy and momentum and enthusiasm for Obama. Lots of it, everywhere. Biden was a bunker campaigner who couldn’t rouse eight people to his covid-appropriate “car rallies.” But he was still polling ahead of or even with Trump. They definitely stole it, to my mind, but only because it was close. Trump’s job is to make sure it’s not close.
My concern is that they got off scot free… with a massive cheating operation…. Will they not be emboldened to go even bigger if need be. They know there will be no repercussions no matter what they do
I think we’ll “learn” this week that Biden succumbed to complications of Covid, and Kamala will be the incumbent. Magic!
Minor correction, Fuzzy: Biden got 81 million votes. Just not from 81 million voters.
And that’s why the rest of your comment is spot-on. There is little enthusiasm for Ms. Harris today; that will translate into a poor choice for VP and a badly managed campaign. Who wants to be her campaign manager? Who wants to be the chief wrangler for the mega-donors? She’s a ‘C’ class candidate who will surround herself with people that an ‘A’ class Democratic candidate would never allow into the inner circle. And the Dems can’t manufacture enough ballots to pull her through.
Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance need to pour it on, make their ‘Agenda 47’ clear, and show the personal courage that both have (and Ms. Harris doesn’t). Stay away from picking on ‘the woman’, talk about the key issues, and win by 10 points. Win by well past the margin of fraud.
She’s warming up that Hawk Tuah for the donors.
Are the people going to be duped yet again? How large will her halo be?
They’ll make a Venn diagram out of it.
Venn diagram, intersectional halo, six of one.
I just listened to the Fox News ‘polling expert’ spend 5-minutes talking about what a ‘weak’ candidate Trump is. So, I looked at some numbers. On this day (July 21) in the 2012 RCP average, Barack Obama was at 46.4%. Today, Trump is at 47.7% Did anyone call Obama a ‘weak’ candidate in 2012 because he NEVER polled at or above 50% in the RCP average throughout the entire 2012 campaign?. Trump has his issues, all candidates do. But, he’s easily the strongest GOP nominee we’ve had since GHWB in 1988.
Fox is a globalist facist media platform
Barky was a really, really weak candidate in 2012. He should have lost that race but Mittens was a supreme loser. Barky had just come off of the worst Presidential term in American history and the guy was an inept retard who could not do anything.
Trump is not a weak candidate but our country is chock full of self-hating mental cases. It is difficult for any conservative to poll 50%. Ever. We have way too many Americans who truly hate America. It’s why we are such a terrible situation, to begin with.
Trump is a strong candidate and he might be able to get over 50% eventually, but that would really be serious feat for anyone on the right. Trump is clearly the strongest candidate on the right. By far.
I was flabbergasted after Mittens destroyed Obama in the first debate, and then he rolled over. I knew Mittens was a loser when Obama’s social-media team pushed that nonsense about Romney’s dog traveling on the roof of his car…. in a car-carrier.
Have you ever seen the look of pure bliss on a dog’s face when it has it’s nose in the wind out a car window?
Obama ATE A DOG and sound clips of him reading about it in his own autobiography were freely available. He could have been absolutely DESTROYED by anyone with half a sack. Your average mid-America voter is NOT down with a guy who eats dogs. But Romney was a pathetic, limp, submissive bitch and rolled over.
God, the old GOP makes me sick. God save Trump.
Yep, and everyone got their panties in a twist when Noem shot a dog.
I’ve put down a few dogs that turned out to be vicious and dangerous to those who weren’t family. I didn’t want a law suit.
But Noem got canceled for it.
But Fauxchi and Obama get a pass for what they have done to dogs.
Whereas Democrats shot a president and sandbagged a second one in the same week, and they’re proud of doing both.
I can’t wait until the debate, if there is one, they may be prepping a basement for her as well, since she is no more coherent than Biden.
Given their obsession with identity politics and loss of support from Hispanic voters would not be surprised to see them pick a Hispanic male to try to salvage as many down ticket contests as possible.
On the other hand, they may figure out that voting strictly by race or ethnicity is no longer a winning ticket.
I’ll believe race and ethnicity don’t dominate, when I see it in an actual election. Muslim religion is also a huge influence in that demographic. Until then, I still think they do.
Therefore, any Jewish VP is a non-starter, Correct?
No different than Hollywood and Harvey Weinstein. They knew and hid it.
“earn AND win” … ??
Um, yes. They’re not the same thing. A person could earn a nomination and yet see it go to someone else who hasn’t earned it.
Kamala needs to be forced to start a 25th amendment disposal of Traitor Joe.
They aren’t going to do that for one simple reason. They know the chances of her winning are, I will be generous and say “slim”. So they don’t want her to do anything but campaign, if she actually had to do even part of the job as POTUS then that would be less time for her to campaign. They would have to at least make it look like she was doing the job.
But the GOP has to keep pushing for that. Every single day. Constantly. First of all, because it’s the right thing to do and secondly, because Traitor Joe deserves to be unceremoniously thrown out with the weekly garbage.
And if Traitor Joe is 25th’ed, then he could not pardon his degenerate criminal son, being incompetent (officially) and all …
Nope. First of all, the 25th is not undignified. On the contrary, it was created specifically so there would be a way to remove a beloved president without subjecting him to the indignity of impeachment.
Second, until the moment he’s removed his pardons will be effective. If the VP and cabinet vote to remove him he still has power until they send Congress a written declaration. If they do that, he sends Congress his written declaration that he’s contesting it, and immediately resumes power until the VP and cabinet get a chance to hold another vote and send Congress another written declaration. In the meantime, competent or not, he can pardon anyone he likes.
How is it the right thing to do? I think it’s stupid, and Mike Johnson is being stupid (if he’s truly a conservative at all) for pushing it.
Do you really want Kamala to be the incumbent? Then she would likely win in 2024 and could have 4 or 8 more years of being an Obama puppet. Biden is bad but not that bad.
Probably won’t matter. Biden will likely “succumb to Covid”, and Kamala will be the incumbent.
And I will not be distracted by the irrelevant attractive shiny object that is Hunter Biden.
Forced how?
The Trump campaign needs to link this failed presidency to her as part of the Biden Team. She’s part of it, so she owns it. And whatever Biden does between now and Nov., and God help us, January, is on her.
The border is an albatross around the “Border Czar’s” neck.
As of this writing, Newsome & Shapiro have unequivocally endorsed Harris. While Whitmer hasn’t endorsed her (yet), she has said she ‘doesn’t intend to challenge Harris.’ I wouldn’t say Harris is a done deal. But, the fat lady is warming up.
The backlash on DEI is at tsunami levels.
The irony here is thick.
NYT editorial board is now saying that Kamala must be dumped.
Its bloodless coup.
she is also seeking a short yellow bus to travel on
She needs to choose Hillary as VP. Campaign slogan will be “Cackles and Cankles”.
Crone-harlot Harris is a transparently elitist, shallow, dim-witted, thin-skinned and petulant harridan.
The termagant possesses less than zero blue-collar appeal, will not win votes in the Rust Belt, and, cannot divorce herself from the myriad and glaring incompetence, failures and destructive policies of the so-called “Biden-Harris” Administration.
Lastly, I observe that the U.S. has already elected and re-elected a half-black, transparently malignant narcissist and hustler to the White House, with utterly disastrous consequences for the U.S. and for the free world. It would seem that a decidedly painful lesson should have been learned — to wit, that a candidate’s dark skin pigmentation is not intrinsically an asset — what matters is political ideology and substantive private sector accomplishment (or, less preferably, substantive government experience) and delivering positive, real-world results. And, cancerous narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, is still gleefully poisoning the political climate and civics in the U.S. and acting like an arsonist, to this very day.
An Obama-worshiping sycophant and toady can’t stomach valid criticism of that transparently and malignantly narcissistic, Jew-hating, Muslim supremacist-embracing/whitewashing, corrosive and wretched oaf.
As of this morning (and according to the NY Times), more than half of the Democrat Congressional Caucus as well has half or more of all Democrat Governors have endorsed Harris. I’m surprised. I really thought they’d keep their options open at least for a couple weeks. My only guess is that they wanted this settled ASAP as it was impacting their own fundraising. None of them can genuinely be happy with Harris at the top of the ticket.
The strategic view point for Kamala rests on: 1) Her nomination would prevent anger and repercussions in the African American vote. If the D’s lose that block, they could suffer devastating losses for multiple election cycles. 2) Kamala has a defensible legal claim to $90M in election funding. 3) It may be possible with ballot harvesting for her to “win” the election.
Plus, choosing her is the path of least resistance.
In December 2019 NBC News reported:
“The latest RealClearPolitics average of recent polling showed Harris with just 3.4 percent support nationally, and just 3.3 percent and 2.7 percent backing in the early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire, respectively.”
What has Harris done in the last 4 years to increase her polling among Dems?
I have to wonder if they’re not just hanging her out there like the Republicans did Dole in 96 because they know they’ve already lost. Perhaps they think the best they can do is try to salvage their chances in both houses of Congress
All this is my humble opinion and should be valued accordingly.
1. I don’t believe that Kamala is electable and I suspect she knows it. However a ‘a shut mouth don’t get fed’ – it’s worth millions to her to be persuaded to withdraw “for the good of the party” but not unless she says she won’t.
1 a. If it’s believed that the election is irretrievably lost then she’s a fine sacrificial offering.
2. The egos of Obama and Hillary come into play here. Both are sure that one of them CAN and WILL defeat Trump, no matter what the polling might show. That means moving Kamala out of the way… Obama using money and treachery; Clinton preferring treachery and innuendo and as little cash as necessary.
2 a. – however with both parties working independently toward the same goal…Kamala,,,, she GONE, and soon.
3. So the real battle is being fought over buying delegates for the Big M or the Mighty H. The American pork barrel is going to take a real shaking down for the last scrap “if ( insert name here) wins.
It’s a hard call – the Clintons are deep in the machine, but a bit out of the main stream and Obama is still active. Point to Obama.
Michelle brings Blacks and Women, and anti-Trump wanna-feel- virtuous voters. However anyone with a brain will see she can’t even spell President – let alone be effective. The rationalization is that she’s a beard for Barry. He’ll run the government just like Jill is now. Easy to promise guaranteed pork.
. Plus, how can Trump even debate her without coming off as unnecessarily mean and rude? She will offer fairy dust and hope and zero specifics. Point to Obama
Hillary won’t have time or opportunity to argue her “experience” – the pitch to the the donors and delegates anyhow, and the delegates don’t care about hope and dreams… they want cash and positions.
The only things the Clintons could do is threaten to sink Michelle with, say, Russian piss tapes? But there’s no time to do that before the virtual convention
So: Michelle O and some harmless White dude (not Gavin) for VP.
What say ye.
Kamala isn’t savvy enough to know her role. She’s a quota queen. A throwaway card, to be played in a losing Election.
Doubt she even knows who’s pulling her puppet strings.