Hillary Clinton being promoted as the way out of the Biden mess

Things just got interesting.

NBC News is reporting that Clintonworld is backing Biden staying in the race:

Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have privately been supportive of Biden’s decision to stay in the race and have been actively encouraging donors to stay with him, according to two people familiar with the Clintons’ thinking.

Both sources used the word “deferential” to describe the Clintons’ position as it relates to Biden’s commitment to continue his re-election campaign, which the president himself has stated publicly in recent days.

Behind the scenes, the Clintons have been in touch with the White House and have offered to help however they can, the sources said.

My first inclination was to view this as Clintonworld getting even with Obamaworld, which wants Biden to withdraw. The Clintons have never forgiven Obama for taking the 2008 nomination away from Hillary, and for using the “race card” on the Clintons in the 2008 primaries.

So I was inclined to agree with Mark Hemingway that Hillary might be doing this out of spite:

I don’t believe any of the reporting on Biden, but the thought of the Clintons doing this to stick it to Obama world is amusing.

But then I saw other headlines praising Hillary and suggesting she may the Democrats’ answer, like this Opinion piece at The Hill, Ready for Round 2: Why we Need Hillary more than ever:

The strongest argument against replacing President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee is the notion that no suitable successor exists. But there is, and not just a good one but one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office: Hillary Rodham Clinton….The Democrats have a seasoned, savvy and adaptable candidate in Hillary Clinton. Without the burden of incumbency, she can run on a platform of stability, restoration and progress, with the credibility of her lifetime in public service and proven leadership. In her candidacy, we might just find our best chance to retain the White House and transcend the gladiatorial spectacle of politics.

It actually makes sense. Clintonworld keeps Obamaworld at bay, protecting the carcass of the Biden campaign and preventing Kamala from grabbing what most people assume would be the top spot if Joe bows out. Biden knows Kamala is unqualified and unserious, and he is not going to withdraw just for Democrats to lose.

Plus, “Dr.” Jill reportedly hates and has never forgiven Kamala for playing the “race card” on Joe:

Joe might, however, be comfortable handing the reins to Hillary, someone he would consider his equal in stature.

And it would make sense for Hillary to do it this way. She would not be seen as forcing Biden out, unlike devious Obamaworld, she would be his off ramp, a way for him to preserve what little dignity he has left.

Jason Miller, Trump’s Senior Advisor, is predicting that Hillary will make her move:

SHE’S RUNNING!!! These opinion pieces don’t happen organically – Crooked is on the move!!!

Hillary, in her own world view, is the most wronged woman in the history of wronged women. Obama stole the presidency from her. Trump stole the presidency from her. And then there’s Bill.

Hillary considers herself a natural born president.

Of course Hillary is trying to figure out how she can pull this off.

As the founder of this blog, I really would welcome the rematch.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, 2024 Presidential Election, Biden Cognitive, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris