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Hezbollah Rocket Attack On Israeli Druse Football Match, Large Number of Deaths and Casualties Reported (Updated)

Hezbollah Rocket Attack On Israeli Druse Football Match, Large Number of Deaths and Casualties Reported (Updated)

Times of Israel: “There are more than 30 casualties in the rocket strike in Majdal Shams, according to medics. Among them are several dead, including children.”



Several Israeli civilians, including children, were reported killed on Saturday afternoon after a Hezbollah rocket hit a soccer field in northern Israel.

The rocket strike took place in Majdal Shams, a largely Druze town in Golan Height. “At least nine young Druze Israelis died an many more were in critical condition,” the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported. This is the deadliest Hezbollah terror attack on Israel since October 7, Israeli media reports say.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed Hezbollah’s hand behind the deadly terror strike. “The Hezbollah terrorist organization is behind the rocket launch at a soccer field in Majdal Shams which caused multiple civilian casualties, including children, earlier this evening,” the IDF said in a press release.

The rocket attack in Golan Heights appears to be part of a bigger Hezbollah barrage across northern Israel, the Jerusalem Post reports:

The residents of several localities in Northern Galilee were told to stay near shelters, including in Nimrod, Neve Ativ, Odem, El-Rom, Merom Golan, Ein Zivan, Ortal, Sha’al, Qela Alon, and Ramat Trump Heights, according to military guidelines, following several barrages of rockets. Additionally, Wast Junction and Brown Junction in the area are closed to vehicle traffic.

In the most recent barrage of rockets since the hit in Majdal Shams, 100 rockets were reportedly fired, according to the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Mayadeen network.

IDF expands operation in Khan Younis after Terrorists infiltrated Humanitarian Zone

Less than a week after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) began evacuating parts of the humanitarian zone in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis, the military has expanded the counter-terrorism operation in the area.

The IDF describe the move as “temporary evacuation” of civilians to an adjacent safe area. The humanitarian zone in Khan Younis, created by the Israeli military to keep Gazans from the harm’s way, had turning into a safe haven for Hamas terrorists and a launchpad for firing rockets into Israel while the IDF is engaged in a battle to capture the nearby jihadist stronghold of Rafah.

“The Israeli military on Saturday issued fresh evacuation orders to Gazans in the southern city of Khan Younis, citing intelligence that Hamas terrorists have reembedded themselves the designated humanitarian zone,” the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported.

“Due to significant terrorist activity and rocket fire toward the State of Israel from the southern area of Khan Yunis, remaining in this area has become dangerous. Accordingly, at this time, the area will be adjusted,” the IDF announced in a press release Saturday morning. “The adjustment is being carried out in accordance with precise intelligence indicating that Hamas has embedded terrorist infrastructure in the area defined as a Humanitarian Area.”

The IDF has issues an “early warning to civilians” and was taking measures to “mitigate harm to the civilian population and keep civilians away from areas of combat,” the military said. “The calls for the temporary evacuation are being communicated to residents through SMS messages, recorded voice messages, phone calls, media broadcasts in Arabic and flyers,” the IDF assured.

In a statement released later on Saturday, the IDF disclosed the details of the ongoing operation in Khan Younis:

In Khan Yunis, IDF troops conducted targeted raids on terror infrastructure sites above and below the ground, locating large amounts of weaponry, including shoulder launched missiles, grenades, AK-47s and additional military equipment.

During one of the operations, the troops identified a terrorist cell that carried out a failed launch. Shortly after the identification, and in cooperation with the IAF, the terrorists were eliminated in a strike.

Israeli ground troops continue to push against Hamas in Rafah terror stronghold. “Furthermore, over the past day, IDF troops continued precise, intelligence-based operational activity in the Rafah area. They conducted targeted raids on several military infrastructure sites and eliminated armed terrorist cells. Over the past two days, the troops eliminated dozens of terrorists,” the IDF statement added.

IDF destroys Hamas command and control center inside a UN ‘school’ in central Gaza

The Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas command and control center set up insides a United Nations-run school in central Gaza, the Israeli media reported Saturday.

The strike comes less than two weeks after Israel disclosed that Hamas had set up a terrorist base inside the Gaza headquarters of the UN Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA.

“A Hamas command and control center embedded within a school in central Gaza’s Deir al-Balah was struck by Israeli fighter jets a short while ago, the IDF said, adding that it took extensive measures to minimize civilian casualties,” The Times of Israel reported. “The military said that the command room it targeted was used by Hamas operatives to plan and carry out attacks against IDF troops in Gaza and against Israel.”

The IDF released the details of the strike on the Hamas base:

A short while ago, in a strike based on precise IDF and ISA intelligence, terrorists operating in a Hamas command and control center inside the Khadija school compound in central Gaza were struck by the IAF.

Hamas terrorists used the compound as a hiding place to direct and plan numerous attacks against IDF troops and the State of Israel. In parallel, the terrorists developed and stored large quantities of weapons inside the compound.

Prior to the strike, numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including the use of appropriate munitions, aerial surveillance and additional intelligence.

The revelation once again highlights how UNRWA has been allowing Hamas to use its facilities to conduct terrorist activities. This active collusion between Hamas and UNRWA has prompted some Israeli lawmakers to call for the branding of the disgraced UN agency as a terrorist organization.

IDF shoots down Hezbollah drone suspected of targeting Israeli offshore gas rig

Israel on Saturday morning shot down a Hezbollah drone reportedly approaching country’s offshore gas rig. In recent years, Iran-backed terrorist group has repeatedly threatened Israel’s maritime gas drilling operation.

“Israeli Navy shoots down Hezbollah drone in economic waters, suspected to be heading toward natural gas rig,” the Israeli news website YNET reported. The authorities were still accessing “whether UAV armed or conducting reconnaissance,” the news outlet added.

“A short while ago, an Israeli Navy Shayetet 3 missile ship, in cooperation with the IAF, successfully intercepted a UAV that entered from Lebanese territory into Israel’s ​​economic waters,” the Israel military said.


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2smartforlibs | July 27, 2024 at 1:35 pm

Seems to me the low IQs either need to educate themselves or SHUT up about the terrorists.

Paula | July 27, 2024 at 1:36 pm

Shame on Kamala Harris. Her support of anti-Israel protesters and criticism of Israel, followed by scolding words toward Natanyahu designed to suck up to her political base was an encouragement to Israel’s enemies. This gave Muslims ample room to attack Israel while their Prime Minister is in the US.

rhhardin | July 27, 2024 at 1:38 pm

10 dead isn’t mass casualty. It’s more or less what you expect if you fire enough rockets.

that’s not to say that blowing Hezbollah away isn’t a good idea, just that it’s not a mass casualty. A clickbait problem substituting for a strategy problem.

    Pathetic comment that has no value whatsoever, unless it’s negative value one craves. Thankfully, no racism or bigotry in this one.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | July 27, 2024 at 5:17 pm

    You are such a pathetic loser.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to rhhardin. | July 28, 2024 at 5:53 am

    Death toll is now 14. Which in a country with Israel’s population is a lot more than it would be in the U.S.

    Besides, RH, the children who were murdered while playing soccer were all Druze, not Jews. Surely that should give their lives greater value in your eyes. Yet here you are devaluing them as though they were only Jews.

    Concise in reply to rhhardin. | July 28, 2024 at 9:23 am

    How many innocent Israeli children/civilians would have to be murdered to raise any serious concerns for you and whatever terrorist supporting morons have upvoted you? Got a number in mind? And can we call them terrorist animals? What that offend you too? How about Iranian backed terrorist animals?

Of course the reaction of Western leftists will be both (1) Israel deserved it, and (2) Israel faked the attack by having the IDF fire at it on citizens.

destroycommunism | July 27, 2024 at 2:06 pm

hey I know lets concede that hamas are the victims


tcb Israel

Kingfisher | July 27, 2024 at 2:19 pm

If the rockets came from Lebanon then the attack came from Lebanon-no?

So-it’s Lebanon that’s attacking Israel.

In any remotely sane world, at a minimum, the consequences for such an attack would include:

(1) universal international condemnation,

and (2) an internationally supported militarily enforced loss of Lebanese territory in order to establish some kind of buffer zone,

and (3) internationally supported change of Lebanese regime , and prosecutions by Israel of the Lebanese Prime Minister and Defense Minister.

Imagine if Portugal rocketed or droned Spain kids playing soccer. Or vice versa.

It’s galling to think that Trump had Iran on its knees without firing a shot.

Paula | July 27, 2024 at 2:35 pm

Media: “President Biden, what is your response?”

Biden: “Time to show our support for Hezbollah by building a pier to offload relief supplies.”

Kingfisher | July 27, 2024 at 2:38 pm

Wouldn’t it be something if Blinkin and/or Sullivan and/or Austen held a news conference or issued a statement and just came out and acknowledged:

“Look, we did try our best. But obviously nothing that we’ve tried has worked. We’re really sorry.”

Wouldn’t that be some thing.

I’d respect them for that.

Maybe, as an extra bonus — Blinken should identify everyone at the State Department who works on US-Lebanon affairs, and fire them. For incompetence. If you managed a Burger King as effectively as these folks have managed US-Lebanon affairs, you’d be fired.

BigRosieGreenbaum | July 27, 2024 at 2:46 pm

What does Kamala have to say now?

    Paula in reply to BigRosieGreenbaum. | July 27, 2024 at 5:51 pm

    She’s checking with George Clooney’s wife.

      schmuul in reply to Paula. | July 27, 2024 at 7:47 pm

      She probably is Clooney wife is Druze herself but from a different clan ; so she won’t care about Arabs killing Arabs because they weren’t her Arabs. Of course this whole thing doesn’t fit the narrative of dead Jews so the media will just ignore it; since it blows their empty minds that there are many Arab citizens who are not Jewish in Israel with equal rights who serve in the IDF, just want peace and security and dont hate Jews.

Peter Moss | July 27, 2024 at 2:55 pm

If you’re thinking of voting for Kamala Harris, this will be the daily life of Israelis for the next 4/8 years as Harris has cast her lot with the radical Islamic terrorists.

If you’re thinking of voting for Donald Trump, you can expect that he will pick up where he left off four years ago (when he was cheated out of his second term) with the Abraham Accords, strangling Iran and otherwise keeping a boot to the throat of Islam.

In sum, your choices are between a Strong Horse and a horse’s ass.

Jvj1975 | July 27, 2024 at 3:28 pm

Really bad idea to piss off the Druze.

My guess is that Nasrallah will die very soon.

Many of his lieutenants probly as well

Hizballah and IRGC will have difficulties going forward — kinda like Japan after Pearl Harbor.

Maybe I’m wrong. We’ll see.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to Jvj1975. | July 28, 2024 at 5:58 am

    Read the last paragraph::

    *Beit Shemesh News*

    *10 killed and 19 wounded from a Hezbollah rocket up north*

    This afternoon, Hezbollah shot rockets towards the Golan, one of which hit a soccer pitch in Majdal Shams. According to MDA, 10 have been killed, 6 have been critically wounded, 3 moderately and 4 lightly, and 6 have been anxiety-stricken.

    Dozens of sirens sounded over Shabbos up north.

    IDF and government officials have issued threats of retaliation, but residents of the North say that they’ve been hearing the same threats for 10 months – it’s time for actions.

    ◇Join Beit Shemesh News:◇

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to Jvj1975. | July 28, 2024 at 6:00 am

    Israeli Druze are fiercely loyal to Israel. Lebanese Druze are fiercely loyal to Lebanon.

Jvj1975 | July 27, 2024 at 3:32 pm

Not sure I’d want to be Bashar Al-Assad right about now, either.

We’ll see.

alaskabob | July 27, 2024 at 5:06 pm

X allowed the pics of the dismembered kids to be displayed. Good. No Israeli tunnels under the playground. Pure murder. And yet, the US Dems are pro-Hamas. Kindred spirits.

Until Iran pays a price nothing will change. Israel should bomb Iran’s oil infrastructure and tell them that is just the start if their agent Hezbollah gets out of line again.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to jb4. | July 28, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    I think that plenty of people understand that Iran will have to be neutralized, what I don’t understand is why they have not been dealt with.

schmuul | July 27, 2024 at 8:03 pm

Quick Look at CNN and it just says Netanyahu is upset about 11 killed in Israel right above claims there are 30,000 dead kids in Gaza. MSDNC is t even covering the story. Yup Arabs killing Arabs children doesn’t fit their little narrative so nothing will be reported. I mean how much reporting did you see on the gassing by Assad of Syrian children? Only Palestinians are special and only if we can blame Jews.

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