Harvard Reverses Decision to Suspend Anti-Israel Student Activists After Criticism From Faculty Council
“Harvard administrators faced intense backlash from students and faculty members for pursuing disciplinary action against the undergraduates, with several prominent professors slamming the charges as overly harsh and unprecedented.”

Harvard has decided not to suspend five anti-Israel student protesters after members of the Faculty Council complained. Giving these students a pass is only going to encourage more of this behavior. That seems obvious to everyone but the administration at Harvard.
As many predicted…
And as even the Crimson recognizes: “By reversing the charges against the student activists, Harvard may have further emboldened pro-Palestine student groups ahead of the return to campus in September.” pic.twitter.com/BaFjWaSefA
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) July 10, 2024
From the Harvard Crimson:
Harvard Reverses Decision to Suspend 5 Pro-Palestine Protesters Following Faculty Council Appeal
The Harvard College Administrative Board reversed its decision to suspend five students for participating in the pro-Palestine encampment earlier this year after the Faculty Council criticized its handling of the cases.
The College informed students on Tuesday of their updated disciplinary charges, which saw the suspensions downgraded to probations of varying lengths, according to a person familiar with the decisions who was granted anonymity to discuss disciplinary matters.
The most severe probation charge will last for just one semester, a remarkable change from the initial punishments which required at least one student to withdraw from the College for three semesters. Some students who were initially placed on probation in late May also had the length of their probations reduced.
The students faced disciplinary action days before Harvard’s graduation ceremony in late May after College administrators deemed they were active participants in the 20-day pro-Palestine encampment staged in Harvard Yard during the end of the spring semester…
Harvard administrators faced intense backlash from students and faculty members for pursuing disciplinary action against the undergraduates, with several prominent professors slamming the charges as overly harsh and unprecedented. More than 1,000 people also staged a walkout during Harvard’s graduation ceremony over the decision to deny diplomas to the 13 seniors.
Meanwhile, in Florida:
Harvard vs. Florida
Old Ivy vs. New Ivy
Garber vs. Sasse pic.twitter.com/kbQK4G3uSM
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) July 10, 2024
From the Washington Free Beacon:
A Tale of Two Universities
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. Take the cases of Cambridge, Mass., and Gainesville, Fla., where university leaders this week charted two different courses in their handling of disciplinary cases stemming from students’ engagement in vicious anti-Israel protests this spring.
At the University of Florida, where former GOP senator Ben Sasse assumed the presidency last year, dean of students Chris Summerlin rejected the recommendations of a faculty panel and opted instead to impose harsher sentences on several students arrested in April, one of whom was captured on video spitting on a police officer.
Those students are suspended for three or four years, depending on the severity of their infractions. They are banned from campus during that time and will be required to reapply for admission.
At Harvard, meanwhile, the school’s administrative board reversed its decision to suspend five students for participating in an unlawful encampment.
The Harvard students who avoided consequences see this as a victory.
WHAT?! Harvard reverses the very few suspensions they gave to students who harassed Jews and called for violence. Antisemitic classmates consider this a victory, declaring “long live the intifada.” Share your thoughts with President Alan Garber: alan_garber@harvard.edu pic.twitter.com/JphWQYWdKT
— Shabbos Kestenbaum (@ShabbosK) July 10, 2024
The Ivy League schools have allowed this minority of students to almost completely tarnish their reputations. It’s sad.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
That which gets rewarded, gets repeated.
Harvard discriminates against Asians and whites and rewards antisemitism. To paraphrase the saying, it’s further proof that communists gut a legitimate organization and wear its skin for legitimacy.
Here is a complaint filed against Northwestern Law School protesting affirmative action:
From the complaint:
For at least the last twelve years, since the installation of then-Dean Daniel
Rodriguez, the leadership of Northwestern Law School has propagated and enforced
a mandate to hire as many non-white and non-male faculty candidates as possible.
This hiring mandate, which remains in effect, directs Northwestern Law
School to intentionally and consciously discriminate in favor of black, Hispanic, Asian,
female, homosexual, and transgender faculty candidates, and against white men who
are heterosexual and non-transgender. Candidates with preferred identities are
awarded substantial advantages and chosen over white men who have vastly superior
publication records and far more impressive educational and professional credentials
These things will have to addressed with civil litigation. That and loss of the best and brightest students.
The sane student majority needs to stand up and push for these radicals to be punished given its adverse effects on the “Harvard” brand.
I’d have guessed Apartheit. German de-adjectival noun.
President Garber has been emasculated. That’s the story here.
The vile and evil Dhimmi-crats and their wretched Party are staunchly wedded to goose-stepping, genocidal, Jew-hating and Christian-hating Islamofascism and Muslim supremacism. There is no turning back from their plunge into the abyss.
Nobody is surprised by this. Nobody.
Next step — free tuition for the accused (plus extra $$$) for (a) embarrassing them, and (b) mental anguish.
Harvard. Dedicated to the very highest standards of immorality.
so now we allll know who and what the faculty are all about
violence towards the j ewish community
they keep telling us who they are and we keep backing down
gop no more money to anyyyy of these places
I really, really hope that none of the people involved in any of this gets any of their relatives kidnapped. Especially minors. Nor raped on livestream. Nor forcibly/voluntarily converted to say islam. The things that occurred October 7th, I would not wish on anyone.
I pray that we can all live peacefully together.
He kind of had to or he wouldn’t get invited to the cool kids dinner parties anymore
Harvard has just committed financial and academic suicide. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer institution…..
Bud light – perhaps? – hopefully
Harvard’s endowment is so large I would take decades, if ever, for them to go bankrupt.
Was the misconduct strictly speech?
No Professor, administrator, graduate, or student at Harvard is ever held to account for their own actions. To consider such is heresy.
Neither Harvard nor its faculty should receive any contracts for research or other matters from the US government.
Similarly, no Harvard graduate should be hired by any pro-American employer.
Subotai Bahadur
No students attending Harvard should receive student loans.
Student loans should end in order to force universities to lower their prices nationwide.
However we also need to cut off Harvard from foreign government funding, forcing them to care what Americans have to say.
Just have the Us co-sign for the loan. That way we know their education is worth something.
We need to cut off Harvard and every other American institution of education from receiving money from foreign governments or their proxies.
Harvard knows Iran can outspend any donor, it doesn’t care what Americans think.
Why not support a change in law to force Harvard to care?
No more Chinese, no more Qatari, no more Iranian, actually no more money from any foreign governments.