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‘Hamas is Coming’: Pro-Hamas Mob Terrorize, Vandalize D.C. as Netanyahu Speaks to Congress

‘Hamas is Coming’: Pro-Hamas Mob Terrorize, Vandalize D.C. as Netanyahu Speaks to Congress

The mob raised Palestinian flags at Union Station and burned the American flags.

Hamas is likely already here.

The pro-Hamas mob, filled with people who hate Jews and Israel, terrorized D.C. on Wednesday as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress.


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thalesofmiletus | July 24, 2024 at 7:16 pm

Vote Blue to put these terrorists in charge!

The absence of many Dems from the Netanyahu speech “fortifies” their actions. Exactly, what “unity” do the Dems really want?

Can we borrow some IDF to police the capital?

I am old enough to remember when taking a selfie in the Capitol while being peacefully escorted by the police was considered an armed insurrection and a dire threat to Our Precious Democracy (TM)..

BigRosieGreenbaum | July 24, 2024 at 9:41 pm

Rubber bullets, water canons filled with “liquid ass” ought to settle their hash. This is only going to get worse.

    Heh. That reminds me of those tankers filled with liquified cow manure for fertilizing fields.

    Getting behind one of those is a blinding experience. I have gotten quite good at spotting them and reflexively going for the recirculate button on the car. On a motorcycle, you are doomed.

    That’s the stuff that should be coming out of “water” cannons.

Buy more guns and ammo.

Destruction of American monuments and the PO only takes pictures?

Dear God

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to gonzotx. | July 24, 2024 at 10:44 pm

    The police chain of command is in favor of the destruction of those monuments . . . and us.

    Subotai Bahadur

Destroying edifices, fighting/injuring police, burning American flags, replacing said flags with Pali/terrorist flags.

Sounds mighty like an insurrection to me.

Good. Good. Super good.

It’s about damn time that the city of DC “Felt The Love.”

This is all on you, commies. Today and every day between now and the election, I pray.

Don’t fail to make the connection.

These violent and destructive protests (contrary to the right to peacefully assemble) are occurring because of Netanyahu’s visit and his address to Congress.

Biden and Harris have done their level best to ignore his visit rudely and undiplomatically.

Harris especially, who was too busy to attend the address to Congress because she was “too busy” and speaking at a sorority meeting.

The only people who drop what they’re doing to attend to sorority meetings are horny college boys, not candidates for the nation’s highest office.

So when you see these protesters destroying monuments, beating up police officers, removing American flags and replacing them with Palestinian flags remember one thing:

Biden and Harris support their position.

Biden and Harris are on the side of the Islamists against the Jews.

Biden and Harris, like the Mullahs in Iran who are ultimately behind all of this with t fiscal support from Obama, want to see the destruction of the Jewish state.

If Harris somehow manages to cheat and steal her way into the White House (legitimately being elected is not possible) we are all in for a world of hurt.

Mobs terrorize or mob terrorizes. Let’s not succumb to the euro-plural/non plural.

Allowing a mob to run buck wild, deface public property, literally destroying the symbols of our Nation is a choice.

The vile and evil Dhimmi-crats are now brazenly welcoming and courting goose-stepping, unabashedly Jew-hating, Christian-hating and U.S.-hating Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists in Michigan, Minnesota, and, elsewhere in the U.S., and, worldwide. That’s the plain reality. Crone-harlot, Harris’s, and other Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks’ childish boycotting of Netanyahu’s speech represents a contemptible and feckless bit of moral posturing and cowardice.

Let’s also note that Netanyahu correctly gave a history lesson that needs to be made, more often — Jews are the indigenous people of the middle east, having resided there for millennia, long before the founding of the wretched, supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent and hate-filled ideology of “Submission, and, long before such a thing as a “Muslim” ever existed. This point must be underscored, to counter the utterly evil, offensive and revisionist propaganda that seeks to physically, historically and theologically erase Jews’ presence in the middle east, and, which farcically asserts that the Arab Fakestinians are allegedly the indigenous and victimized residents of the region.

In truth, the perennially belligerent and so-called Fakestinians, are nothing more than Arab invaders from Arabia.

Capitalist-Dad | July 25, 2024 at 9:01 am

Yes. Hamas is coming—likely via the Democrat Party’s wide open border. This asinine policy alone—created by Prez Dimwit executive order with VP Party Ho as border czar—will cause a 10/7-like incident in America that will kill tens of thousands.

destroycommunism | July 25, 2024 at 10:59 am

this blmplo combination is allowed to thrive

take them to court bk them

like what was done to the lefty kkk>>bk’d them

destroycommunism | July 25, 2024 at 11:03 am

1 if by land

2 if by sea

3 if by air

4 if by the sorely lacking mofo’ers gop who have allowed the lefty to takeover

destroycommunism | July 25, 2024 at 11:08 am

the attacked us in la b/c of criminal rodney king

then they attacked us by air 9 11

the gop then created an even bigger government > weakening america further instead of taking what we had and insisting they do their job CORRECTLY

then they conquered in 2008 via the ballot box and again in 2012

they set up 2016 for the win but overlooked a few key strategies b/c of their massive lefty egos

then they justified their steal in 2020 b/c of not only their own 2016 failures but they had america/scotus in personal fear with the burning down of not only the cities BUT POLICE STATIONS


are we that afraid to point the hoses at the rioters to regain civility !!?!?!?!!?!?


the lefty has cornered that too

between sec8 and sending their “migrants” and now no more single family neighborhoods



JohnSmith100 | July 25, 2024 at 3:20 pm

When there is rioting, where control is lost, then everyone assaulting, destroying, burning, and looting should be shot, until order is restored. At that point normal law and order, arrests of those those who are left, can return.

This would improve poor communities by removing the worst elements and improve our gene pool.

One a few examples have been made, the crap will end. Things have in my view become that bad. America’s economic system is being torn apart. The ripple effect will bring down the whole system if we do not retake control.