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Flashback: Radical Democrat Kamala Harris Promised Gun Confiscation In First 100 Days

Flashback: Radical Democrat Kamala Harris Promised Gun Confiscation In First 100 Days

Yeah, no.

There are at least a thousand things wrong with Kamala Harris, but her 2019 pledge to implement a mandatory gun “buy back” program is among the worst.

There are many things wrong with this crazy. First, the government can’t “buy back” guns it never sold in the first place. Second, there is no executive action she can take to deprive American citizens of their Constitutional right to bear arms. And third, she is the dumbest person to ever fail all the way up the VP slot, let alone become the Democrat nominee for president.


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Fat_Freddys_Cat | July 31, 2024 at 7:42 am

She can pretend that she has changed her mind about this but I’m not buying it.

    E Howard Hunt in reply to Fat_Freddys_Cat. | July 31, 2024 at 8:37 am

    I’m sure she buys back umbrage at your remark.

    henrybowman in reply to Fat_Freddys_Cat. | July 31, 2024 at 5:21 pm

    Never fear.
    Pepperbox Farm remembers.

    countryboy1947 in reply to Fat_Freddys_Cat. | August 4, 2024 at 11:39 am

    Kamala, produce an executive order requiring the seizure of all guns in 100 days, That would be a most impressive way to start Civil War II in America. You will have to send your goobermint stooges out to seize many of them. In case you don’t know that will not go well for you communists. Dearly want to see you try this so you can see American citizen resolve in a most defining way. CT and NY banned AR-15 rifles after Sandy Hook but the cops are too scared to go knocking on doors to take them.

I would love to see her try and achieve that.

Don’t forget: she has been rated to be to the left of communist Bernie!

Has this gun confiscation story been scrubbed down the memory hole yet?

I’m not interested in selling ANY of my firearms.

    GWB in reply to MAJack. | July 31, 2024 at 9:44 am

    Especially not since I’d be required to do a background check on them. I think the entire gov’t now falls into that “prohibited person” category.

      DaveGinOly in reply to GWB. | July 31, 2024 at 4:51 pm

      State law here in WA says all transfers require a background check. All. Pretty sure “government” isn’t exempted.

TheOldZombie | July 31, 2024 at 8:59 am

It almost makes me want to see her win just to see if she’ll actually do it and we can finally deal with the gun issue once and for all. There will be no confiscation without a civil war and the confiscation will be taking the guns away from the leftists.

Apparently she has now flipped on gun confiscating, the border wall, ICE, fracking, and off shore drilling.

    GWB in reply to willow. | July 31, 2024 at 9:45 am

    And that might be an incomplete list.

    CommoChief in reply to willow. | July 31, 2024 at 10:01 am

    If she was sincere then she should be going out in public and lambasting the WH policy on all these issues. Where’s the relentless demands for immediate EO to accomplish some of this? Where’s her own legislative proposals to fund the border wall, end catch/release, merciless interior immigration enforcement, immediately rescinding any Executive Branch hurdles for drilling refinery and pipeline construction among other claims? We don’t see them b/c as we understand this is election year window dressing to try and move to the center and obscure the existing record of her truly radical policy preferences.

      DaveGinOly in reply to CommoChief. | July 31, 2024 at 4:57 pm

      This is par for the course. Out long time AG here in WA is running ads saying he’ll hire more police, calls WA state the lowest-ranking of all states for number of police based on population. Where has he been on this issue while serving as AG? Did he ask allies in the state legislature to enact legislation that would promote the hiring of police officers? Did he suggest to the governor that he should initiate a program to get more cops hired? No, he did not.

      The platforms of most incumbent politicians are reflections of their failures during the terms in office. They’re always proposing to fix two classes of problems, the first being problems that have existed since before they took office, and the other being problems caused by actions they took while they were in office.

    henrybowman in reply to willow. | July 31, 2024 at 1:52 pm

    Now she’s Heels-DOWN Harris — Backdoor Mama.

2smartforlibs | July 31, 2024 at 9:36 am

Even that puppet jug ears knew that would never happen so he did an end run.

LI needs to keep an eye on the upcoming trend that is sweeping Wa and likely will start sweeping Oregon and Ca as well. The Prison Industrial Complex.

If you think there is a racket in housing the homeless- Hold my beer. The money in housing criminals is Jimmy Choo.

These crime loving states are about to cash in on public safety- It’s a coming and they have “ideas” and plenty of the hottest commodities: Criminals and young criminals. About 2/3 of the homeless out there are just addicts and criminals. About 2-10x that many are not homeless- but just never arrested. These states are about to have a bull market on getting tough on crime…. but lets be honest- they don’t care about crime and safety (or the mentally ill)- they DO CARE ABOUT GRIFTING.

A headline came last week where King County was rejecting housing Seattle’s arrests (note- Seattle elected a Republican for city attorney)- so that battle has just begun. The gist of this battle was King County wanted to shake down the city for more beds- so they just reject them.

The next one – and lawmakers are fulling setting this trap is the juvinille offenders. A convergence of government sponsored lawlessness, gang activity and anarchy has created some of the most violent environments we’ve ever seen. These 12-18 year olds are packing and have brains about what comes next- s0 it’s GTA. At a winco where I grew up- a teen randomly shot a guy leaving the parking lot after robbing an old lady. He was let loose with an ankle bracelet- sparking much local outrage. This every day in Western Wa now, but centralized in Seattle/Tacoma.

While lefties in Wa love crime- they can’t ignore the public safety issue much longer. So they are prepping for a cash grab. The Juvie facilities have to keep offenders until the age of 25 (as YOUTHS). These rape factories are now over flowing and they are rejecting new inmates due to over crowding.

However you can’t keep gun slinging teens on the streets- there is a breaking point and they are losing too many businesses and tax payers to continue. The trick is being ready to cash in when voters reach that breaking point. Trust me- this is a big tax grab for the new hot commodity and only the state has a monopoly on violence- so this can only go one way: Prison industrial complex.

It’s going to be big.

Well she can try, she’ll fail and she’ll a bunch of folks killed in the process but she can try.




With the best of

(Sorry for the duplicate…….PEBOK!)




destroycommunism | July 31, 2024 at 11:11 am

THIS part of the article is debatable :

Second, there is no executive action she can take to deprive American citizens of their Constitutional right to bear arms.

when z orders are given to do whatever the government orders to be done


will the military do the morally correct thing and ignore the order???

b/c the government works ot to make sure the military is on their side

it becomes at best a 50/50 proposition on what the military will do

destroycommunism | July 31, 2024 at 11:22 am

everything the left does is a test run to see how the gop will react

how the patriots will react

the real test will be

how will the military react!?

    henrybowman in reply to destroycommunism. | July 31, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    The TwentyNine Palms survey is too old to have any more significance.
    The cops totally flunked their survey during Katrina.
    Do not count on ANY department of ANY government to be on the side of liberty.

destroycommunism | July 31, 2024 at 11:55 am

from 2021 on harris and the border ( and NOW THE LIES LEFTY TELLS!)

March 24, 2021, 2:28 PM CDT / Updated March 24, 2021, 1:30 PM CDT
By Lauren Egan, Gabe Gutierrez and Dareh Gregorian
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border, as the administration faces growing political pressure to address a surge in undocumented migrant children unaccompanied by parents.


so lefty is resting their whole case on her not being a “czar”


not to mention fjb wouldnt send back any unaccompanied “minors” ( no way they could even know the true ages of anyone!!!)

so THAT WOULD THEN ALLOW THE PARENTS TO COME and be with their children..if THAT too could even be proven!

The government can’t “buy back” something they never sold me in the first place. Regardless, my firearms are NOT for sale. Take your so-called “buy back’ confiscation scheme, and shove it.

Come and take it, whore.

She is also now promising to grind us between taxation and inflation, the only ways known to pay for the equality of outcomes she says she wants.