European Media, Political Elites in ‘Panic’ After Le Pen’s Party Wins Big in France Elections
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European Media, Political Elites in ‘Panic’ After Le Pen’s Party Wins Big in France Elections

European Media, Political Elites in ‘Panic’ After Le Pen’s Party Wins Big in France Elections

Germany’s Die Tageszeitung newspaper: The right-wing “party wants to reduce France’s EU contribution, introduce a cap on immigration, restrict the freedom of movement of non-EU foreigners.” 

While still recovering from President Joe Biden’s fiasco at the debate and fearing a second Trump presidency, European political elites and media were shaken to the core by the prospect of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally forming the next government in France.

The right-wing National Rally received around 33 percent of the total vote, bringing the party close to a majority in the second round of vote set for July 7. The leftist New Popular Front, an alliance of socialist, communist, and green parties, came second with over 28 percent of the vote, ahead of President Emmanuel Macron’s centrists, which got nearly 20 percent.

The European and Western media painted a doom and gloom scenario for France, much like when President Trump took office in 2016. “The international media fear that the far-right’s accession to the premiership will destabilize France and erode its credit rating, and also that the turbulent aftershocks will weaken the European Union,” the leading French newspaper Le Monde noted.

Most mainstream European media outlets reacted to the French election outcome by heaping insults on once-beloved President Macron for calling an early election. They repeated allegations of racism and ‘far-right’ populism to discredit Le Pen’s party.

National Rally “campaigned on an  anti-European and xenophobic program platform,” the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung complained. The “party wants to reduce France’s EU contribution, introduce a cap on immigration, restrict the freedom of movement of non-EU foreigners and introduce professional bans [in sensitive national security-related positions] for French people with dual nationality.” the German daily added.

“In the first round of voting, the [French] president got what he deserved for his ill-advised reaction to the European elections,” the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) wrote. Under a right-wing government, “France could become a difficult partner in the EU and NATO,” the newspaper warned.

The history won’t forgive Marcon for paving the way for a right-wing government, the widely-read German daily wrote. “A president, who unnecessarily jeopardizes his majority in parliament, can’t hope to be go graciously into the history books,” the FAZ added.

The prospect of seeing Trump and Le Pen taking power in 2024, triggered ‘panic’ within the globalist establishment. “Le Pen, Trump and liberal panic,” the headline in the Financial Times (UK) read. “Liberals are in for a long struggle as nationalist populism surges in the US and Europe,” the business daily added.

The European political class was joined by the left-wing street mobs refusing to accept the results of a democratic election. Notice the Antifa and pro-Hamas Palestinian flags waved by these angry ‘election deniers’ — hardly a French flag in sight.


Media peddles Le Pen-Russia hoax

Many European politicians and media outlets tired to float their version of ‘Russia collusion’ conspiracy. “Putin is the secret winner in Paris,” German news channel NTV claimed, insinuating that the leading French party is somehow in collusion with Vladimir Putin’s regime in Moscow.

“Mainstream European politicians have warned about the advance of the far right, after Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) made historic gains in France’s snap elections, bringing the anti-immigration party closer than ever to power,” London-based Guardian newspaper commented.

“After the record-breaking gains became clear, Poland’s prime minister, Donald Tusk, warned about politicians who advocated for the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and sought untrammelled power,” the daily reported.

Le Pen’s win galvanizes nationalist parties across Europe

The National Rally’s victory in France galvanizes right-wing movements across Europe. Leader of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV), Geert Wilders, was among the first to congratulate Le Pen following the Sunday result. Alice Weidel, head of Alternative for Germany (AfD), wished Le Pen’s party “best of luck,” German state TV ZDF reported.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Sunday unveiled a new alliance of European right-wing parties at the ceremony in Austria. The leaders of like-minded parties from the Czech Republic and Austria joined Hungary’s Orban.

[Excerpts from German and European news reports translated by the author]


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The “far right” in France would be leftwing Democrats in the US except on immigration stuff.

    mailman in reply to geronl. | July 2, 2024 at 4:40 am

    Absolutely not.

    One thing you need to understand about France is that the right, which is made up of actual French people, are extremely PRO France. There is nothing about the right in France that would make them Democrats in any sense of reality.

    This is why the Right is detested by the liberal elites, like they are detested everywhere else. They ARE a threat to left wing politics and they know it.

      You should re-think this one. ‘Pro-France’ isn’t ‘not socialist.’ They are very much national socialists; pro-France national socialists.

      That makes them a threat to the hegemeny of the communist EU, so Le Pen’s coalition is demonized as ‘far right’ because they’re not communists.

      In the USA, Le Pen would be far-left, not ‘conservative,’ or right. Europe is weird.

When are the elites not in a panic? Every non-Communist is Hitler Reincarnated (TM), every environmental crisis will obliterate all life on Earth in the next 5 years (or 5 minutes), the Wuflu is a combination of the Black Death and the Andromeda Strain, White nationalism is about to conquer the civilized world, and Putin lurks under ever bed.

Ann in L.A. | July 1, 2024 at 3:57 pm

So much of what is happening in the US, Canada, and Europe comes down to the insanity of the international left when it comes to immigration.

Europe generally has it worse than this side of the pond, because their immigrants generally come from a difficult-to-assimilate, racist, sexist part of the world, dominated by a religion which is supremacist and believes the whole world must bow to its god, by force if necessary.

The US, so far, has been blessed by having most immigrants come from people who share some of the same cultural heritage, have been shown that either they or their descendants do accept democracy, civil rights, the equal treatment of women, etc, and do assimilate well within a generation or two.

However, the massive influx of people–the sheer volume of immigration–over the last few years has been destructive of our social programs, our cities, our schools, our health care systems, etc. If Biden has brought in an excess of 10 million people (which might be a low estimate) that is close to an increase in the US population of close to 3%. That’s 3% more people who need housing, health care, social services, schools, etc. If that increase were evenly distributed everywhere across the country, it would be difficult to manage; but, there are parts of the country dealing with a disproportionate influx which is simply not possible to handle.

Canada and the EU are facing similar issues with volume.

For the elite, it’s all good. They live in their isolated communities (Martha’s Vineyard), and get cheaper manual laborers to work as gardeners, painters, and cleaners. For them, it’s all to the good. They don’t face competition for manual jobs or cheap housing. Their kids will never have to be in a classroom where the teachers are struggling to teach kids who speak neither English nor Spanish. They don’t deal daily with drug dealing near their kids and fentanyl zombies setting up tents in their spaces.

If everyone coming over were fully qualified lawyers, journalists, professors, pundits, etc. If they were competing against the elite for elite jobs and resources, if it were the elite suffering from the influx instead of benefiting; our borders would have been shut down tight years ago.

    MontanaMilitant in reply to Ann in L.A.. | July 2, 2024 at 3:02 pm

    It’s the same in the Netherlands. Europeans are realizing their millennium old culture is being replaced and they won’t go easy into the night……

JohnSmith100 | July 1, 2024 at 3:57 pm

Far Right = Sanity, Left = Insanity

Left’s run made them think they were invincible, leading to an arrogance which guaranteed their fall.

Now we get to return all their shit X 10 or more.

It seems to me the Muslim invaders rioting in the streets and trying to build a Main Mosque in Paris is exactly why the French People have had enough not only of the left selling their country down the river but the EU also. Sucks when the elite lose control of the peons.

Oh by the way. Viktor Orban, conservative champion Prime Minister of Hungary, takes over the rotating presidency of the EU today.

His motto? “Make Europe Great Again”

henrybowman | July 1, 2024 at 4:57 pm

Non-crazy white chicks in charge in Italy, now France. Is there hope?

Now we get to find out how deep their deep state is

Like their counterparts in the US, the European press reacts to the less-left wing winning something by trying to gin up hate against them.

And it worked but the election results stay the same.

Leftists and Dhimmi-crats decry an alleged “far-right takeover” of Europe, but, not an Islamofascist/Muslim supremacist takeover that has been decades in the making.

Says all you need to know about these reprobates’ myopia, stupidity and moral bankruptcy.

Halcyon Daze | July 1, 2024 at 8:39 pm

There is no better place for media and political elites than in a panic. Perhaps a guillotine.

destroycommunism | July 1, 2024 at 9:00 pm

to a lefty

a far right is hit leer


“The leftist New Popular Front, an alliance of socialist, communist, and green parties,”

Islamist politicos in Britain are entering the green party lists.

The term “far right” is so overused and purposely deceptive.

The only fly in the ointment is Labour about to be voted in to power in the UK with an absolute majority to do as they please for 5 years!

Labour is like Democrat lite, cant tell you what a woman is and is all on board the crazy liberal multiple genders cray cray bus!

The only real question is how much damage Labour will do in that 5 years they will be in power?

    henrybowman in reply to mailman. | July 2, 2024 at 2:53 pm

    No one ever claimed that the UK was onboard the European Sanity Bus. More’s the pity, but they are the home or Orwell after all, and “they’ve got the meat.”