Drexel University Professor Charged With Stealing Pro-Israel Lawn Signs From Synagogue and Private Home
“We are just taking them because we feel like it is a representative of genocide”

A professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia is one of three women charged with stealing pro-Israel signs from the lawn of a synagogue and a home in the city. This is just like when anti-Israel activists tear down posters of Israelis who have been missing since October 7th.
Why do people on the left think this kind of behavior is acceptable? Even supposedly intelligent people like college professors?
This story began months ago but is just coming to public notice now.
NBC News in Philadelphia reports:
Drexel professor accused of stealing pro-Israel signs from synagogue, home in Lower Merion
On Nov. 24, 2023, at 12:58 a.m., a Lower Merion Township police officer was driving when he spotted a white Honda CRV that was stopped at a curb outside the Main Line Reform Temple on 410 East Montgomery Avenue in the town’s Wynnewood section, investigators said.
The officer then spotted two women – later identified as Sarah Prickett, 39, of Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, and Sam Penn, 25, of New York — walking towards the SUV. Investigators said at the time there were recent reports of religious signs being stolen or defaced in Lower Merion Township which raised the officer’s suspicions. The officer then approached the Honda and found Prickett, Penn and a third woman, later identified as Mariana Chilton, 56, of Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, inside the vehicle, according to the criminal complaint. Investigators said the officer also spotted several pro-Israel signs inside the SUV.
The officer repeatedly told the women to lower the window, identified himself and asked the group about the signs inside the SUV, investigators said. Chilton then told him, “We are just taking them because we feel like it is a representative of genocide,” according to the criminal complaint…
When the officer asked all three women for their identification, they allegedly became uncooperative and asked him why he needed their information.
On Nov. 27, 2023, at 9:33 a.m., the officer responded to the 500 block of Manor Road in Wynnewood for a report of a theft. The homeowner, Stephen Chopnick, told the officer he noticed someone had stolen his two “We Stand With Israel” signs from his front yard and he had last seen them four days earlier. Investigators later determined those two signs were the same signs that were found inside Chilton’s vehicle, according to the criminal complaint.
Here’s a video report:
Why do people do this?
Why do people with perfect jobs, reputations and careers destroy it all for the worst reasons possible?
"Drexel University professor Mariana Chilton is one of three women accused of stealing pro-Israel signs from a temple and home in Lower Merion Township" https://t.co/wG2eAORmDB pic.twitter.com/bMRGCO2O64
— Rabbi E. Poupko. #IStandWithIsrael
(@RabbiPoupko) July 4, 2024
president@drexel.edu exler@drexel.edu
As a graduate of Drexel, I‘m outraged by the alleged criminal behavior of Mariana Chilton, accused of stealing signs from a lower Merion synagogue. This behavior is not fitting of a university professor. @StopAntisemites @canarymission https://t.co/JhXZabZcq5— Sandy Karasik
(@srk908) July 3, 2024
This woman has testified before congress.
@HungerFreeCtr's Mariana Chilton testified on hunger across the US before a House committee https://t.co/IOSe6ploer pic.twitter.com/t8fP16ZskX
— DrexelNOW (@DrexelNOW) November 19, 2015
Featured image via YouTube.

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“Even supposedly intelligent people like college professors?”
Assumes facts not in evidence.
These people may be “smart” but they’re definitely not “intelligent.”
Exactly. But I like “smart but not wise” better.
I’m a bit vulgar about it. They have no Street smarts.
Perhaps a good ass kicking in a state prison would impart some “wisdom.”
A good ass kicking for the nice professor, I should add.
Book talented, but common sense of a cockroach.
99% of them never had a real job, and don’t understand that they are not little tin gods.
The university may treat them as such, but, according to Biden, “Nobody is above the law. Nobody.”
The immaturity of most college profs is unbelievable, and they are mostly Dems. The conservative profs have to stay below the radar, because, unlike in this case, they wil be hounded and likely not receive tenure (which is garbage anyway).
This woman is just a baby in a professor suit.
Amazing arrogance. They begin with the assumption that they know everything about the conflict in Gaza, which of course they know nothing about, and then decide they somehow are the arbiters of what actions should be taken against the local Jewish community, that actually knows something about the conflict. Shocking
Need to start putting a thousand dollars inside the signs so that it is felony theft when they get caught.
I would brush on permanent dyes (there are plenty of vital stains that will do the job) to mark anyone touching the signs.
Exile these folks from professional life. Let them find a job teaching night classes at the Southwest College of Faith Healing assuming that or similar institution would hire them. No more cushy carer enhancing work for ‘public private partnerships’, NGOs, Local, State or Federal Gov’t or any entity that gets a dime in taxpayer funds.
That is sort of penalty that will put a halt to this crap. The longer we fail to impose it the bolder and more brazen these zealots become…and harsher the eventual response will be required to put an end to it.
You’re right, but that’s not what will happen. She will report this theft and arrest on her annual evaluation as “Efforts toward Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.” It will actually help her to get a raise or a promotion.
If she decides to change schools, this episode will fit well into her “Diversity Statement” as proof that she is willing to stick her neck out for the principles of DEI. (I still haven’t figured out how antisemitism fits into DEI, but it surely does.)
Probably so under the current framework. What I am proposing is to create a new framework where ‘shame’ is returned to its former prominence. Most of our interactions and the presumptions about how our systems would function had a reliance upon ‘good faith’. People were presumed to act mostly in a trustworthy, decent manner b/c we had societal and cultural punishments outside the scope of our laws. Without those civic penalties imposed by society folks can get away with actions that in previous decades would have been career ending, heck most of them would have entered a sort of self imposed exile to avoid being directly shunned.
Specifically, keep them out of teaching jobs. Do not allow them the critical opportunity to be mentors, role models to future generations. To be officially designated as such and their viewpoints and attitudes thereby implicitly endorsed by society.
They quite simply cannot be trusted not to abuse and contaminate those positions.
After they transgress though and not some sort of presumptions of pre crime? IMO the the deterrent factor both individually and for the institutions that may hire them would be enough to do the trick. I don’t care if fear of being caught and punished is all that stands between someone and a potential crime so long as they don’t commit it the reason doesn’t matter to the bottom line impact. Same for these ass clowns ….they can hold whatever woke weirdo beliefs they want but stepping over the line into action should be the line at which we shun them and drive them out of professional life and very importantly hold their employer to increased scrutiny. If an institution is hiring a bunch of loony leftist antifa goons then that institution lacks internal discipline to be entrusted with any taxpayer dollars wither directly in govt grants or indirectly such as payments/grants from another entity that receives taxpayer funds of any type.
“Even supposedly intelligent people like college professors?”
There was a time when it was reasonable to expect intelligent professors, now long past.
“Professor Charged With Stealing Pro-Israel Lawn Signs”
I miss “morals clauses.” When did they stop being a thing?
Replaced with DEI pledges.
The union will protect her..
Nothing will happen
I didn’t see her swastika tattoo. Why does she cover it with clothing?
“…because we feel like….”
No logic, no respect, no concern.
Nothing but their own self centered righteousness.
“Mmmm, these look a lot like Blood Diamonds.”
* Smash. Grab. *
white kid sings exact lyrics from a song and gets his whole life ruined by racists
while “adults” commit thefts and are treated like some sort of protected class of people in a third world country scenario
Some thefts are less theftier than others it seems.
Crimes committed in the name of feelings, of progressive causes, of ‘la revolution’.
Two tiers of justice, yet again.
In any Islamic state or society, this feckless, miserable twit would be wearing a hijab or burka and treated like chattel, with lesser rights and privileges than men. But, she feels compelled to align herself with the goose-stepping, Jew-hating Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists of Hamas.
This woman’s stupidity, moral bankruptcy and hypocrisy represent the quintessence of the vile Dhimmi-crats’ perfidy, narcissism and evil.
That said, she might be worth a goat or two, but I doubt it.
The Hamasholes definitely need a vacation in Gaza or some other Muslim utopia.
“Why do people on the left think this kind of behavior is acceptable? Even supposedly intelligent people like college professors?”
Because they believe they are special and that if you don’t agree with them then you are evil and can be treated any way they see fit. Because rights are only for them, not for those who have different opinions.
Same as Islam, wanting to dominate everyone and everything.
She knows there are plenty of universities who will hire her. Drexel may not take any action in the end. Charges may even get seriously reduced or dropped.
Coffee and doughnuts in the faculty lounge to welcome he back!!
“We are just taking them because we feel like it is a representative of genocide”
As part of the legal consequences, the “good” professor should engage in a debate with someone who actually knows what “genocide:” means.
Anyone think Drexel will have the cajones to enforce it’s “good moral character” clause in her employment contract and oust her? Bueller…Bueller….
This is from November? Why is this just now making the news?
Because it’s Philadelphia media. It came out now because antisemitism among the nation’s “elite” is so widespread, disgraceful, and notable that it’s coming out elsewhere (everywhere?) nationwide and is no longer possible to hide. Philadelphia’s media is a disgrace. Nevertheless, needing to be seen as contemporary, connected, and on top of things it dug out a relatively harmless old piece they’d tucked away. Something about a professor with a CV puffed up with more froth and foam than an overstuffed couch pillow stealing yard signs in one of the region’s oldest and ritziest (and very Jewish) neighborhoods. Wow! That’s some hard nosed journalism.
So, they sent a “journalist” out to report “live from the scene.” A little gig “live” from Lower Merion – tough assignment! The station’s “journalists” and crews probably had to submit bids to get it from the producer.
I know that such faculty conduct is cause for concern. What does it say about the Drexel faculty hiring process? What does it say about Drexel’s academic leadership?
If a Drexel student engages in similar conduct off-campus, what would happen?
She is a tenured professor in the School of Public Health, but her Ph.D. is in “Folklore and Folklife.”
Public health is not what people think it is.
Indeed. Her whole career is based on getting people on some kind of government welfare and complaining that it isn’t “equitable” some how.
What a waste.
“This behavior is not fitting of a university professor.”
But it is all too typical.
A professor. With this sort of English. Gads…
Personally, I believe it’s because they live in a bubble. Everyone they know personally thinks just like they do. Their worldview tells them that anyone who doesn’t think like them is evil.
So, obviously, their actions are justified and any right thinking person in the world is going to agree with them right?
I mean…it’s not “free speech” it’s “hate speech” which is illegal so the cops should be thanking them for taking down the signs, not arresting them…right?
She must be interviewing at Columbia, and this stupidity is her “video DEI statement”.