Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden made it very clear that he was interested in only black women for his VP slot. Astonishingly, with many qualified and accomplished black women to choose from, Biden (or whomever) chose the least popular, least likable black woman this side of Maxine Waters.
But that’s what Biden wanted: a black woman VP (also, and equally appalling, a black woman SCOTUS justice . . . who can’t define what a woman is!). And that’s what he got. On both counts.
Now that there is talk that Biden might decide to step aside and let Kamala take the top spot — let’s not forget, Biden intimated in his 2020 race that he was only interested in one term, as a placeholder transition figure for Kackles.
So obviously people are talking about who can replace Biden at this late date on the Democrat ticket, and there is really only one person: Clueless Cackling Kamala. Democrat primary voters voted for that ticket, understanding full well Biden is on his last legs, campaign money is tied to them, and really, what else can they do? Bring in straight white guy Gruesome Newsom? No can do. The road is laid, it’s paved with DEI and fake entitlement built on crybullying and crazy.
People understand all this, and many have pointed out that the only reason Kamala is VP is that she is a black female — the exact and only criteria laid out by Team Biden in 2019. So of course, you have creeps and weirdos like governor Gavin Newsom (D-Failed Golden State) screeching RAACISM!
1 – @JoeBiden is our next President.
2 – This is straight up racist. pic.twitter.com/Zpb3oYV6yO
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) July 6, 2024
Yeah, no.
When the collective left realize DEI is racist.
https://t.co/7RfNdW73HX pic.twitter.com/dXaL1RCEtY
— Sara Higdon (@SaraHigdon_) July 7, 2024
Harris LITERALLY would be a DEI President.
She was polling at 1.79% in the 2020 POTUS race, and was picked as VP strictly because she is a Black woman. This is on record. https://t.co/8Frhwl7Ka9
— Wilfred Reilly (@wil_da_beast630) July 7, 2024
Kamala was literally chosen because she was a “woman of color” pic.twitter.com/GfJ2tyILJ9
(@alx) July 6, 2024
Biden: “I’m going to choose my VP based on race”
NyPost: “Biden chose Harris because of her race”
Lefties: “this is RACIST” pic.twitter.com/8v8TJUKOgO
— Dan Edmonson (@dansedmonson) July 7, 2024
I am at the point at which I would have to think long and hard about voting for anyone who is not a white male simply because these are the only people we are allowed to question or critique.
I don’t want my elected representative, senator, governor — heck, even my dog catcher — insulated with fainting couches and scream therapy sessions about how racist and misogynist that person is who thinks, hey, maybe letting over 10 million people from God knows where into America is a bad idea. If I can’t dislike your policies on their own merit, I’m not voting for you. So I am currently down to straight, white, Jewish or Christian, heterosexual men. I think I’m good with that.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Me too
And I’m a woman, but I would vote for Kari Lake and Harriet
“Astonishingly, with many qualified and accomplished black women to choose from, Biden (or whomever) chose the least popular, least likable black woman this side of Maxine Waters.”
But aren’t all the others Republicans?
Black or Indian?
1/2 Jamaican, 1/2 top caste Indian.
So why isn’t she the first East Indian woman if she’s half and half? We should refer to her as “Indian” even though some consider Indian people to be “Asian” although there are distinct differences in Asian people and Indian people. They don’t look like each other and they certainly have many differences in their speech and actions.
East Asians are no more Asian than South Asians, Central Asians, or West Asians. Your default assumption that “Asian” means East Asian is no more valid than the standard assumption in the UK that “Asian” by default means South Asian.
The only ‘Asians’ are western ‘Asians’– that is people in the West describing people from different nations, races, ethnicities who describe themselves by those more precise and accurate labels by arbitrary large groupings assigned by people in the West.
There are no ACTUAL ‘Asians’ because no one who lives in the area the West designates ‘Asia’ really uses the term to describe anything other than land.
b/c the indian community AT THIS TIME isnt willing or ready to take it to the streets and burn it all down
…. and, according to her own father, descended from a slave owner.
Sigh. This again?! Harris’s father is descended from a black slave and from her white owner. Almost all descendants of American slaves are also descended from their owners. That’s what slavery in America tended to be like.
Her Dad is not American.
Jamaica is America. It’s not USAn, but it’s America just as Canada is, and like Canada was one of the British colonies that declined to join the revolution. The experience of slavery there was not identical to what it was in the South of what became the USA, but it was similar in many ways.
Fortunately, he did not pick Susan Rice.
Didn’t Harris drop out before the first vote was ever cast?
Dropped out right before the Iowa caucus.
No crypto black lesbians, thank you. Obama was too tiring as a crypto black homo.
“1 – @JoeBiden is our next President.
2 – This is straight up racist.”
Classic Newsom: zero for two.
It’s been 0 days since an illegal alien killed an American.
Put that sentence in your browser and see what comes back.
Don’t worry, you’re allowed to question conservative black women. Because they’re not really black or female. Like that notorious white supremacist Clarence Thomas.
I heard he ate at Chic Fil A! Obviously racist Christian Nationalist
Newsom shouldn’t be sore. If Slowy leads the Dems to a mass slaughter this fall, anyone close to him i.e. Fweedom Hawwis, will be tainted
Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote and Senators should be chosen by their state legislatures.
I could care less about the color/ethnicity of a President or Vice President. I do care that they are competent persons who can articulate policies and engage foreign leaders with meaningful conversations. Xiden and Harris cannot fill those roles to any degree of competency. FJB
Biden did not choose Harris. She was assigned to him by the same parties (*cough cough* Obama/BLM/Antifa) that selected the both of them.
who says
Gov Nuisance ISNT a black woman????????
They claim they want a black woman, but Kami isn’t all black. They are doubly racist because they want black, but not too black. The person needs to have a large portion of white to be acceptable. So she’s just passing as black. I think we have now achieved full idiocracy. I wonder if our demise will be televised?
She’s no whiter than most black Americans.
She sure is lighter than most black Americans.