Democrats and the Media Are Going to Try to ‘Both Sides’ the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump
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Democrats and the Media Are Going to Try to ‘Both Sides’ the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

Democrats and the Media Are Going to Try to ‘Both Sides’ the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

There will be a stream of claims that the rhetoric is too inflammatory on both sides and that is simply not true.

If you somehow missed the events of the last 24 hours, a gunman tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump yesterday, during a planned campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

To say this was shocking news, is an understatement. It’s beyond shocking. It’s upsetting and angering. It’s important to take a breath and remember that Trump was not killed. Sadly, we also must remember that others at the event were killed or wounded by the shooter. Innocent people lost their lives for attending a political event. Pray for them and their families and friends.

As horrible as all of this is, I believe there are things coming in the immediate future that will add to everyone’s grief. Democrats and the media are going to try to ‘both sides’ the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

As I am writing this after 3 AM, there are already liberal media outlets like Mediaite pushing the narrative that the shooter was a registered Republican. He may have been, but perhaps he registered as one in order to vote against Trump. It’s far too early to know anything, but a narrative is already being built.

I doubt it will work, but it’s important to recognize it. Why would Mediaite or any other outlet even release such a detail so early? It’s meant to insult and demoralize conservatives.

If you were watching the news unfold as it was happening, you saw people on major news networks already trying to make an attempted assassination of Trump, all about his words and language. The media is going to memory-hole all of their parroting of Democrat talking points about Trump being a fascist who will end democracy. Joy Reid of MSNBC actually locked down her Twitter/X account tonight.

Countless Democrats have posted on Twitter/X tonight, saying that violence has no place in our politics. These are the same people who have repeatedly called Trump ‘Hitler’ and likened him to other fascist dictators. What did they think would happen? These are the same people who have looked the other way as their supporters have engaged in violence on college campuses and city streets for months. Yet they will still try to ‘both sides’ this.

There will be a stream of claims that the rhetoric is too inflammatory on both sides and that is simply not true.

I’m in my 50s and I have now seen assassination attempts on three American presidents in my lifetime.

Ford, Reagan, and Trump.

All Republicans.


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Thomas Massie
The same bureau that investigated the Las Vegas shooting and the January 6th pipe bombs is now investigating the attempted assassination of Trump.

This is also the same bureau that raided Mar-a-Lago.

I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this soon.
8:24 PM · Jul 13, 2024

    First the FBI has to complete its investigation of Jeffrey Epstein’s client list, which shouldn’t take more than three of four centuries.

    Unless someone prays quietly outside an abortion clinic, in which case all FBI resources must be mobilized instantly to counter this deadly threat. Or maybe someone will complain at a local school board meeting, and that will require every available FBI agent to thoroughly investigate the perp’s kindergarten playmates.

    fscarn in reply to gonzotx. | July 14, 2024 at 8:32 am


    Right, the party which endorses, encourages the killing of the unborn for any reason, for no reason, will lecture us on violence particularly after the Summer of George riots, among other incidents caused by their goon squads, e.g., Antifa.

    As to today, looking forward to all the respectful, filled-with-decorum comments that are sure to be authored by the NYT, WP, leftist columnists, and especially the comments from their tolerant readership, on the assassination attempt.

Why don’t the cowards just come out in the broad light of day, kill Trump and stand on it?
They don’t seem to be afraid of anything but the truth.

    Jmaquis in reply to snowshooze. | July 14, 2024 at 6:15 am

    Trump has repeatedly asked Kimberly Cheatle for much needed additional help with security and has been repeatedly refused. Could it be that she is a DEMOCRAT?

    Also biden told a recent fundraiser that they needed to “put a bull’s eye” on Trump. Could it be more obvious that this blood is on both of their hands?

    I’m no fan of RFKjr, but as a candidate, shouldn’t he have security protection ? Another example of how corrupt our present government is!

      Milhouse in reply to Jmaquis. | July 14, 2024 at 7:38 am

      I’m no fan of RFKjr, but as a candidate, shouldn’t he have security protection ?

      No. His claim that all presidential candidates automatically get protection, and that he was singled out not to get it, was an outright lie. There has never been such a thing. The vast majority of presidential candidates have never received such protection and it has never even occurred to them that they should.

      Only major candidates get protection, and he is not one. Perhaps an exception should have been made for him because of his family history, but really, how serious an argument is that?! Are we to accept that any Kennedy who ever runs should always automatically get protection, just because of his family?! Is that the kind of country we want to be?! Are there any other families whose members should automatically get protection whenever they decide to run?

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Milhouse. | July 14, 2024 at 9:10 am

        Of course, any of the Obama girls will immediately get SS protection if they choose to run.

        gibbie in reply to Milhouse. | July 14, 2024 at 9:15 am

        Our resident pettifogger states, “Only major candidates get protection, and he is not one.”

        This is a falsehood. As a third party candidate, RFKjr is likely to have a large effect on the outcome of the election. It is certain that some democrats would like him to be gone.

          Gremlin1974 in reply to gibbie. | July 14, 2024 at 3:06 pm

          I could be wrong, but I don’t ever remember any candidate but the top 2 getting protection, nor do I know if there is a specific criteria.

          (IMHO) As for me, I don’t see RFKJr as a serious candidate since he has exactly zero chance of winning or even breaking 1% of the vote. I realize he could swing votes as a 3rd party candidate, but I just don’t see him as a “treat” to either of the main 2 candidates.

          Milhouse in reply to gibbie. | July 14, 2024 at 4:32 pm

          He is not a major candidate by any measure. Thus he is not entitled by law to secret service protection. Exceptions can be made, but only if warranted; so far the only reason he’s offered for why he should get it is his name, and that’s not how we work in this country.

        rbj1 in reply to Milhouse. | July 14, 2024 at 10:33 am

        RFKJr. is polling high enough to split the “not Trump” vote in purple states to deliver then to Trump.
        And while no one thinks they’ll get in the history books by taking out Stein, West, or the Libertarian loon, we know the name of who killed his uncle, and we know the name of who killed his father. Some one might be warped enough that killing a Kennedy = fame. It’s not just a numbers game.

        tomhoser in reply to Milhouse. | July 14, 2024 at 10:47 am

        Well, anyone who has garnered the percentage of the vote that RFK jr. has should get at least some protection. Depending on the poles, maybe 10 percent? That’s 10 million voters! That’s major. Also, Ross Perot was offered SS protection, but he turned it down, having his own dedicated security force. Ralph Nader had SS protection, you can see it on any of the rallies on Youtube.

        DaveGinOly in reply to Milhouse. | July 14, 2024 at 3:16 pm

        Seriously, Milhouse? How many people are there who could run a half-way credible campaign for president who could claim a pedigree of family victims of political assassination (assassinated precisely because they were either a president or a presidential candidate) such as RFK Jr? Can you name two? One?

        henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | July 14, 2024 at 5:32 pm

        “Are we to accept that any Kennedy who ever runs should always automatically get protection, just because of his family?! Is that the kind of country we want to be?!”

        He’s the direct descendent of an assassination victim, plus the nephew of another.
        When the draft was in place, it was standing policy to exempt the last remaining son of a family whose other sons had died in the service.
        That’s the kind of country we used to be, back when we had honor.

Add Kennedy. Two of them.

    Milhouse in reply to Petrushka. | July 14, 2024 at 7:41 am

    There has only ever been one president Kennedy, and if Mr La Chance is in his fifties then that assassination was before his time and thus does not fit the criteria.

      She obviously means presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, but yes, both would have been before Mike’s time. And mine, for that matter.

      I listed the exact presidents I was talking about, you fucking moron. Ford, Reagan and Trump.

        Why pick on Milhouse when it was Petrushka who challenged you, and Milhouse who defended your statement? How about you bury the partisan bullshit for at least one day?

        Gremlin1974 in reply to Mike LaChance. | July 14, 2024 at 12:54 pm

        I think you may want to apologize for this one, you are dead wrong on who you targeted in your response. I usually love your articles, but cursing at readers I believe falls well below the standards of LI, at least as I have come to know it over the years.

        Bad look, Mike.

          Oh, I Hurt Millhouse’s feelings? Bad look for me? Grow up. I am pissed off beyond fucking belief right now. If you aren’t too, you’re not paying attention.

          Gremlin1974 in reply to Gremlin1974. | July 14, 2024 at 3:01 pm

          @Mike LaChance

          I am pissed, however I am not letting it override my thinking or reading comprehension. Milhouse was correcting someone who tried to add Kennedy to your list, that’s it.

          Also, I don’t care who it was, for a LI staff member, especially one as respected as you to curse at a community member, especially one is who is on your side, is out of line and beneath you.

          I now realize you don’t care (at least I do now), but God Bless.
          Best wishes to you

          Let it go, Gremlin. Everyone is very upset and angry right now. Expressing that is healthy and good. 🙂

          Milhouse in reply to Gremlin1974. | July 14, 2024 at 4:37 pm

          Oh, I Hurt Millhouse’s feelings? Bad look for me? Grow up. I am pissed off beyond fucking belief right now. If you aren’t too, you’re not paying attention.

          That doesn’t give you the right to call me a fucking moron. What have I ever done to you? You’re the moron, and you owe me an apology.

          Drop it, Milhouse. Please.

          txvet2 in reply to Gremlin1974. | July 14, 2024 at 5:47 pm

          Fuzzy, you know I seldom disagree with you but heated debate is one thing, and this is something else. This isn’t the time for that sort of personal attack, especially for someone who’s defending you, no matter how much personal dislike you might have. There’ll be plenty of time in the future for getting back into our usual mudpit, but for now, the focus should be on unity in the face of a common enemy – the left.

          I hear you. I wish I could make it better, but it is what it is. We all love Mike, so let’s just let it go. This once?

          Gremlin1974 in reply to Gremlin1974. | July 14, 2024 at 8:16 pm

          @Fuzzy Slippers

          I have said what I had to say and I am done.

          Peace, Love, and Happiness to all.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 14, 2024 at 6:10 am

There will be a stream of claims that the rhetoric is too inflammatory on both sides and that is simply not true.

Exactly. They are already trying it.

Even on Fox, Arthelle Neville (who’s an idiot who really grates on my nerves) tried to pull this “both sides need to tone down the rhetoric” to a guest radio jock from Philly. He was having nothing of it and told her, point blank, that it is not an issue of “two sides” but is a leftist problem.

For me, I don’t care about the leftist rhetoric. They’re idiots. They can spout whatever BS they want. The problem I have is that the left is going after conservatives with every ounce of government power they can take control of, and they are savages at it.

This assassination attempt was not an issue of leftist rhetoric. It was the result of willful denial of security resources to Trump’s campaign, and the supplying of DEI-infused, less-than-competent secret service teams. This nutcase, Crooks, was not the issue. The fact that he was allowed to crawl onto a white roof in dark camo in daylight, in sight of Trump speaking is the issue – and that was part of the leftists’ attempt to just make all non-leftists feel unsafe. They are doing this to RFK in the extreme by not even providing him secret service, hoping he’ll drop out of the race on account of fear.

This is the issue. Not the rhetoric. But in the field of rhetoric, the left demonizes the right about things that he left knows are untrue (usually, totally made-up strawmen of the left). The right demonizes the left about things the left is actually doing – like opening the border up wide to orchestrate an invasion of America.

    Obviously more resources would allow positioning of personnel in an extended perimeter, especially on nearby rooftops with line of sight to the podium. No doubt about that point at all.

    The rhetoric of the leftists and their media enablers has grown increasingly inflammatory. The pure propaganda they spew about those who disagree with them is having the effect of creating an ‘other’; this empty vessel ‘other’ is filled with all sorts of vile claims and the final product label is slapped onto their political opposition. It’s been going on for decades in our institutions and in our public sphere. Just like the ‘Palestinians’ are radicalized by the steady diet of ideological indoctrination of Hamas many folks here believe the lies they were told. If DJT is literally ‘Hitler’, the GoP gonna ‘put y’all in chains’ or Institute some sort of dystopian ‘Hand Maidens Tale’ among other things and one believes that BS then any act to oppose it is ok. We must not continue to ignore the dangerous rhetoric as foolish musings from the fringe minority that has no significance when it comes from mainstream sources of politicians, media, TV talking heads or other prominent voices.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to CommoChief. | July 14, 2024 at 7:36 am

      Just like the ‘Palestinians’ are radicalized by the steady diet of ideological indoctrination of Hamas

      The Palestinians were like that long before Hamas ever existed. Their problem is one of culture, which is far deeper than a little ideological indoctrination and far beyond a mere Hamas or any other sort of group.

      I see no danger in rhetoric and don’t really care much about it. The Left are always going to lie. About everything. It’s what they do. It’s what they have to do since they live in a deranged, meaningless, empty world – which is the real source of their problems. I just don’t care what the left says.

      Our problem is not the rhetoric, it’s the many institutions and industries that the left has taken over, captured, or bought, that are doing the left’s bidding. It’s the complete lunacy that we allow the left to state without any real pushback – like the totally ridiculous idea that a boy can become a girl just by saying so and clicking his heels three times. That sort of obvious idiocy and perverted derangement is the issue – that we allow them to propose such ideas in public without being laughed out of existence (and arrested for those sex offenders who push this lunacy on children held captive in public school classes).

      The rhetoric demonizing us is of no value. Just babble. That’s my view of it.

        Sure actions matter more than words, though the argument that ‘sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me’ only applies to 1st order impacts. Indoctrination works. Propaganda works. Repeating lies works. That’s why they are employed b/c they are effective in ginning up physical actions against those were maliciously described as the ‘other’.

        The secondary and tertiary impacts widen the base number of those predisposed to physical action against the ‘other’. These folks come to believe all the distortions, lies and propaganda about the ‘other’. When you internalize the message that X is ‘literally Hitler’ or X group is an ‘extensional threat’ it is much easier to break cultural/societal taboos re violence or physical actions. Ignoring the potential for and the delivery of actual of violence generated by indoctrination seems like a foolish mistake IMO.

      randian in reply to CommoChief. | July 14, 2024 at 12:09 pm

      The problem is what Hamas says isn’t a lie, at least with regard to Islam. The notion that Jews need murdering and infidel women are yours to do with as you will was mainstream Islamic thought long before Hamas existed.

        beautifulruralPA in reply to randian. | July 14, 2024 at 1:10 pm

        That is true, sadly. But the other lies are that “Palestine” was a country of “Palestinians” and was taken over “illegally” by the Jews. The lack of awareness of the history of this region is appalling – well, it would be if those “believing” the lies actually wanted to know the truth. I guess I am too cut and dried. I don’t understand why the leaders of Israel don’t pound the total lack of truth in MSM reporting and total lack of any attempt at cooperation toward peace by the “Palestinians”.

        CommoChief in reply to randian. | July 14, 2024 at 2:53 pm

        Quibbling about the start date doesn’t alter the impact of the propaganda or the effectiveness of indoctrination.

There will be a stream of claims that the rhetoric is too inflammatory on both sides and that is simply not true.

As a political strategy this is unsustainable, since it would require Democrats Communists to assume partial responsibility. No way will their egos allow them to admit even the tiniest degree of culpability.

Much more likely they will simply blame this 100% on Trump and “right wing terrorism” and then dump it down the memory hole.

“Democrats and the media”. There’s a difference?

It’s all over. You might just as well swear him in now. Trump is the President of the United States.

It’s a free country, use any rhetoric you choose, is the right both sides argument.

It’s moronic to invalidate the Constitution to get at the left.

If you want to blame somebody, blame women for making soap opera news profitable and a workable vote garnering mechanism. The American Experiment is the 19th Amendment, not the republic.

    CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | July 14, 2024 at 7:20 am

    Say whatever you want for sure but don’t be shocked if consequences are applied. Some TV talking head says X is Y. That’s 1A protected speech and the gov’t is prohibited from preventing it….but consumers are free to stop watching, to organize a boycott of products advertised on the network and of course free to exercise their own 1A rights to show up in public areas near any location the speaker is and have their own voice in opposition.

    My Father advised me ‘do whatever you’re big enough to do but make sure you don’t let your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass’. IOW there’s always some person or collection of people who can apply negative consequences to your actions no matter how powerful/untouchable one may believe they are.

      rhhardin in reply to CommoChief. | July 14, 2024 at 7:50 am

      You get the opposite of a boycott. You get women watching and sell their eyeballs to advertisers.

      The solution is some self-awareness in women, but don’t hold your breath for that.

        CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | July 14, 2024 at 12:00 pm

        Boycott the products advertised on that program. When Z Corp finds itself suffering a 20% decline in sales attributed to a product boycott of advertising on Y program…. they take notice and will either pull ad revenue or hold a discussion with the folks who run that program about toning it down. When revenue is rolling in like a river these businesses can afford to engage in luxury beliefs …when revenues decrease or dry up those luxury beliefs become unaffordable. If whomever does the bulk of the consumer purchases in your household refuses to do so it may be time to reevaluate whether your significant other is still compatible with you.

    Hodge in reply to rhhardin. | July 14, 2024 at 1:21 pm

    I think you are conflating the freedom to speak with freedom from consequences for the consequences of your speech.

    You are free to incite a riot, but you can be prosecuted for having incited one.

Andrzejr2 (właso) | July 14, 2024 at 6:58 am

The Democrats only wanted to level the playing field in the upcoming presidential election, and specifically to have two corpses running in the US presidential election.

Trump’s a survivor!

    Gremlin1974 in reply to Paula. | July 14, 2024 at 3:19 pm

    It sends shivers up my spine each time I think about how even a small windshear and we could have been looking at a completely different story.

    The fact is that the Assassin almost succeeded. The response by Trumps “Protective Detail” should have all of them suspended and replaced pending investigations. If not the entire detail then most certainly the Advanced Team, The “Counter-Sniper” team, and the Lead Agent.

    I find myself especially angry at the supposed “counter-sniper” team. How in the name of Pete, does a man in urban camo (which is mostly gray to dark gray) manage to set up a 12 foot ladder, gain that bright white roof, move across the bright white roof, gain his shooting position, set up his rifle, have time to aim and then fire 10 freaking rounds before the supposed “Counter-Sniper” team engages?

    I realize there was a roof peak, but the assassin had to break the line of that peak to set his rifle, take aim, and fire. The “Counter-Sniper” team was already facing that direction for the love of Pete!

    Also, if you haven’t seen the video of the “Counter-Snipers” engaging the assassin the one shooting from the tripod lost control of his weapon and it looks like nearly fell off of the roof. I don’t know if he got “Scope Kissed” or what, but it looked like ameture hour. Thankfully they pulled their crap together and finally did their job after the assassin had fired 10 rounds.

MoeHowardwasright | July 14, 2024 at 7:14 am

The demonrats own the rhetoric that came out of their mouths and writings. They own this attempt on Preside t Trumps life. They own the aftermath. They own it.
There was a group of us enjoying a cocktail when this happened. We turned on the tv and saw the videos, response’s. I turned to the group and said “ Trump just won the election”. All agreed. FJB

McWhorter defends TDS (not the clip defending his column but more general)

Since last night, I’ve read no less than a two-dozen bios/articles on SS Director Kimberly Cheatle. In none of those bios is there any reference to a husband or children. In a photo taken with Harris and her husband during what appears to be a Christmas party likely at the Naval Observatory, Cheatle (a woman in her late 50s) is standing next to her….mother.

I strongly suspect Ms. Cheatle likely checks a number of diversity boxes. Make of that what you will.

    TargaGTS in reply to TargaGTS. | July 14, 2024 at 8:59 am

    Absolutely fascinating X-post from Shipwreckedcrew on the professional background of Cheatle and how that background intersected with Bidenworld. Definitely worth a read…

    …It seems odd to me that Biden would gift her a $40,000 cash bonus more that 2 years after she left Govt service, and then 8 months later name her to head the USSS….

Couple of thoughts on the matter:

1) Whoever was responsible for surveying this location for the USSS should be FIRED immediately. That a man with a rifle was able to climb up onto a building that close to the stage is INEXCUSABLE. A troop of Boy Scouts could have done a better job.

2) DEI is going to get people killed. Females have *no* place in a presidential security detail. That clip of the three agents scurrying around unable to holster a handgun, fumbling with sunglasses and generally looking like bad actresses in a high school play is proof positive they don’t belong. Give me serious, highly trained, exceptionally strong men with special forces experience that could break your bones by just looking at you.

    E Howard Hunt in reply to Peter Moss. | July 14, 2024 at 8:27 am

    F’ing right on, dude. The elephant in the room. Most of the “conservative” commentators on this site are feminized pansies who wouldn’t dare express such a view. They are just slow poke , worthless lefty trash.

      Peter Moss in reply to E Howard Hunt. | July 14, 2024 at 8:51 am

      The proper role – the far more consequential role – is for those women, as mothers, to raise strong, moral men capable of performing tasks that, quite frankly, can only be accomplished by males. Without strong mothers, our society doesn’t need to concern itself with assassinations because much worse has been lost.

        txvet2 in reply to Peter Moss. | July 14, 2024 at 12:22 pm

        I note that you omit fathers. Sign of the times. Fathers are the ones whose job it is to provide a good role model for their sons. Mothers are the nurturers, and the spoilers of young boys.

    CommoChief in reply to Peter Moss. | July 14, 2024 at 3:15 pm

    Female agents can be very useful in a number of roles. I do agree that there must be a minimum height and body ‘frame’ requirement tailored to the size of the person being protected; Trump is a bigger than average guy and needs bigger than average agents to provide coverage. A far less than 6’0 agent shielding DJT with their body is absolutely courageous but clearly less effective than a 6:4 agent.

    A female is usually regarded in our society as non threatening. A female agent in unassuming plain clothes in the crowd w/o ‘resting bish face’ or putting out I’m a fed vibes can gain access and make observations that a male agent couldn’t. They can also be effective in convincing a person to surrender to them v a male. Seen this 1st hand with very evil MFs in Ramadi.

    One point I hope we call agree on; the extraction from the stairs to vehicle to getting the vehicle out was way too slow. Execution is a function of preparation, training and planning. A couple of those agents looked out of shape even taking into account body armor and one female was jittery as all get out appearing to be reminded to keep her weapon out in a defensive posture and keep scanning for threats after attempting but failing to holster. More PT tests, more often and maybe make them public. Frankly that would be good for all LEO, let the public observe their quarterly PT test down at the local HS stadium film and post it online. I suspect a number of LEO currently pencil whipping their PT would show immediate improvement or find a new line of work.

      My first thought on seeing the footage was “wth is she doing there?” She should be on a detail for someone diminutive like Dukakis or Pelosi, not on the detail of a man who is over 6′ tall! That makes zero sense. At least put her tiny little butt in some other role, maybe checking for firearms or heck, she may have spotted the dude in camo on a WHITE roof a mere 130 yards away.

      But on the up close and personal body blocking duty of a very tall man? No place for a tiny woman at all. I am a woman, I take constant offense at you people pushing the idea that we women are all the same (brainwashed, overly emotional, woke commies), who shouldn’t have the right to even vote.

      In this case, however, I agree that it makes no sense at all to have a tiny little woman who barely comes up to Trump’s chin, be placed in a body block position. His head is clearly visible. If there had been two shooters, he’d be dead because she’s too small for THIS job. Not any Secret Service job, THIS one. Tiny Secret Service agents should be body blocks for tiny pols. It’s not hard. And it’s not misogynist. It’s common sense.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Peter Moss. | July 14, 2024 at 3:21 pm

    The female agent on the stage wasn’t even tall enough to cover her charge with her body. What use is she? Even a large man trained to do nothing else but interposing himself between his charge and a threat would have done a better job, regardless of how stellar that agent may be otherwise.

    Gremlin1974 in reply to Peter Moss. | July 14, 2024 at 3:36 pm

    Couldn’t agree more on #1. It was amature hour and the Advanced Team, who actually set up security should be suspended pending an investigation along with a few others.

    I don’t necessarily agree with #2. I think women can be valuable members of that protection team. I don’t think that two 5’3″ women should be the body security for a 6’3″ man. However, women do bring some valuable insight to a team. Never underestimate women’s intuition and women tend to be wicked shots with firearms. You want that type of person guarding your perimeter facing outside looking for threats.

    The entire SS response kind of looked ameture. It took them forever to get Trump down and covered, then there seemed to be confusion as to who was in command. Even when the command to “MOVE” is heard on the video, it takes them forever to actually get Trump off of the stage.

    IMHO, the agents didn’t appear to be as highly trained protective agents as I would expect. Usually, they are trained to the point that they have the person in a car driving away before most of them know they have even moved.

    Here is a video of SS removing Trump in Nevada because there was a “report” of someone with a rifle.

    This all gets worse if the reports that people where reporting the man with the rifle minutes before he shot.

I read on X the Trump was giving the nazi salute as he was dragged to the SUV. They know no shame.

E Howard Hunt | July 14, 2024 at 8:22 am

Biden also expressed his good wishes that Governor Connolly enjoy a speedy recovery.

We all knew this was Dems’ ultimate solution for a candidate they cannot beat fairly. They may not have hired the wacko, but they inspired him, and enabled him, through SS negligence if not intentionally looking the other way. Thank God, Trump turned to look the other way as well.

The Heritage foundation was hacked by a gay hacker activist group. The apparent motive was to DOX all members and donors.

I read the Register for tech news (I stopped for a long time because tech is just garbage now) after a long hiatus. The coverage of this hacking was “interesting” in that the left leaning Register was pretty much all in hating on the Heritage Foundation. I’ll grant that the comments from the Heritage Foundation during the hack/extortion was not becoming of a professional organization, but truly amazed how someone might cheer oe even be sympathic to any group that would illegally break in and DOX. DOXing is pretty much begging someone craved enough to commit the violence you are unwilling to.

This is who the left is.

There is no moral or functional equivalent.

If Trump gets Antifa on a terrorist list- the country will be much better off.

The Dems and their Deep State allies could level the “both-sides” field by an attempt (whether real or feigned, and successful or not) on Kamala Harris. A real and successful attempt would do the Dems wonders. Certainly the Deep State is capable of such an act if they thought they could pin it on a Trump supporter.

destroycommunism | July 14, 2024 at 5:18 pm

Lets take a long concentrated look at the rhetoric from both sides:


maim kill crush destroy ( the robot from lost in space???)
by any means necessary
get in their face
never bring a knife to a gun fight
I will take him out back
we’re coming after you gop scotus
put a bullseye on trump
sarah palin needs to be__________

we gave them room to destroy
burn baby burn
we are not pro life


look,, you want a 30% tax increase and we want ONLY a 20% tax increase
so we’ll compromise at 25%