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CNN Highlights “Defund the Police” Comments by Kamala Harris

CNN Highlights “Defund the Police” Comments by Kamala Harris

“Part of what we have to do here is also look at the militarization of police departments and, and the kind of money that is going to that. And we need to demilitarize police departments,”

CNN revealed that Vice President Kamala Harris, during an interview in June 2020, expressed support for the “Defund the Police” movement. This endorsement has resurfaced and is generating renewed scrutiny.

Her stance has been controversial and criticized by political opponents and members of her party.

CNN reports:

After June 2020, Harris rarely if at all mentioned the “defund the police” movement. The Biden campaign later tried to clarify after adding her to the ticket that she supported funding the police.

But in June 2020, Harris argued the “defund” movement was correct to examine police budgets, and also talked about police departments needing to be demilitarized.

“We need to have this conversation and critically examine and understand this is not working,” Harris said on “Ebro in the Morning.” “It’s not working. So, this is an important conversation and not just a conversation – cause to your earlier point, can’t just be about talk. It has to be about forcing change.”

“And this is why, you know, I was out there with folks and we’ll, any movement, any progress we have gained has been because people took to the streets, Harris added.

A day before her “Ebro in the Morning radio interview, Harris  appeared on MSNBC where she explicitly called to “demilitarize police departments and said it was “backward to think more police officers created more safety.

“Part of what we have to do here is also look at the militarization of police departments and, and the kind of money that is going to that. And we need to demilitarize police departments, Harris said. “At its core, one of the issues that I think we should all agree on is that it is old thinking. It is outdated and is actually wrong and backward to think that more police officers will create more safety.”



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geronl | July 26, 2024 at 3:28 pm

She probably wanted to abolish prison too. Except for people who misgender, drive over rainbows or pray near abortion clinics.

Peter Moss | July 26, 2024 at 3:39 pm

I recall being in Boston about thirty years ago and watching a verbal altercation between two cops and a loudmouth dirtbag.

This exchange continued until an unmarked car pulled up and a guy who looked like Popeye Doyle got out.

Popeye listened to the altercation for a few seconds and without any warning the dirtbag got a left to the belly and a right to the jaw. He fell faster than if he were tazed.

Do I condone violence? It most certainly has its place in law and order. If a punch in the nose scares some punk into not doing something he shouldn’t ever again, that’s positive.

It’s a balance, isn’t it? And Harris isn’t anywhere near the scales.

When I was a kid, we didn’t fear the police anywhere near as much as we feared our fathers.

Today, amongst the criminal element, fathers are as rare as hen’s teeth.

I will agree with Harris in one respect (🧐🧐🧐) in saying that the tendency to dress up as soldiers and use surplus military equipment is a bit much.

    txvet2 in reply to Peter Moss. | July 26, 2024 at 3:46 pm

    “”the tendency to dress up as soldiers and use surplus military equipment is a bit much.””

    Especially by IRS agents and the like.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Peter Moss. | July 26, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    “the tendency to dress up as soldiers and use surplus military equipment is a bit much.”

    I agree with Mzz Harris about this. Then again, police are no longer peace officers. They are LAW ENFORCEMENT, and the courts have given them carte blanche to lie. So many of them want to escalate situations needlessly to the point people are arrested for “looking suspicious”. Some are shot to death for taking something off the stove.

      LeftWingLock in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | July 26, 2024 at 6:10 pm

      Here’s a thought question for you.

      If some police agency (local, state or federal) showed up at your door and wanted info about a neighbor, would you tell them anything at all. 20 years ago, I suspect 90% would have talked to the police. Today, I’m sure the percent is way way less.

        henrybowman in reply to LeftWingLock. | July 26, 2024 at 7:12 pm

        My attitude changed on this drastically once I realized that under our current “democracy,” the Venn diagram of “doing bad things” vs. “breaking the law” wasn’t even close.

    rungrandpa in reply to Peter Moss. | July 26, 2024 at 7:50 pm

    “tendency to dress up as soldiers and use surplus military equipment ”
    Until the criminals show up with military weapons, then everyone reverses their opinion on this matter.

E Howard Hunt | July 26, 2024 at 3:43 pm

The caption under that pic should read, “Hey, we agreed on $40.00.”

So, some are still out to head off Kamala, thought Barky would joining Kamala would make peace.

    henrybowman in reply to Skip. | July 26, 2024 at 7:16 pm

    Barky is a ceremonial Democrat (Coronal), not one of the actual power Democrats (Pontifex). His job is to be the Lovely Assistant, to distract you while the Magician does the real trick.

Subotai Bahadur | July 26, 2024 at 5:32 pm

On another site this morning I say where Harris was making noises to the effect that cash bail should be abolished and everything should be PR. IF we have something called an election in November, and if Harris is declared the winner . . . a new Social Contract is going to be established and we probably will not like it.

Subotai Bahadur

JohnSmith100 | July 26, 2024 at 5:42 pm

How about defunding Harris’s protection, reassign them to Trump.

destroycommunism | July 26, 2024 at 5:53 pm

she wont lose 1 vote over this

and in fact mail in votes will show her gaining 3,000,000 more votes from the police themselves

henrybowman | July 26, 2024 at 7:17 pm

What’s with CNN? Why aren’t they getting with The Program?

inspectorudy | July 27, 2024 at 12:30 am

I know I’ll get blasted but I do not think Harris will be the final nominee. Something is afoot because the DNC changed directions so quickly that it stinks. They know they cannot sell the babbling fool to over 50 % of the voters. Her video trail of F***kups is so long and deep that no amount of BS can undo it.

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