George Clooney Tells Biden to Step Aside Only Weeks After Hosting Fundraiser That Raised $14 Million
Clooney is also buddy buddy with Obama.

Oh my goodness, you guys. George Clooney demanded Joe Biden step aside.
Yes, it’s a big deal coming from Clooney.
You know, the left and Democrats get on Republicans for cozying up to big corporations.
Democrats cozy up to the biggest corporation in America: Hollywood.
What did my late boss, Andrew Breitbart, say? Politics is downstream from culture.
Hollywood and politics (especially Democrats) are from the same family, so their love affair is just so gross.
I’m trying to think of the words to describe Clooney. The op-ed reeks of self-importance and narcissism:
But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “big F-ing deal” Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.
Was he tired? Yes. A cold? Maybe. But our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw. We’re all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we’ve opted to ignore every warning sign. The George Stephanopoulos interview only reinforced what we saw the week before. As Democrats, we collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president, who we respect, walk off Air Force One or walk back to a mic to answer an unscripted question.
Is it fair to point these things out? It has to be. This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president. On top of that, we won’t win the House, and we’re going to lose the Senate. This isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and congress member and governor that I’ve spoken with in private. Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly.
Clooney later called us a democracy. What are we? A Constitutional federal republic!
Clooney co-hosted a huge Hollywood fundraiser for Biden a month ago, raising millions for the incumbent. The fundraiser also birthed one of those “cheap fake” videos.
Clooney is also super close to Obama because, of course, he is.
Few celebrities are closer with Obama than George Clooney – You can bet he ran this statement about Biden by Barack before it went public
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) July 10, 2024
However, Clooney is also married to Amal Clooney, a human rights lawyer in Britain. Clooney isn’t happy with the White House or Biden.
The Internal Criminal Court (ICC) relied on Amal’s legal expertise to issue warrants for Israeli leaders for war crimes.
“I served on this Panel because I believe in the rule of law and the need to protect civilian lives,” explained Amal. “The law that protects civilians in war was developed more than 100 years ago and it applies in every country in the world regardless of the reasons for a conflict.”
Biden lashed out at the ICC.
Not for nothing, but everyone sharing the Clooney op-ed would do well to remember that Georgie has a pretty recent axe to grind with the White House, so take the weepy tone with a grain of salt. This was reported on June 6.
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) July 10, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Where does the $14 million go?
It’s complicated. By law, any unspent money raised before/during the primary could be rolled over to any nominee. If there isn’t any primary money left (and I think there’s not much, no more than $20M), it may only go one of three places and this is what MUST apply to the money from the Clooney fundraiser: If Harris is the nominee, it can be used for her presidential election because it’s the ‘Biden/Harris’ campaign. If she’s not the nominee, then the money either needs to be returned to donors (which is hugely unlikely) or it will be rolled into federal PAC. In theory, that PAC could then spend the money on the eventual nominee, so long as Biden/Harris agree to it. They may not because a $100+ PAC would be a real meal ticket for both of them.
I believe all money donated to Biden/Harris must either be used by Harris if Biden drops out or reverts to the DNC to use as they see fit. I think that means whatever ads and such to support whoever is running but if it looks like a lost cause to State races.
It probably cannot go to the DNC if Harris isn’t the nominee, as most people read the current law. It either has to go back to the donors or be rolled over into a PAC. There’s some disagreement if that new PAC could spend that money during this election cycle. Depending on what newspaper you read, you’re going to get a different answer. USA Today doesn’t really address it. But, they quote a go the leftist government watchdog: “Dan Weiner, the director of the Brennan Center for Justice’s Elections & Government Program, cautioned that the law leaves a lot of gray area. “It’s not crystal clear because I’m not sure if the people who drafted the Federal Election Campaign Act anticipated this situation,” he said.
The NY Times believes it can be used.
(not sure if this article is behind the paywall)
As Al Gore explained “There is no controlling legal authority.” Also who is going to stop them from doing whatever they feel like with the money. Do you think they will closely examine the accounting codes for each expenditure like they did for Trumps 34 “felonies”. LOL?
Hunter w/10% to The Big Guy.
We’re all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term
Just curious, but is there anything that you folks aren’t “terrified” by? I’m thinking it’s a short list, at best.
I watched a doctor on GMA diagnose Biden on the air and announce it to the world. Can any of you Legal Eagles explain to me how that is not a HIPPA violation?
It would only be a HIPAA violation if that was actually Biden’s doctor.
Now do Bandy X. Lee.
Yeah, this watching a video of anybody then declaiming a diagnosis is ridiculous. I hated it when Trump was the target and just as much now. Some people just want their 15 minutes and a payoff.
It wouldn’t be a HIPAA violation however, it would be an ethical violation of the Goldwater rule. Anyhow, he may be unethical he’s also a quack. Doctors don’t diagnose people that they’ve not inspected and they don’t have the charts on. Not to say that Biden isn’t a dementia patient, just that any Doctor Who says he is when they haven’t examined him is a quack.
Um, not exactly accurate. The Goldwater rule is for psychiatric diagnoses. Parkinsons is a movement disorder, we get to see his movements or lack there of all the time.. Parkinsons has 4 major criteria, he clearly meets 3 of the 4 . Some Parkinsons varients have little tremor. Ok, you accept he has dementia, thus he has Parkinsons dementia
Essentially, HIPPA requires the safekeeping of an individual’s medical records. What the doctor did had nothing to do with Joe’s medical records, so there’s no violation. If he had acquired Joe’s medical records and divulged a diagnosis, that would still not be a violation, because that particular doctor didn’t have an obligation to protect a record for which he had no responsibility to keep private (although he would probably be on the hook with respect to his professional organizations and state medical board).
You don’t think George Clooney might run, do you?
His wife’s uncle is one of the biggest arms dealers in the middle east. There a lot of skeletons in his closet, most of them with chunks of meat still attached.
Clooney also admits his role in the cover up, saying that at his fundraiser Biden was the same as he was at the debate. So why didn’t he say anything then? They don’t care that Biden isn’t qualified to be president and CIC in dangerous times, all they care about is winning the election. The only thing that’s changed since the fundraiser is the lid was blown off the cover up, so now he’s afraid they can’t win. They all knew, family, elites, cabinet members, party bosses, big bucks supporters and MSM. They all knew, they all participated in the cover up. And now they’re all gaslighting us to say they were taken by surprise.
Not really. He paints himself a nice cozy out of being “surprised” at the state of Biden at the fundraiser and working up the strength to put out what needed to be said about someone he “respects”.
Democrats always weasel with their words.
I guess that with his latest performance Biden must have become a “B-lister” in Hollywood?
Do not associate Biden with such luminaries as Bruce Campbell.
Clooney, the insufferable gringo narcissist-fop, was never excoriated by his Dhimmi-crat peers by committing a major act of exploitative “cultural appropriation,” purchasing a middling mezcal producer in Mexico, and, re-selling a few years later to liquor giant, Diageo, for the obscene (and, overvalued) price of a few billion dollars.
Needless to say, the mezcaleros and jimedors working in the fields didn’t share in Clooney’s and his partners’ windfall.
Correction: the company in question was a tequila distillery, not a mezcal distillery.
Clooney loves Obama so much I’m beginning to wonder if he isn’t a closet queer too.
Probably will have sex with anyone that wants to. That is becoming quite common in Hollywood.
I wondered about that rainbow thing around his neck.
It means he’s a distinguished homosexualist.
Oh grow up, Please.
Ironic, coming from someone like you whose testes haven’t dropped yet.
Pretty soon Hollywood will be lobbying for Traitor Joe to do a cameo with Alec Baldwin.
Only if they think Baldwin will shoot him
Funny that, right?
What happened to the Democrats’ vague yet assertive plea for people to vote for Biden because Trump is “a threat to our democracy?”
Well, Clooney IS a notorious idiot.
So he and his pals just pissed $14 mil down the toilet?
“Oh dear.”
pocket change
And like I said fjb will be given the lifetime non racist ( but really a racist) award ifff he steps aside they wil hail him
Joe will step aside, one way or the other he is out, either voluntarily, or via the JFK method
is why the pro joes are pro joe
B/C thats the only way Kamala CAN BECOME potus
If Gov Nuisance steps in……bye bye insult to have her be his vp
and he probably wont pick a black female
So thats why they want fjb to hang in there
all so kamala can be potus
speaking of unhinged blackfemales
anyone else see that video of the Betty Pringle unhinged rant ( as they call it) about total control of the children
she also talks about slavery and the right to abortion
really worth a look if havent seen that scary it
This is only the most recent cover-up that Clooney and the rest engaged in. They are not trustworthy and like Biden they have been exposed.
Hard to imagine a scenario where Biden walks out of the convention with the nomination. There are simply too many Dem politicians, newspapers and now donors who have publicly said ‘Nope’ to Biden. Maybe this was the plan all along. Who knows. It’s unbelievable we’re gong to have a GOP convention when we really have no idea who their nominee is going to be. I don’t think this has happened since the 1950s.
A 1968 style DNC is too obvious. Maybe 1972 is in play with Biden’s recorded acceptance speech being played about the same time he is convinced to not run.
The handwriting is on the wall, all these Leftists saying he must go has to be soon draining his poll numbers down.
To that end: “Scoop: Chuck Schumer is open to dumping Biden at the top of the ticket, three sources tell us.”
George Clooney Shivs His “Good Friend” Joe: And all in the name of saving “democracy.”
The conclusion: Even if one hates Trump and wants Biden to step down, it’s stupid to say the reason is “saving democracy.” Better to understand the word’s meaning before you start throwing it around.
It’s so I’m using when you have communist on communist violence. What this idiot is saying is that he saw several weeks ago that Brandon the pedophile is the demented retarded mess everybody saw on that debate stage, but they still gave him millions and millions of dollars. What a bunch of retards
So amusing, I really hate Autocorrect
George Clooney (aka Dancing Monkey #7,243,692): *flings poo to see if it sticks to a wall*
Rest of the USA: Dance, Monkey! Dance!
I would bet AMAL ran the op-ed past Obamalamadingdong, no way could Clooney write it….he’s a few tacos short of a platter,
If Amal “believes in the rule of law” what is her stance on all the people crossing our borders?
Who? Oh, some Hollyweird freak that no one really cares about. Gotcha!
LOL. Clooney is such a retard. That “Big F*in’ Deal!” remark Traitor Joe made to Barky was a major gaffe. Barky put Traitor Joe in the doghouse for a while from that idiotic remark – that Biden tried to whisper to Barky but was too loud and was on mic.
Clooney thinks that THAT Joe was something to admire?? ROFLMAO!
During the call, George Clooney expressed concern to Counselor to the President Steve Ricchetti that his wife could face penalties under the sanctions bill and took issue with Biden’s comments related to the arrest warrants and his administration’s initial openness to slapping sanctions on ICC officials, according to the Washington Post.
The “Ocean’s Eleven” star was particularly peeved with Biden’s characterization of his wife’s work as “outrageous,” the outlet noted.
“The ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous,” the president said in a May 20 statement.