Chinese Fighter Jets Breach Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone
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Chinese Fighter Jets Breach Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone 

Chinese Fighter Jets Breach Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone 

 Taipei Times: “Chinese aircraft flew into airspace to the north, center and southern part of Taiwan.” 

Amid looming doubts about President Joe Biden’s mental fitness, Taiwan is reporting Chinese military activity around the island nation. Taiwanese military detected Chinese fighter jets and warships near its territorial waters, Taiwan’s media reported Saturday.

Dozens of Chinese warplanes breached the Taiwanese air defense zone from multiple directions in last 24 hours. Taiwan’s “Ministry of National Defense (MND) tracked 30 Chinese military aircraft and nine naval vessels around Taiwan” between Friday morning and early Saturday, the news website Taiwan News reported. “Of the 30 People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft, 23 crossed the Taiwan Strait median line and entered the northern, southwestern, and southeastern air defense identification zone (ADIZ), according to the MND.”

The Chinese military provocation comes as Beijing works on advance battle plans to capture the island. In late May, the China’s People Liberation Army (PLA) conducted “two days of war games around Taiwan in which it simulated attacks with bombers and practiced boarding ships,” Reuters reported. “The Chinese military’s Eastern Theatre Command, whose forces carried out the drills, released a video on its social media accounts on Saturday called “A six-word rhyme on smashing independence”, set to stirring martial music.”

The war game was followed by a “joint combat readiness patrol” by Chinese fighter jets and warships near Taiwan. “There has been a significant increase in Chinese military flights since Thursday, according to Taipei, as Beijing conducted a “joint combat readiness patrol” near the island,” Germany’s DW TV reported June 24. “From Thursday to Sunday, Taiwan reported detecting 115 Chinese military aircraft in the vicinity, with some coming as close as 31 nautical miles (57 kilometers) from the island’s southern tip.”

The newspaper Taipei Times reported Saturday:

The Ministry of National Defense yesterday reported renewed Chinese military activity nearby with another “combat patrol,” as the government called on Beijing not to escalate tensions after the seizure of a Taiwanese fishing boat.

On Tuesday, China Coast Guard officials boarded and detained a Taiwanese fishing boat for illegally operating in its waters, in what the head of the National Security Bureau on Thursday said might be an act of psychological warfare.

The ministry said that starting just before 7am yesterday, it had detected 26 Chinese military aircraft, including J-16 fighters, carrying out a “joint combat readiness patrol” with Chinese warships.

The Chinese aircraft flew into airspace to the north, center and southern part of Taiwan, the ministry said.

In the 24 hours ending at 6am yesterday, the ministry said it had detected 36 Chinese warplanes and six naval vessels operating around the nation.

The ministry said it had “monitored the situation and responded accordingly.”

At least 127 Chinese military aircraft operating nearby since the start of this month.

The Chinese military is also considering a blockade of the island nation, roughly the size of Maryland, by simply using drones. The “PLA has detailed a simulation of an island blockade using just drones,” The South China Morning Post newspaper reported Friday. “China’s military has the ability to impose and maintain a blockade on an island solely with drones, according to a study released by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) last month.”

The reports Chinese military build-up comes as Beijing vows to hunt down — and even execute — Taiwanese nationals who actively oppose island’s ‘unification’ with China. “Last week, announcing new legal guidelines, China threatened to execute Taiwan independence separatists in extreme cases, a further ramping up of tensions,” Singapore-based TV channel CNA reported June 27. “China has vowed to go after people it views as Taiwan separatists wherever they may be, though Chinese courts have no jurisdiction in Taiwan and it is not clear how China could seek to enforce any judgments outside its borders.”


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“Dozens of Chinese warplanes breached the Taiwanese air defense”

What better time than now? The whole world knows the president of the United States has dementia. Our government is in a turmoil. Nobody knows who is in charge or our country, who is making decisions, who is giving orders.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Paula. | July 6, 2024 at 5:54 pm

    The Despots and Tyrants of the world were just waiting for confirmation that we had elected an old, feeble, dementia ridden person as president of the United States. And the debate and subsequent interview gave them the confirmation they needed. . Why else would the CCP being doing this now if not knowing the Biden regime will not or perhaps I should say can not respond to any military provocation in regards to Taiwan at this point in time.

    Conservative Beaner in reply to Paula. | July 6, 2024 at 6:03 pm

    The Chinese would be a good start.

      CommoChief in reply to Conservative Beaner. | July 6, 2024 at 8:49 pm

      And those in positions of power, influence and prestige both in/out of gov’t, SR corporate positions, Financial firms who have long since become intertwined with Chinese money, cheap manufacturing and their large market. The establishment long ago hitched their wagon to China.

    henrybowman in reply to Paula. | July 6, 2024 at 7:23 pm

    “Call NOW! This offer won’t last long!”

    Andy in reply to Paula. | July 6, 2024 at 8:58 pm

    FAFO China.


    Dementia patient in charge or not, it aint yours and it will never be yours.

Glad to see that Biden et al. are on the ball.

Can we speed up the time to the election? Seeing their patsy Biden falter and crumble in the debate may have sped up their timetables. Why can’t we park an aircraft carrier there before the PRC “liberates” Taiwan like they did Tibet?

Taiwan: please make sure you have the chip fabs set for self destruct. Give China nothing.

    CommoChief in reply to Dimsdale. | July 6, 2024 at 5:26 pm

    Anti ship missile capabilities have advanced a long way in the last couple decades. Add in swarms of drones some to draw anti aircraft fire and some with munitions to serve as kamikaze. Then add in submarines and aircraft. Not so simple to survive as may have been two decades ago.

    The age of the large carrier is IMO just about at an end for power projection v a peer/near peer opponent. It’s a big target and much less defensible than was previously the case. The loss of prestige/humiliation that would accompany a successful attack much less the destruction of a US Carrier would be immense.

    Then there’s the US dependence on China for all sorts of things from finished goods to basic materials and commodities. Our financial system is intertwined with China so any hostilities would be economically devastating at this point. We don’t have the same ‘big stick’ militarily nor economically that we did a few decades ago. The position/preeminence of the US in all those early Tom Clancy novels has been eroded. Until we decouple economically, financially, onshore and ramp up our domestic manufacturing base and restore competence and a focus on war fighting to our military we should avoid a confrontation with China…and any other near peer nation, IMO. We kinda like the ‘out of shape Thor’ meme at the moment.
    Clancy novels very much

The stable, consistent country that the nations of the world could trust to fulfill commitments and act reasonably and with purpose died when we cut-and-ran in chaos from Afghanistan.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Brian. | July 6, 2024 at 5:47 pm

    The stable, consistent country that the nations of there world could trust to fulfill commitments and act reasonably and with purpose died when we elected a feeble, dementia ridden, old man as leader of the United States.

    But at least there aren’t any more mean Tweets, right? Right?!??

Lucifer Morningstar | July 6, 2024 at 5:45 pm

Dozens of Chinese warplanes breached the Taiwanese air defense zone from multiple directions in last 24 hours.

Here we go, folks! The ramp up to the Chinese invasion of Taiwan and the beginning of World War III. And the United States has no way to prevent it from happening. We have no effective leadership in D.C. and the Chinese know full well that the U.S. military has been neutered and will not be able to stop them from doing as they please in the region. The only thing that surprises me is that it took the CCP so long to decide to do this. It’s been apparent for quite a while that the U.S. was no longer a threat to them and it should have happened earlier.

    Evil Otto in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | July 7, 2024 at 7:41 am

    They’re going to need more boats. A LOT more boats. A military buildup for invasion can’t be hidden, and getting troops across the Taiwan Straight isn’t going to be easy.

      tlcomm2 in reply to Evil Otto. | July 7, 2024 at 9:15 am

      May I humbly suggest you look at the size of the Chinese fishing fleet. If it worked in WW2 . . . .

        Evil Otto in reply to tlcomm2. | July 7, 2024 at 11:25 pm

        In WW2 they had to cross a fraction of the distance, and the only reason they used every vessel to ferry troops from Dunkirk was because they had no choice. This is a totally different situation. China congregating the legions of fishing boats necessary will be easily spotted, as will the troop concentrations waiting to board.

        The actual invasion used specialist vehicles designed for that purpose and military support ships. Fishing vessels can carry troops, but can’t get them to shore. They certainly can’t carry military vehicles. They’re easy prey for modern military ships, subs, and planes. China would lose a vast amount of its army before one soldier set foot on Taiwan… and then there’s the problem of actually winning the battles, something that’s not a given against a military that’s been preparing for decades.

Taiwan supplies almost 70% of the world’s silicon processors, particularly SOCs for the automotive industry; but really, the majority of the world’s most advanced processors come from Taiwan. Everything from PCs & phones, to cars to heavy equipment to assembly line automation and medical equipment has a CPU/SOC that was probably made in Taiwan. A modest amount of damage to those fabs would be devastating to western economies, particularly our own. Significant damage would be catastrophic.

It takes a VERY long period of time and an insane amount of money to bring a fab online. The shock to the global economy would last for years. An attack on Taiwan would be something much worse than a ‘Black Swan’ event.

    TheOldZombie in reply to TargaGTS. | July 6, 2024 at 6:04 pm

    We’d see a global depression in my opinion because we are going to see a total destruction of those fabs. Taiwan/America is not going to let those things fall into Chinese hands.

    Also it would not surprise me in the slightest that moment China makes a move to take Taiwan that Taiwan and America rush to get the employees and their families out of Taiwan. We can’t afford to lose that experience either.

    Concise in reply to TargaGTS. | July 6, 2024 at 7:35 pm

    That’s why China will not attempt this. They’d be shooting themselves in the foot. Their wealth depends on a functioning and vibrant global economy. That and communist armies are not nearly as formidable as they pretend to be.

      MarkS in reply to Concise. | July 6, 2024 at 7:48 pm

      China is attempting capitulation through intimidation, thus no economic disruption

      TargaGTS in reply to Concise. | July 7, 2024 at 7:11 am

      The biggest mistake we make in the west is looking at the world only through our own cultural prism. We’ve done this time after time in the Middle East, almost always reaching a horrible end. In the far east, the cultural divide is even more pronounced. If we were in China’s position, we wouldn’t invade because we value economic certainty and wealth over everything else. Unfortunately, most Asian cultures don’t. In 1936, the two largest trading partners of Japan were China and the US. A year later, they were at war with China and four years later, the US.

      With respect to the competence of the Chinese military, they are clearly untested and their equipment substandard, woefully so in ways. But, they have something victorious armies often have: Overwhelming numbers. They have something else that we never think about in the west; a disparity in the numbers of men vs. women. They have too many men, 105 for every 100 women. If they thin their male herd a little bit, it solves other problems for them.

        Concise in reply to TargaGTS. | July 7, 2024 at 9:41 am

        Uh huh, numbers. Tell that to the Persians from the Greco-Persian War, or the Spanish Armada, or the Battle of Britain in WWII. I’m really not impressed with numbers. Especially communist numbers.

    Obie1 in reply to TargaGTS. | July 8, 2024 at 9:49 am

    That’s why I sold my TSMC

TheOldZombie | July 6, 2024 at 6:00 pm

Every day XI is considering it. There may not be a better time than right now when the President of the United States is in a weakened position.

I think China might be a bit worried though what Biden’s response would actually be. A president with mental problems could do anything from nothing to ordering a nuclear strike. (especially if there are people who are making decisions in his name)

As for the chip factories we of course should burn them to the ground and evacuate their people to the US but I don’t think China cares. I think China has already figured in the invasion plans that we along with Taiwan would do such a thing. While China would love to get it’s hands on those factories and workers it knows it’s highly unlikely too.

So why invade Taiwan? It’s all down to Xi’s ego. What better way for a leader to go into the Chinese history books than as the man who finally put down the Taiwan rebellion and brought the island back as part of China.

It would seem to me that people in positions of power and more knowledgeable than I realize that Biden hasn’t been in charge of anything for a long time.
No matter what is up with Biden, the same people are running the government now were running the government 3 years ago.

I think the main thing keeping the Chinese in check is that they depend upon us to buy their goods as well. What would happen to China if the US collapsed?

Idk, God knows, just as Ezekiel said.

Well I hope they don’t intend to invade Taiwan before 10 am eastern or after 4 pm

We are so screwed

The U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated with customary arrogance and condescension: “The Chinese have their point of view, and we must respect that.”

The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken could not be pulled away from his multimillion dollar bathroom mirror , sniveling: “But I’m good enough, and I’m smart enough , and darn it people like me. People really do like me. “ And then he was seen scrambling about his multimillion dollar bedroom searching for his Light Blue Baby Blanjet , a la Gene Wilder in THE PRODUCERS

Hunter Biden was double checking to make sure the checks from CCP had cleared, then told his dad to inform Taiwan “You’re on your own.”

Obama was familiarizing himself with catalog of cute teenaged homosexual boys. Getting them all penciled in for his first post-CCP-takeover.

Ben Stiller doublechecked his notes and issued a formal statement: “I, Benjamin Stiller, do solemnly swear that this is not a war that needs to end. Thank you.”

Tuchus Carlson cackled on his show: “Taiwan is not any concern of the U.S. even though there’s been a 70-year-alliance between Taiwan and the U.S. “Alliances, Shmaliances, I live in a secure compound in Maine, I got millions and millions and millions in the bank , ergo, Not My Problem.” Then he cackled the cackle of a man who knows that nothing going on between China and Taiwan will ever affect him or his family. Ever.

The presidents of Harvard, Columbi, Penn, and MIT commented: “OK, yeah, soo what’s the problemo?”

    CommoChief in reply to Peacock. | July 6, 2024 at 7:27 pm

    I ain’t defending Jake Sullivan but he is at least competent enough to grasp that ultimately the Chinese get to decide whether or not they undertake military action, just as every other Nation does, including ours. Always a good idea to remember that the enemy gets a vote on how things turn out and they don’t have to follow any preconceived notions or some predictable script and/or behave stupidly to make it easy for their opponents to achieve a victory. Nor bow down to another Nation and refuse to assert their own notions of what constitutes their National Security imperatives. I doubt they actually mount an invasion personally.

      Peacock in reply to CommoChief. | July 7, 2024 at 1:43 am

      Respectfully, if you’re the NSA, it goes without saying that “the enemy has a say.”

      In Jake Sullivan’s world, Jeffrey Dahmer has a point of view that must be understood and validated publicly ,and respected. In Jake Sullivan’s world, the gentlemen who raped that Afghan woman the other day — on video — have a point of view that needs to be understood and validated publicly and respected.

      Speaking such drivel may work in academic seminars and cocktail parties.

      In the real world, not so much — to wit, we’ve vacated a record number of U.S. embassies so far in the 3-1/2 years that our National Security has been advised by Sullivan and Blankin

        CommoChief in reply to Peacock. | July 7, 2024 at 6:56 am

        I agree with most of that. However, there is no treaty between the US and Taiwan that creates an obligation for the US to defend Taiwan. They are not a formal ally. As far back as 1979 the US gov’t began the walk away from Taiwan in favor of the PRC. I have my doubts that the US is currently capable of defending Taiwan v a truly determined China. As for willingness… the leadership class or political establishment of the US are mealy mouthed on this. Sure there’s some chicken Hawks who beat their chest about a military confrontation to keep the defense dollars in their Congressional district/State. In fairness a very few hold a more principled position. The average US Citizen though…..especially those of military age? You’d get a #hashtag campaign before they lost interest and went back to playing video games, texting and buying cheap Chinese goods from Amazon.

Xi probably figures, on the chance that Trump wins, he has from now until January 20, 2025 to get Taiwan done and over with. I doubt there’s much Trump could do about it at that point. Not that there is all that much we can do about it now. The Chinese will be scrambling bombers, fighters and troops, while the Pentagon is busy scrambling genders.

If the US wasn’t already funding two wars I would send 3 aircraft carrier groups and half the F-22’s and F-35’s we had to Taiwan. Give it 5 months. After Trump wins Ukraine and Israel will end their wars. China will also back off..

    CommoChief in reply to Tsquared79. | July 6, 2024 at 9:18 pm

    If I were running a red cell in a war game I would be sorely tempted to start considering all those assets in a small area as very high payoff targets. Success would mean control of the Western Pacific and a devastating blow to US prestige. That’s basically 1/3 of our Carriers and half our most advanced Fighters wiped off the board. Very tempting set of targets, particularly given the very public issues the services are having with maintenance, basic ship handling, unit leadership, retaining skilled personnel.

LeftWingLock | July 6, 2024 at 7:37 pm

What time of day (in DC) was it when they flew in? If it was between 10 and 4, I hope Biden called Xi to complain

JohnSmith100 | July 6, 2024 at 9:00 pm

It sounds to me like Twain needs a doomsday defense.

    Evil Otto in reply to JohnSmith100. | July 7, 2024 at 7:43 am

    Don’t doubt that they have missiles aimed at Three Gorges Dam. A couple of shots would crack that eggshell and destroy much of China’s best farmland and industrial production, not to mention killing millions. China’s obsession with megaprojects has given its enemies the equivalent of nuclear weapons.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to Evil Otto. | July 7, 2024 at 8:21 am

      Great point. With China’s faltering economy, something like that would might be enough to trigger a collapse.

This is, of course, very serious, but too many are forgetting Taiwan’s own capabilities. They are one of, if the most, technologically advanced nations in the world. They know that they would fare extremely poorly in a straight up kinetic fight with China, so it must be assumed that Taiwan has developed very advanced and capable cyber means to protect the island.

If China ever attacks expect their power grid go down, dams to shut down and possibly even breach, and military forces to go dark. A China in the cold and dark, with 1oos of millions of citizens looking for food, clean water, and heat would be very vulnerable. Xi is a nasty man, a brutal dictator, but he is not stupid.

It’s a real possibility, of course, but I don’t fear an imminent attack of Taiwan quite to the degree that many others here and in DC do.

In short, China will dance and feint as far as it can go without a full war, because the backlash of full war will cripple their country for decades. I really expect to see the flaming wreckage of a Chinese fighter jet or two dropping into the ocean before they back off an inch.

Many of you make very rational arguments about why China will attack Taiwan. And then many of you make very rational counter arguments. The problem is that people and nations can act very irrationally. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor knowing with virtual certainty that it would lose a war with the US. There was little or no rationality in its decision.

GrannyEdgar | July 7, 2024 at 7:41 am

You have to remember that the Chinese State do not see this as an “invasion” – To them, Taiwan is simply a rebellious province.

Not even the US acknowledges the Sovereignty of Taiwan, even as it escalates it’s “baiting” of the CCP.

Don’t get me wrong – I am certainly not rooting for the CCP. I love Taiwan and worked with an NGO on the Island in the early 1070’s.

HOWEVER, I don’t understand why, after the revolutionary army first retreated to the Island in the mid-1940’s, and enjoyed strong international sympathy, they did not pursue support for Sovereign recognition in the international arena?

It’s been 70+ years and still … Nothing?

Surely they could have ignited the West to pressure the CCP, just as what happened in South Africa, with apartheid and Nelson Mandela?

Until the late 20th Century, the CCP were relatively weak and impoverished, and forcing their capitulation would have been so much easier.

Why not continue their fight?

As weird as it sounds, I’m a bit reassured by this. As long as the sabers are rattling you can see them… its when things go quiet that you should worry. China is not in a position to invade Taiwan, and won’t be for a long time. Getting the necessary troops across a hundred miles of open water in the teeth of enemy fire onto one of the most heavily fortified islands in the world isn’t something they’re capable of. Any troop buildup would be easily spotted from space. Those troops would be sitting ducks, and it’s doubtful that more than a small fraction would make it to shore. The days of mass human wave warfare have long been over, and mass human wave amphibious invasion is a contradiction in terms.

China could *destroy* Taiwan, sure… but that’s not what the Chinese leadership wants. They want it intact. Chinese computer chips suck. Taiwan makes the chips that much of the world’s technology (and thus economies) runs on, and if there’s an invasion there’s no chance of capturing those plants intact.

So I’m putting my $20 on the table that there’s not going to be an invasion any time in the near future, if ever. Instead China will likely rely on threats and propaganda to try and fold Taiwan back in, offering wonderful deals to future generations of useful idiot politicians to hand power to the mainland.

destroycommunism | July 7, 2024 at 8:19 am

how can the fjb admin say anything is bad about people from one country “ILLEGALLY” going into another country is wrong ?