Carnegie Mellon Prof Says Trump Assassination Attempt ‘Was Staged’
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Carnegie Mellon Prof Says Trump Assassination Attempt ‘Was Staged’

Carnegie Mellon Prof Says Trump Assassination Attempt ‘Was Staged’

“Like a stupid Tubi movie set in the Bronx with palm trees in the background.”

There is a lot of this insanity going around in higher education. It’s truly stunning.

The College Fix reports:

Trump assassination attempt ‘was staged,’ Carnegie Mellon professor says

The assassination attempt on President Donald Trump “was staged,” according to a Carnegie Mellon University professor.

“It was staged,” Professor Uju Anya wrote Saturday evening, soon after the shooting. “Like a stupid Tubi movie set in the Bronx with palm trees in the background.”

“They lie, and people die. That’s exactly what they do,” Anya wrote shortly after on X (formerly Twitter). “That’s the record. Whatever ‘attack’ on him they set up to stoke his followers’ fears and sentiments threat and persecution has now cost lives.”

The post is still up as of Wednesday morning. “And people died behind this farce. Actual people’s lives gone for them to stage this stupid show,” Anya also wrote, as reported by Campus Reform. Reporter Emma Arns also writes for The College Fix.

“People dying doesn’t make the attack any less staged. Someone who thought the attack was real could’ve killed others trying to prevent harm,” the professor also wrote. “Also, someone could’ve shot the shooter to hide the plot.”

She is a “second language acquisition” professor according to her bio.

“My primary fields of inquiry are critical applied linguistics, critical sociolinguistics and critical discourse studies examining race, gender, sexual and social class identities in new language learning through the multilingual journeys of African American students,” her bio states.

“I also have expertise in diversity, equity and inclusion in instructional practices and curriculum design, language study abroad, applied linguistics as a practice of social justice, intercultural communication and service-learning in secondary and university-level language programs,” she states on her bio.


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destroycommunism | July 18, 2024 at 12:09 pm

alex jones was bk’d for the same nonsense about children being massacred

pass this same outcome onto the lefty

    nordic prince in reply to destroycommunism. | July 18, 2024 at 12:45 pm

    Say what you will about AJ, but I bet his “prediction” track record is substantially better than this wackdoodle. He’s been right a lot more often than people are willing to admit.

    Milhouse in reply to destroycommunism. | July 18, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    Alex Jones repeated and deliberately defamed and harassed specific identifiable people, who justly sued him. This nut case has not done that.

This persons position only exists for leftist propaganda/ DEI reasons

    henrybowman in reply to geronl. | July 18, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    Prefixing all your specialties with “critical” is equivalent to suffixing all your courses with “studies.”

JackinSilverSpring | July 18, 2024 at 1:19 pm

“Higher” education has become a bastion of higher stupidity.

The headline is missing the “without evidence” flag. This is just some jackwagon’s opinion.

I suspect this ignorant person was hired just to check off some DEI boxes and fill some quotas.

How much education did it take to produce this fool??? What a jerk.

henrybowman | July 18, 2024 at 4:27 pm

She should be willing to do a re-enactment, like William Tell. She can even choose the shooter.

PostLiberal | July 19, 2024 at 1:51 am

“My primary fields of inquiry are critical applied linguistics, critical sociolinguistics and critical discourse studies examining race, gender, sexual and social class identities in new language learning through the multilingual journeys of African American students,” her bio states.

“I also have expertise in diversity, equity and inclusion in instructional practices and curriculum design, language study abroad, applied linguistics as a practice of social justice, intercultural communication and service-learning in secondary and university-level language programs,” she states on her bio.

Her “expertise” and “knowledge” has produced a total inability to think clearly.

Given her alleged areas of “expertise,” this is no surprise.
When I hear a person proclaiming such areas of “expertise,” a word salad of “critical…studies… race…gender…social justice…diversity, equity and inclusion…intercultural..”, my conclusion is that the person is spouting nonsense. This person’s nonsense has supported my conclusion.

    drsamherman in reply to PostLiberal. | July 19, 2024 at 9:40 am

    The neurological term for what she is suffering is “Progressive jargon aphasia”, and yes, that is a recognized diagnosis per the literature.

It’s one thing for the thought to have occurred to her.

It’s another thing for her to chat about it privately.

This faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University posted this stuff.

There’s no law prohibiting poor character, but there are standards for getting hired, and for maintaining employment.

Hey Carnegie Mellon: If this lady is still working for you this fall, what are we to conclude about Carnegie Mellon?

Hey parents, is this what you want your children immersed in?
Is this what you want to pay thousands for?

Jonathan Cohen | July 19, 2024 at 8:21 am

This woman’s area of expertise is lying. It is hard to believe that anyone is this stupid. Sadly, it is a measure of how far the intellectual rot has advanced in academia that Carnegie Mellon actually hired her.

Sure, Trumps going to let someone shoot his ear at 450 yards as a PR stunt to gain sympathy. Clearly, the professor is stupid. Carnegie Mellon should fire that idiot. Betting they won’t though.