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Biden to Sit for First Post-Debate Interview With Former Bill Clinton Staffer George Stephanopoulos

Biden to Sit for First Post-Debate Interview With Former Bill Clinton Staffer George Stephanopoulos

“set to be recorded Friday, will air on that night’s edition of ‘World News Tonight,’ with other segments airing on Saturday and Sunday’s broadcasts of ‘Good Morning America'”

Following his disaster of a debate performance on CNN last week, Joe Biden is going to sit for an interview with former Bill Clinton staffer George Stephanopoulos, who is now the political director of ABC News for some reason.

The last time we checked in on Stephanopoulos, he was offering CNN advice on how to ‘get’ Trump in the debate. Now he is doing clean-up duty for Joe Biden.

FOX News reports:

Biden to grant first post-debate interview to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Friday

President Biden will be granting his first post-debate interview to ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, the network announced Tuesday.

According to ABC News, a “first look” from the interview, set to be recorded Friday, will air on that night’s edition of “World News Tonight,” with other segments airing on Saturday and Sunday’s broadcasts of “Good Morning America.” The “extended interview” will air on Sunday’s installment of “This Week” as well as Monday’s “Good Morning America.”

Fox News Digital asked ABC News whether a full unedited transcript of the interview would be released and whether Stephanopoulos would comment to viewers on Biden’s demeanor both on and off the camera. ABC News did not immediately respond.

Stephanopoulos joins a small group of journalists who have clinched the rare second interview with Biden, who has granted far fewer interviews in comparison to his predecessors.

The ABC News anchor previously sat down with Biden for his first interview following the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021.

Why do you suppose Stephanopoulos was chosen for this task? It’s a real mystery, isn’t it?

Townhall editor and FOX News contributor Guy Benson is taking a different view of this.

The text of that last tweet is here:

What they may be setting up (whether they execute it is another story):

1) George S bleeds POTUS in Friday interview

2) Dem/media hive mind goes to work, harshly scrutinizing Biden’s performance like @RNCResearch has been doing for years

3) Dam breaks with coordinated calls for withdrawal

4) Biden finally agrees to step aside (this is still a — or THE — big X factor)

5) No choice but Kamala, with new running mate to balance ticket

6) *Extraordinary* PR blitz from Dem/media hive mind to “reintroduce”/rehabilitate Kamala

7) Hope for the best / count on superior ballot operation to pull this thing out in Nov

Not very confident of this, but it’s increasingly plausible & R’s should be ready…

Guy may be onto something here. No one would be surprised if Stephanopoulos is being employed here to plunge the political knife into Biden’s back, but the more obvious reason for all of this is that he is making a last-ditch effort to help the man still most likely to get the Democrat nomination.


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E Howard Hunt | July 3, 2024 at 9:09 am

Beware of Greeks airing grifters.

n his autobiography Biden recounted his best day, “When I first got to the Senate in January 1973, I noticed that people automatically gave me respect, saying, “Senator this, and Senator that.” And many gave great sympathy for me because of the then recent deaths of Nella and Naomi. Then it hit me, “Hey, maybe I can use this gig to extract money from people like business people.”

“From there, life became easy, incredibly easy.”

Tham man Rush Limbaugh called George Steponallofus.

It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out, but I won’t bother tuning in, because all I’m interested in is finding out what co-ordinated narrative they are going to push.

DJT had 4 years in office, where he scrupulously followed the law, and gently held the line against those who called for political reprisals. Biden comes in and whoeverthehell is running the country acts like a tin-plated dictator in a banana republic, and so the Democrats have no better sense than to pretend that Trump would be a dictator (a Hitler, no less) in the future.

Meanwhile, Urban Dictionary has tied the use of the Hitler insult to “bankrupt discourse.”

When you’ve lost the Urban Dictionary, you’ve lost the ability to convince young people.

Either Stepanopoulos supports Biden or he doesn’t:

1. Softball interview. Gives Biden questions ahead of time. Helps him answer. Edits out the bad parts

2. It’s a set up. He doesn’t help Biden. Biden looks bad. His goose is cooked.

I go with number one. Biden’s handlers would not do the interview without assurances ahead of time.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Paula. | July 3, 2024 at 10:07 am

    I am inclined to agree with your assessment.

    However, it would not surprise me if Biden was set up in order to justify ditching him so the down ballot Democrats don’t suffer the consequences of Biden’s decrepitude.

    Frankly, I don’t see the difference. Unless Kamala is the nominee, Clyburn, et al, will tell blacks to stay home (if they haven’t already gone over to the Republican side).

    Kamala is worse than Biden, in that she is stupid beyond belief. Yeah, she can read a teleprompter, but she exudes 11th grade level intellect.

    TargaGTS in reply to Paula. | July 3, 2024 at 10:14 am

    It’s #2, all day long. Everyone understands Biden is going to lose and now the reality of Biden’s tremendous drag on down-ballot races is starting to set in. The Democrat machine can’t have Trump in the White House with a GOP House, Senate and comfortable Supreme Court majority. So, they’re sending Stepanopoulos out to put down Old Yeller. He’s not going to be a journo. He’s going to be their wet-work guy.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to TargaGTS. | July 3, 2024 at 11:07 am

      Old Yeller was put down like a rabid dog. I hope Mr. Snuffleupagus doesn’t plan on doing the same to the sometimes rabid dog he’s interviewing.

    Paul in reply to Paula. | July 3, 2024 at 10:18 am

    The midget will always be a Clinton lackey. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him sink Biden in hopes of giving the crone another shot.

    coyote in reply to Paula. | July 5, 2024 at 6:35 am

    The reason the interview isn’t being shown live is that AIs don’t yet work in real time. You may count on seeing and, more importantly, hearing answers that don’t come from Biden. If an answer is articulate, it will be synthetic. Any bets on how many articulate answers they’ll put on the air?

Wade Hampton | July 3, 2024 at 9:59 am

Biden just needs to weather the storm, until July 11th, when they can “officially” nominate him.

    TargaGTS in reply to Wade Hampton. | July 3, 2024 at 10:22 am

    This is precisely why this is going to be a very rough interview for Biden. They’re up against a hard deadline. Biden isn’t going to be the nominee. That’s already settled. The only question to be answered is, ‘how messy is it gonna get?’ If he doesn’t drop out by the 11th, it’s going to get very messy.

      Wade Hampton in reply to TargaGTS. | July 3, 2024 at 10:42 am

      I want it to get REALLY messy

        TargaGTS in reply to Wade Hampton. | July 3, 2024 at 11:13 am

        I think Dems have a very narrow window to pull off a smooth transition of power from Biden to Harris. All it will take is a potential and ambitious alternative, like Newsom or Whitmer, to dump big, thick & juicy oppo file on Harris. If that happens, the convention is going to look like that battle scene in Braveheart.

          MK Ultra in reply to TargaGTS. | July 3, 2024 at 11:29 am

          Unlike the Braveheart scene, the Democrats actively wish to take our freedoms.

          Paula in reply to TargaGTS. | July 3, 2024 at 11:47 am

          Yes, but unlike Braveheart, Democrats are the ones who are in our face waving their fannies at us.

          Or to liken it to the stock market:
          “Bulls win some, bears win some, pigs get slaughtered”
          My crystal ball says “Democrat pigs are overdue for it.”

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to TargaGTS. | July 3, 2024 at 11:08 am

      I am sure that “Dr Jill” is prepared to clean up the mess, because she ain’t leaving the FLOTUS job willingly.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | July 3, 2024 at 10:02 am

“Joe Biden is going to sit for an interview with former Bill Clinton staffer current Democratic Party Propagandist George Stephanopoulos”


Conservative Beaner | July 3, 2024 at 10:23 am

If Stepphy doesn’t have knee pads, it’s a setup.

Too early to tell what this interview will be about. Rep Clyburn (D-NC) is meeting with Biden today. This is the guy that gave Democrats their marching orders to vote Biden in 2024 — and the only reason Biden won as Clyburn’s church network is involved in ballot harvesting and counting.

Biden is being told whether the DNC will have his back or it’s now time for you to step down. The ABC interview will then either focus on Joe’s rehabilitation or his thoughts on retirement

Notice it’s a pre-recorded interview because the demented pedophile couldn’t possibly do a live one. Lord knows how many hundred Jump Cuts they’ll have in a full-length interview.

If these corrupt idiots think a sit down with a Democrat political operative will put out this fire they are sadly mistaken. This thing will be scripted, rehearsed, and edited. No different from reading off of a teleprompter. I would have respected a LIVE interview with Tucker Carlson, or maybe a two hour plus live press conference. Respect an interview with the Clinton’s boy??? Not for a second. And this stuff matters. If this guy is only in the game 6 hours a day this is a huge National Security issue. We here who pay attention knew Brandon was a potted plant, a corrupted bully of a man. There’s no surprise here….

    Dimsdale in reply to kshea. | July 3, 2024 at 12:45 pm

    I am pretty sure the standing invitation to be interviewed by Dr. Phil is still available.

    Pres. Trump did an hour with him on his “Phil in the Blanks” podcast, and came though with flying colors, even in the post interview analysis, (

    Think the Big Guy will do it?? LOL! RFK Jr. did, but no Biden.

destroycommunism | July 3, 2024 at 11:47 am

the dems are so racist THEY KNOW that if they ran a black female which is what they want

20+% of their own voters wouldnt vote for it

the whole michelle obama thing is a celeb worshiping endeavor to try and bait racist talk etc

I can’t quite figure out of it helps Dems if Biden resigns or hurts them (presuming Harris will absolutely be the nominee). I can definitely see how it would help and also potentially hurt her, perhaps a lot. But, I have to believe that this is the decision they’re currently weighing.

Dolce Far Niente | July 3, 2024 at 11:52 am

I am of two minds about Biden’s future, because despite Biden’s abysmal debate, I don’t think it was sufficiently a red pill event to really wake up the sleepers on the Left.

I think it is just as likely that an outpouring of media “This is fine” blarney will still whatever little twinges the NPC voters may feel, whereas his removal MIGHT cause some to wonder how long he’s been demented and who’s in charge.

    TargaGTS in reply to Dolce Far Niente. | July 3, 2024 at 12:41 pm

    I get what you’re saying about actual Democrat primary voters perhaps being uncertain. The problem is actual Democrat primary voters have nothing to do with this and really haven’t this entire campaign cycle. There’s a reason the DNC didn’t schedule any primary debates and that reason was laid bare for everyone to see last Thursday.

    The NY Times wrote an editorial effectively stating Joe Biden was so cognitively impaired, he can’t be president. A Republican nominee might survive that because the Times hasn’t endorsed a GOP nominee since 1956. A Democrat nominee, OTOH, is not going to survive that editorial because the campaign commercials write themselves. He’s finished.

Biden can do friendly interviews. Scripted questions that he can prepare for in advance. Editing to make him look less pathetic. But it only goes so far. The decline is accelerating. Its not impossible to unring that bell once its been rung.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to smooth. | July 4, 2024 at 11:26 am

    Can you imagine what a September debate would look like?

    That’s only 90 +/- days away.

Guy Benson throws a listicle at the wall and hopes something sticks.

Stepanopoulos won’t kneecap Biden, unsavory democrat on democracy wet work is left to others.

This is a last chance effort to pull Obama’s VW bus out of the ditch.


Assuming ABC is playing the Biden sycophant, if the number of cuts/edits can be determined, he could still be sunk. For example, the NY Times could run a headline, “Biden ABC interview Has 27 Edits”. People would conclude that he must not have been better than the debate. IMO Biden is now in sort of a negative feedback loop that is goinng to be very hard if not impossible to get out of..

henrybowman | July 3, 2024 at 2:13 pm

Biden’s in trouble, this is no time for half-measures.
Joe should skip Stephanopoulos entirely and go straight to booking an interview with Satan.

    Paula in reply to henrybowman. | July 3, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    Biden is not fit enough to do an interview. Shoot, he’s not fit enough to go to hospice.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to henrybowman. | July 4, 2024 at 11:31 am

    Biden is old. Really old. Only 1.3% of the population lives to 85.

    Biden has been exhibiting age related problems for years.

    Biden will be meeting Satan long before a second term ends. Democrats will be voting for Harris if they vote for Biden.

How many hours of interview will it take to put together 5 minutes worth of presentable material?

Subotai Bahadur | July 3, 2024 at 9:05 pm

1) Between Biden not knowing what he is asked or what he answers, and Stephanopoulus lying about both; what basis is there to assume anything aired is true?

2) What poor sod is going to get the job of trying to edit it into something like a coherent whole?

3) What happens if they cannot get it to make sense? Will they cancel it or try to use Hollywood special effects to make it something they can air?

Subotai Bahadur

Headline should read Paid Executive DNC staffer to televise propaganda video for democraps sagging approval.
george stephanopoulos doesn’t deny he’s a highly paid shill for the democrats.

I hope that Joe Biden was alert enough to thank Stephanopolous for being Clinton’s suppressor of news stories, which helped pave the way for his successors.

If it is not live, then it is edited. I’ll not watch, because I don’t support fraud.

Stephanopoulos, one of America’s leading communists.