Biden to Democrats: ‘I am Firmly Committed to Staying in This Race’

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President Joe Biden (or the man behind the curtain) told Democrats he isn’t going anywhere.

More and more Democrats have told Biden to step down since they can no longer deny the obvious: Biden is not well.

“I can respond to all this by saying clearly and unequivocally: I wouldn’t be running again if I did not absolutely believe I was the best person to beat Donald Trump in 2024,” wrote Biden.

But this is where the letter becomes precious because, as far as I can remember…the Democrats didn’t want anyone to primary Biden:

We had a Democratic nomination process and the voters have spoken clearly and decisively. I received over 14 million votes, 87% of the votes cxast across the entire nominating process. I have nearly 3,900 delegates, making me the presumptive nominee of our party by a wide margin.This was a process open to anyone who wanted to run. Only three people chose t o challenge me. One fared so badly that he left the primaries to run as an independent. Another attacked me for being too old and was soundly defeated. The voters of the Democratic Party have voted. They have chosen me to be the nominee of the party.Do we now just say this process didn’t matter? That the voters don’t have a say?

Those opponents wanted to debate Biden. But the DNC and Biden pushed them away.

No incumbent president has taken part in a debate since President Gerald Ford.

I’ve always said precedent is a cop-out. It’s why no SCOTUS until now took on Roe v. Wade.

I think in this case, the DNC used precedent as an excuse. The officials knew a primary debate would expose Biden.

“I have no doubt that I – and we – can and will beat Donald Trump,” continued Biden.

Biden then added some of his supposed “triumphs” from his first term, making it obvious the letter is actually another campaign piece.

“More importantly, we have an economic vision to run on that soundly beats Trump and the MAGA Republicans,” Biden said. “They are siding with the wealthy and the big corporations and we are siding with the working people of America.”

Says the guy who attends star-studded fundraisers with the rich and famous. Gag me.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Biden Cognitive, Democrats