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Biden Incoherently Attempts to Make His Case to Stay in the Race on Morning Joe

Biden Incoherently Attempts to Make His Case to Stay in the Race on Morning Joe

Biden screamed into the phone, mumbled, and messed up despite having notes with him.

President Joe Biden did himself no favors when he called into Morning Joe.

I could only listen to a little because PAIN.

He’s staying.

Biden sounds like The Big Lebowski, man:

BIDEN: “Look at my career. I have not had many of those night. It was a terrible night and I — I really regret it happened. But the fact of the matter is how — how can you assure you’re going to be on — on, you know — fate’s not going to intervene on your way to go to work tomorrow?”

Biden’s been testing himself for cognitive issues because that’s smart or something.

Old man screaming into the phone:

BIDEN: “Remember I’ve always talked about how I don’t have the black support. Come on, give me a break. Come with me. Watch! Watch! I’m getting so frustrated by — by the elites. No, I’m not talking about you guys, but by the elites in the party who — they know so much more.”

Uh, what…:

BIDEN: “I stopped by campaign field offices with John Fetterman and Madeleine Dean, both strongly supported me. The president and First Lady, you know, we spoke at the campaign ice cream social.”

More lies, even though he claims to be the truth teller:

BIDEN: “You know, I’m — we’re reading from a list of lies. First of all, he was made up, quote, ‘suckers and losers.’ I was with him. He called the Americans in the cemetery from World War I suckers and losers. And so this guy’s going to have to start answering for he did. I’m not letting up, Joe.”

The man behind the curtain has to be doing this on purpose. If the Democrats wanted Kamala the whole time this is the way to do it since the country would never vote for her to be president.


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Paula | July 8, 2024 at 11:10 am

“Biden incoherently makes his case”

Biden is too incoherent to make his case and just comes out and mumbles some meaningless bullcrap.

wendybar | July 8, 2024 at 11:11 am

Mika is a believer!!!

scooterjay | July 8, 2024 at 11:19 am

It’s the dementia, stupid!

The political parallel to Harvey Weinstein when it comes to the media and Democrats.


25th Amendment or bust! They will have to remove him to remove him, and they are complicit because they let it happen.

Democrats have shown their cynicism and poor judgment. How can they be trusted or believed about anything after this?

    jb4 in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | July 8, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    Even using the 25th Amendment has secondary fallout. Biden then would be forced to pardon Hunter and not just commute sentences. Hunter has not been sentenced in the first trial and the second trial is scheduled for September. But, but, but … Joe promised us many times he would not pardon him. Also, the longer this goes on, the more Democrats damage Biden’s candidacy.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to jb4. | July 8, 2024 at 1:13 pm

      I don’t think they can 25th him. It takes a 2/3 majority of both houses to sustain a 25th when the President objects, and if Harris did that and failed (she would fail), Joe would drop her from the ticket. She has to line up 293 House members and 67 Senators beforehand, and hope none of them double cross her.

destroycommunism | July 8, 2024 at 11:28 am

fjb; I am speaking like me and popcorns did..ebonics

BigRosieGreenbaum | July 8, 2024 at 11:32 am

He doesn’t need to be tested formally. We can all see he’s gone. Wonder when they’re going to pull the trigger on him?

Martin | July 8, 2024 at 11:36 am

Joe said “We had a primary…” In which you didn’t debate or make any particularly notable campaign appearances.

They had no real primary. Certainly not one that would allow any real opposition and provided zero information on the status of Joe’s health and mentality.

TargaGTS | July 8, 2024 at 11:36 am

This is the biggest dumpster fire for Democrats since 1988, an election cycle that coincidentally also saw a Joe Biden campaign implosion. Remember, that was the year when Gary Hart traded everything for some ‘Monkey Business’ leaving Democrats to scramble to find an alternative to Jesse Jackson who they believed would suffer the biggest loss in US history if he managed to win the nomination.

Bush ended up beating Dukakis by 8-points, winning all but 10-states in the process.

amwick | July 8, 2024 at 11:37 am

Lewy Body Dementia.
SMH.. but he is running.. because.. they told him he is fine.


E Howard Hunt | July 8, 2024 at 11:41 am

And the nation asks of Kamala Harris, “will no one rid us of this tiresome slut?”

    Paula in reply to E Howard Hunt. | July 8, 2024 at 12:06 pm

    Not to worry. Kamala said she is preparing to take over the responsibilities of POTUS if required.

    How is she preparing?

    She says she’s been preparing by practicing not giggling up to ten times a day.

geronl | July 8, 2024 at 11:51 am

He also has these outbursts when the pudding or ice cream falls off the spoon.

DaddyO | July 8, 2024 at 12:06 pm

Mendelbaum! Mendelbaum!

GreyBob | July 8, 2024 at 12:18 pm

Think we need a new strategy here::

The democrats are trying to force a duly elected President from office and they are trying to deny him the nomination for that office after he has earned it through the primary elections season.

Let’s call it what it is:: the Democrats are attempting a coup against the government of the United States.

Lucifer Morningstar | July 8, 2024 at 12:21 pm

Now Biden’s handlers aren’t even pretending that he can go out in public and speak but are putting him on the telephone to do television interviews? And Joe apparently can’t do an adequate job even then. Just how fecking pathetic is that. But it shows just how desperate Jill Ed.D is to show that Joe is competent and able to perform for a second term of office. Of course, we all know the truth of the matter but there we go and here we are.

There is no friendlier venue for Brandon than Morning Joe. And remember, t he questions were certainly fed to them ahead of time.

Someone really is trying to keep Joe in the race. And that’s just fine.

Real American | July 8, 2024 at 1:16 pm

He’s not just asking to be president a bit longer. It’s a 4-year gig. He’s asking for 4 MORE years. There’s no way in hell this guy is going to make it 4 additional years without completely losing his faculties or dying.

He doesn’t need to drop out of the race because he’s losing, though that’s the Democrats’ only concern. He needs to resign because he currently can’t do the job. Democrats talk about putting country ahead of party or self interest, but Biden is just another Democrat who refuses to do that when it actually matters.

    LeftWingLock in reply to Real American. | July 8, 2024 at 1:25 pm

    Where in the Constitution does it say the President must be alive. Dr. Jill know what Joe would do and she could finish his term and would make the right decisions.

ChrisPeters | July 8, 2024 at 1:23 pm

Since they were allowed to get away with an audio-only interview, they should have found a good impersonator to call in, rather than the Real Brandon.

Same candidate as in 2019, just a little more florid and now they show us instead of hiding from us:

Doesn’t make any difference who the person in the office is, as long as they can get elected the same cabal will run the show.

And they don’t care, they haven’t cared since W.J. Clinton, as long as the modern day sacrifices to Molech continue.

And the Repubs can’t seem to stand up and do anything about it, so they leave it to people like Trump, Riley Gaines, Gen. Flynn, that FBI agent that quit in Florida after being put on limbo because he refused to do an early am SWAT attack on a pro-life advocate and others to stand up and get smacked down.

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