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Political Payoff: Biden DOJ Settles With Peter Strzok, Lisa Page for Combined $2 Million on ‘Privacy’ Claims

Political Payoff: Biden DOJ Settles With Peter Strzok, Lisa Page for Combined $2 Million on ‘Privacy’ Claims

“This outcome is a critical step forward in addressing the government’s unfair and highly politicized treatment of Pete.”

In a Friday night news dump, it was reported that the Biden DOJ had settled with former FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page over claims of Privacy Act violations related to anti-Trump texts exchanged between the two in 2015 and 2016 while they were having an extramarital affair and which were released by the Trump DOJ to reporters for review in December 2017.

Per the NY Times:

The Justice Department settled a lawsuit on Friday with two former F.B.I. officials who had accused the Trump administration of violating their privacy by sharing their texts disparaging former President Donald J. Trump with the news media, according to court documents.

As part of the settlement, the government agreed to pay the former officials, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, concluding at least some of the litigation. The amount was not disclosed in court filings, but Mr. Strzok’s law firm said he received $1.2 million.

Their texts incited a political firestorm after the Justice Department in December 2017 invited reporters to review them at night before handing them over to Congress. Then a senior F.B.I. counterintelligence agent who helped oversee the bureau’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia in 2016, Mr. Strzok exchanged inflammatory messages with Ms. Page, a bureau lawyer involved in the inquiry. Republicans seized on the texts to try to discredit the investigation.

In a statement, Strzok’s attorney, Aitan D. Goelman, said “This outcome is a critical step forward in addressing the government’s unfair and highly politicized treatment of Pete.”

“As important as it is for him, it also vindicates the privacy interests of all government employees,” he also proclaimed.

According to Politico, Page’s settlement was for $800,000:

Page, who resigned amid the controversy, settled her own Privacy Act claim with the department Friday. Copies of the settlement agreements for Strzok and Page obtained by POLITICO indicate Page is to receive $800,000. The documents state that the U.S. government is not admitting or conceding legal liability.

“The evidence was overwhelming that the release of text messages to the press in December 2017 was for partisan political purposes and was against the law,” Page’s lawyer, Amy Jeffress, said in a statement.

Reaction on the Twitter/X machine was swift:

Strzok’s attorneys say they “will continue to pursue First Amendment and due process claims for Mr. Strzok’s reinstatement, back pay, and other equitable relief – each of which was identified in his 2019 lawsuit.”

As always, stay tuned.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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What absolute bovine excrement!

What a disgrace. A PROPER verdict for Strzok and his moll would have consisted solely in the MussoliniPetacci treatment.

E Howard Hunt | July 27, 2024 at 11:57 am

Can a Netflix deal be far behind? “Pete and Lisa”, a love so strong it defied the Donald and preserved our democracy.

LibraryGryffon | July 27, 2024 at 11:57 am

I’ve always been told to assume that anything I email or text on my employer’s property (e.g. employer-provided phone, tablet, laptop) is available to the employer to view and that it is no way covered by “privacy”.

More rules for thee, not for me. /sigh

I feel as though I live in a foreign land.

Or in one of the dystopian novels that we read in school.

They were supposed to be warnings, not instruction manuals.

Please tell me. Where does this stop?

2smartforlibs | July 27, 2024 at 12:38 pm

Notice how when the left is in power it’s always the connected that gets the hand out. It doesn’t matter if it’s federal money or local TIF handouts. We all foot the bill for the few in power. One city I could name has a racket set-up to keep that TIF money coming for the city council.

I cannot even mention this news to my wife.

Our government needs an ENEMA.

destroycommunism | July 27, 2024 at 2:08 pm

Another reason lefty wants to eliminate elections….

so they can stop paying for their sins and just imprison all who annoy them

Lawfare works two ways,
The Left sues opponents and crushes them with lawyer fees and court costs
friends of the Left sue the government and get paid off

Jean Carroll got $80M from Trump for an obviously imaginary sexual assault. Hurt feelings are worth millions even if baseless.

Women practicing law.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to rhhardin. | July 27, 2024 at 4:37 pm

    Well, she hasn’t gotten anything yet. It’s under appeal, not only because it was a bogus suit.

Might be a good idea to have Congress vote to approve any settlements by the Executive Branch. Send it to the relevant committee of jurisdiction for passage out to a floor vote in HoR and Senate. Simple up/down majority on the record.

This is the dumbest thing ever.. A government employee communicating on a government-paid phone has no expectation of privacy.

I wonder if Page and Strzok know who the leaker is so they can send them a nice thank you gift.
I doubt the DOJ did anything to the leaker besides a letter in their personnel file.

DoJ settled because they are on the same side.