Biden Campaign Chief: ‘He is in This Race to Win, He is Our Nominee’
“He’s gonna be our president for a second term.”

I guess Lady Macbeth and Iago Hunter have put down their foot.
President Joe Biden’s Campaign Chief Jen O’Malley Dillon told Morning Joe that the president is not leaving the race:
Morning Joe: “Is there ANY chance that the president gets out of this race at any point?”
Dillon: “He is in this race to win, and he is our nominee, and he’s gonna be our president for a second term.”
“Is there ANY chance that the president gets out of this race at any point?”
Biden’s Campaign Chief Jen O'Malley Dillon: “He is in this race to win, and he is our nominee, and he’s gonna be our president for a second term.”
— Conservative War Machine (@WarMachineRR) July 19, 2024

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Let us pray this is so. There is no margin of cheat for Biden that any sentient being will believe.
I have heard more than one liberal state point-blank that they will “cast a vote for a corpse” if it would keep Trump out of office. Don’t underestimate TDS.
To be honest I would vote for a trained monkey to keep Biden from being re-elected. Ditto to regain the Senate and to keep the House.
Trained monkeys
mightwould be an improvement in all those places.Biden’s Marie Harf clone appears to have fully drowned in the Kool-Aid.
How she uttered those words with a straight face is a mystery.
Sorry Steve. I was finishing up as you were printed so didn’t see your comment, but we both thought of the Kool aid!
Great minds think alike!
I couldn’t look at her(?) face.
Likely “xer.”
These libtards have been drinking the Kool-aid for too many years.
BUT…. Word has it that they just need someone who can be as believable as sundowner was in 2020, setting the bar low to begin with. Counting votes from the dead, votes from the obscenely dense and all the illegals that were made citizens in lightning time, and adding voting machines that all vote for them AND mail in votes and they can clinch this easy breezy.
Ruby is warming up her suitcases.
Every single member of the current administration will be saying Biden will remain in office, run for reelection, and is in perfect health until the millisecond he resigns. Then they will all sing in perfect harmony that they knew it all along, it is so brave of him to take this action, and that his legacy will boost (fill in name of Presidential substitute slipped in by the DNC) into two full terms of greatness.
What an ugly mug. Low class Boston Irish. Scary
OT but aligned:
I HATE HATE HATE “gonna” transcribed for “going to.” Transcriptions should be written in standard American English, not dialect, which insults the speaker and the audience.
But she said, “gonna.”
Transcriptions should accurately reflect what the speaker said, and this does.
Gotta throw the core electorate an occasional Snausage.
I looked up Jen O’Malley Dillon CV. She’s a graduate of Tufts. Of course she is. It was either going to be Smith, Vassar or Tufts.
In any event, with every fiber of my being, I’m pulling for Joe ‘Slayer of Corn-Pop, Pooper of Pants’ Biden to be their nominee when their convention ends. But, it’s clear he won’t be. There are simply too many powerful forces aligned against him. They’re not going to let a petty little inconvenience like ‘Democracy’ get in their way. I hope it’s a convention that’s evocative of the French Revolution.
I can probably get a guillotine to Chicago by then. I’d be willing to let them borrow it.
Plus one trebuchet for each pallet of bricks would be a nice touch.
Who was in charge of ordering the bricks? Is the project still on track?
Damn Republicans never follow through on a good conspiracy.
I remember how mysterious pallets of bricks kept appearing in the middle of BLM riots a few years ago. I hope somebody returns the favor in Chicago during the Dim convention.
Abd frosen water bottles
Looks like the Biden Crime Family is holding out for more money.
1. Full Pardon for Hunter.
2. 50 million dollars.
3. Guarantee of no prosecutions of Biden Family
4. __________________________________
2. 50 million dollars.
“Sir, we make more than that in a year from our graft operations.”
“Oh. OK.” /Dr Evil pinky gesture/ “Make that 50 billion dollars.”
Disagree. President Frau Doktor Jill Biden won’t give up the White House.
IMO she holds enough cards that it is not possible to force her out.
It’s way too late for the “unfortunate babysitting accident” ploy.
$100 million or bust
Inflation, doncha know ?
Likely theory. He’s staying until they align on the replacement.
They haven’t aligned on the replacement, so no point in him abdicating.
While I hope that that’s true, I fear that it’s not.
in order to access the $150m or so in campaign funds doesn’t nominee/candidate HAVE TO BE fjb or harris?–can’t believe they’d relinquish power over a paltry $150m when they purportedly have several billionaires in the fold to whom $150m is chump change
But there’s those pesky campaign donation limits — the ones Democrats insisted on to keep Republican “dark money” out of politics.
The popcorn has begun popping itself.
until he is not
he would still get 70+ million votes
oh thats right ,,,,then include the “found” lost ballots so it would be 80+ million
How does this internal fighting occur in a party that insists its nominee won the election with 81 million votes in 2020, and rails on Trump for being an election denier when challeneging the outcome of an election is not a crime providing the transfer of power was orderly and peaceful? I believe this show of support or defiance to exit the race is a smokescree while Biden’s family lawyers are negotiating his exit and severance package, It’s all about what the Bidens can get monetarily in exchange for his graceful exit.
Don’t forget the pardons.
It is going to have to be A LOT OF PARDONS. Not just Joe and Hunter but Jill, brother James, the grandkids and a bunch of extended family Bidens and other insiders which have received the benefits from the millions in bribes and extortion from his influence peddling over the decades.
There are several generations of Bidens who have never earned an honest dollar in their lives. I bet they have squandered most of their ill-gotten gains. How will they support themselves and their families going forward? The only way I see is to ghost write tell all books to unveil all the secrets or get lifetime payouts from the Democrat billionaire donors.
“There are several generations of Bidens who have never earned an honest dollar in their lives”
It’s exactly like welfare, but the checks can buy yachts.
“in a party that insists its nominee won the election with 81 million votes in 2020”
Truth is ephemeral. Any campaign you win was the most secure in American history, while any campaign you lose was stolen by Russians buying ads on Facebook.
While I never have and never will support Joe Biden, the issue is not the presidential race but the presidency. He is incapable of handling the presidency and is frankly a candidate for the application of the 25th amendment. Joe Biden has never fired anyone no matter how obviously incompetent. He is certainly less likely to fire himself. But this is a perilous time for the nation with an irascible president that is barely, if at all, functioning.
“Joe Biden has never fired anyone no matter how obviously incompetent.”
Fire incompetent Democrats? He’s looking for more of them to hire and promote.
Yeah, he’s your nominee. But what about the rest of the party?
But I have been assured that The Walls Are Closing In (TM)
Dem elites have done their backroom calculations and believe they will lose by greater margin with kamala. So they stick with biden and re-boot for 2026.
Run, Joe, run!
Don’t let them bully you!
We are behind you running [and losing] 100% !
Thorazine shuffle yourself to the finish line, Joe! You can do it! You answered ALL the questions!
Even the one at the very bottom that said, “Are you struggling with problem extortion or shakedown addiction? Call 1-800-PAY2PLAY.”
Maybe it is just a side-effect of having lived in Portland for 25 years, but it seems that the dem women are starting to drift their “appearance” towards trans, as if they want the perception of that staus because being a woman no longer gets them enough points/checka as many boxes. My first thought in looking at Jen was ‘that’s a dude.” Is it some sort of uniform with them? I am starting to be as confused about their gender identity as they are. On the plus side, I am actually finding it lots cheaper to live by keeping the bar high. The money I have saved in tattoos almost offsets the alimony.