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Bakersfield College Settles With Prof Accused of Racism for $2.4 Million

Bakersfield College Settles With Prof Accused of Racism for $2.4 Million

“was smeared by his college and punished for his protected (and reasonable!) speech”

This all started back in 2023. Professor Matthew Garrett and other teachers were accused of racism for asking questions during a meeting of the school’s diversity committee.

Now Garrett is getting a huge cash settlement. That’s justice.


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Perhaps this will help teach some that playing the race card does not always give you a winning hand.

    Louis K. Bonham in reply to PostLiberal. | July 28, 2024 at 11:15 am

    Nope. Insurance company paid the settlement. Wokesters involved suffered no consequences.

    In theory, the school’s coverage rates should now skyrocket, or its carriers should just drop it as uninsurable risk. But neither will happen, and the wokesters will just view the suit as an inconvenience / “cost of being a good SJW.”

    Until there are causes of action against the involved PEOPLE, personally, for this kind of crap, this will continue, especially in California.

DEI/CRT is such a fraud.

Massive legal liability for employers.
