Axios vs. Axios: New Article Claims Kamala Harris Was Never Biden’s Border Czar, 2021 Article Says Otherwise

Democrat Houston Debate Kamala Harris

As we documented Tuesday, the Democrat apologists in the mainstream media are pulling out all the stops to aid Vice President Kamala Harris as she prepares to formally accept the presidential nomination at the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

Trotting out the racism/sexism cards is one predictable way they’re doing it, but another perhaps even more insidious way they are going about trying to blunt criticism of her is to sanitize her record and to portray her failures as, well, not her failures at all but someone else’s instead.

Case in point, Axios, which on Wednesday surprised their readers by informing them that Kamala Harris has never actually been Joe Biden’s border czar:

An early version of the article suggested that the “confusion” that stemmed from the Biden press conference announcing her role as his point person for the border crisis is what led to the allegedly mistaken conclusion that she was his border czar:

How we got here: In March 2021, Biden tapped Harris to lead the administration’s coordination with Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, which were key sources of migration to the border.

The problem here is that Axios itself referred to Harris as the border czar in an April 2021 article (archived version here in case they change it):

The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the “root causes” that drive migration.

And in other ones, they said she was “in charge of the border crisis”:

Even though they might try to edit their earlier articles later under the radar, the Internet, as the saying goes, is forever:

Not to be outdone, TIME Magazine and CNN have also gotten in on the action:

Back to Axios, their article has since been updated to reflect that they were one of the media outlets who were “confused” by the Biden announcement at the time:

The announcement led to near immediate confusion in the media and in the White House over how involved Harris would be, with Republicans and some news outlets, including Axios, giving Harris the unofficial monicker of “border czar.”

Also, to note for the record, contra to some tweets I’ve seen out there, as of this writing they have not edited the 2021 “border czar” article to remove the term.

That said, we know what course we’re headed on here:

Nailed it.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Border Crisis, Kamala Harris, Media