Axios vs. Axios: New Article Claims Kamala Harris Was Never Biden’s Border Czar, 2021 Article Says Otherwise
“The Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the ‘border czar’ title — which she never actually had.”

As we documented Tuesday, the Democrat apologists in the mainstream media are pulling out all the stops to aid Vice President Kamala Harris as she prepares to formally accept the presidential nomination at the upcoming Democratic National Convention.
Trotting out the racism/sexism cards is one predictable way they’re doing it, but another perhaps even more insidious way they are going about trying to blunt criticism of her is to sanitize her record and to portray her failures as, well, not her failures at all but someone else’s instead.
Case in point, Axios, which on Wednesday surprised their readers by informing them that Kamala Harris has never actually been Joe Biden’s border czar:
The Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the "border czar" title — which she never actually had.
— Axios (@axios) July 24, 2024
An early version of the article suggested that the “confusion” that stemmed from the Biden press conference announcing her role as his point person for the border crisis is what led to the allegedly mistaken conclusion that she was his border czar:
How we got here: In March 2021, Biden tapped Harris to lead the administration’s coordination with Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, which were key sources of migration to the border.
The announcement led to near immediate confusion in the media and in the White House over how involved Harris would be. Shortly after, the border surge had grown into a full-blown humanitarian and political crisis.
The “border czar” narrative stuck especially in conservative circles, and calls mounted in the spring of 2021 for Harris to visit the border.
The problem here is that Axios itself referred to Harris as the border czar in an April 2021 article (archived version here in case they change it):
The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the “root causes” that drive migration.
And in other ones, they said she was “in charge of the border crisis”:
lol the community notes all cite Axios own reporting including one by the author of the article denying it @StefWKight
— a newsman (@a_newsman) July 24, 2024
Even though they might try to edit their earlier articles later under the radar, the Internet, as the saying goes, is forever:
Here’s how Axios described Harris in 2021.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) July 24, 2024
Can someone ask @StefWKight which Axios we should believe? She reports in Axios that Biden never named Harris as "border czar," but here's her own publication from 2021.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 24, 2024
Same author
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 24, 2024
.@axios please don't throw away your credibility just to cover for Harris.
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) July 24, 2024
Not to be outdone, TIME Magazine and CNN have also gotten in on the action:
CNN's Dana Bash attempted to rebut claims that Kamala Harris is now, or ever has been, the "Border Czar." Regardless of the title, she was tasked with "stemming the flow" of illegal crossings and she failed spectacularly.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) July 23, 2024
No, Kamala Harris wasn't the "border czar."
Here's what she did:
— TIME (@TIME) July 23, 2024
Back to Axios, their article has since been updated to reflect that they were one of the media outlets who were “confused” by the Biden announcement at the time:
The announcement led to near immediate confusion in the media and in the White House over how involved Harris would be, with Republicans and some news outlets, including Axios, giving Harris the unofficial monicker of “border czar.”
Axios got ratioed so badly they had to do this
— Christina Pushaw
(@ChristinaPushaw) July 24, 2024
Also, to note for the record, contra to some tweets I’ve seen out there, as of this writing they have not edited the 2021 “border czar” article to remove the term.
That said, we know what course we’re headed on here:
Pretty soon, it will be “fact-checked” “misinformation” to accurately refer to Kamala Harris as the Border Czar. That’s where they’re heading.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) July 24, 2024
Nailed it.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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And I’m sure pedantic jackass Millhouse will be along shortly to say that she’s telling the truth and was never the ‘border czar’ because that’s not technically the name of an actual position.
And he would be correct
Tsarina, my good man.
Assuming someone’s gender? Go to gulag!
Its Tsarx now, the ‘non-binary’ leader.
Full Soviet left. What else is new? Well, half our country laps it up. Can’t imagine that having any detrimental effects on a nation built on
slaveryfreedom and libertyAre outright Lies by the communist propagandist misleadia supposed to be some kind of news?
Of course, there is NO actual, official US government position as “czar” of anything. It’s merely an informal description given to various positions in the Executive branch.
This is all just retarded.
It’s about tasking. Axios is playing semantic games when it denies Harris was the “border czar,” when she was, in fact, tasked with addressing the problems at the border. It doesn’t really matter what she was called. She was tasked with a job and failed spectacularly (or did exactly what she was expected to do – nothing).
This meme shows Donald training for his upcoming debate with Kamala:
But that beauty contestant – I forget which state she was from – is 1000 times better than Kamala.
So where are the denials from Kamala and/or Traitor Joe’s junta about that description? When did anyone from the administration ever even try to say that that description was inaccurate?
Oceania has always been at war with
EurasiaEastasia.Here’s another: National Review, By KEVIN D. WILLIAMSON
September 22, 2021 5:11 PM
“She fell prey to one of the oldest political tricks in the book.
Vice presidents are, traditionally, as useless as teats on a boar.
In that respect, Vice President Kamala Harris is shooting par for the course as Joe Biden’s border czar.”
That was just one, but there are more, unless they scrubbed the internet.
Nobody in the WH denied it when she was appointed to replace Roberta Jacobson, Biden’s top official for border issues who could not cope with large increases of Biden’s illegal immigrants crossing, no, surging into the U.S. after 100 days on the job,
This was early April, 2021. Since nobody else seemed to be in control of the border, it became her political hot potato when Biden handed it off to her.
It has been nothing but a political nightmare, a tsunami of Biden encouraged illegals, overwhelming the BP.
Since she did nothing, as part of the Biden/Harris team, she shares responsibility, whether she likes it or not.
And a “President Harris” (spit) would simply continue the fecklessness to the country’s detriment.
no one out there is claiming that she had an official title of “Border Czar”, but that’s the lapdog media referred to her an in the 3 years since, Harris, et al, have never corrected it. If anything, they complained she had been given too difficult a task. There are many articles saying she was taking on the job to solve the border crisis and speaking for Biden.
Regardless, whatever her actual job was related to border, she didn’t do anything useful and obviously did not solve the problem created by Joe Biden’s stupidity.
“Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.”
Ok then, just what was her ‘portfolio’ of responsibilities as VP? Not the Constitutional functions but the duties that Biden specifically handed her to perform?
If they want to claim that Biden didn’t hand her any portfolio b/c she’s too flipping incompetent ….go for it. Want to claim Biden didn’t give her anything to do b/c Biden is a big meanie head? Where was the contemporaneous leaks/reporting about Biden (mean old white man) discriminating against his own VP due to racism or sexism? Oh y’all don’t have of those sorts of in depth front page stories in multiple media outlets when it was happening? GTFOH with this very clumsy attempt to rewrite history.
Regardless of if they want to call her border czar or not, who was tasked with stemming the flow of illegals to our border and she failed magnificently .
Forget about “Border Czar.”
Axios boasts convenient amnesia with regard to the most important thing — to wit, the fact that insufferable and miserable crone-harlot, Harris, is so contemptibly narcissistic, she demanded that her last name be appended to every single press release and other media materials proffered by the so-called “Biden-Harris Administration.” The wretched, self-promoting harridan’s last name is literally stamped on every single glaring and destructive policy failure and conceit proffered by this contemptible band of incompetents and reprobates.
Further, Harris was totally complicit in the Dhimmi-crats’ and media shills’/lapdogs’/trained seals’ deceitful, four-year-old charade of installing and maintaining a Potemkin presidency, with Biden’s half-dead carcass as the marionette/puppet, and, narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, and his lackeys/minions, acting as the malignant puppeteers.
If Harris wasn’t aware of this ruse, she’s too stupid to be President, and, if she participated in it or failed to oppose it, she’s too feckless and dishonest to be President.
So, I say to Axios and all the other dutifully slavish and brazenly revisionist propaganda shills and trained seals, let’s indeed have a conversation about the “Biden-Harris Administration’s” myriad, glaring and destructive failures in domestic and foreign policy.
her only actual job was shopping at
drumming up contributions
She isnt even qualified to drive those
short yellow school buses shes always yakking about
michelle to barak:
you never told me
I was the best looking attorney !!!
You’re supposed to OPEN the Memory Hole first, ya dumshit!
According to a Nov 18, 2021 CNN report Kamala was unhappy with her assignments particularly alluding to the border assignment. “They’re consistently sending her out there on losing issues in the wrong situations for her skill set,” said a former high-level Harris aide.”
Clearly VP Harris did not like her border assignment. I can understand that she might believe that the US should accept (and provide benefits to) all comers but then she should have had the courage to say that is the public policy. Instead the administration treated Congress and the public with a litany of misdirections, obfuscations, and evasions. Some concluded the administration was incompetent giving them the benefit of being truthful. From Kamala’s positions on illegal immigration prior to becoming VP, it is quite clear now that the “border crisis” was not crisis in the sense of the border being overwhelmed by external factors challenging to manage by a well intentioned administration but rather the “crisis” was the result of intended deliberate policy implemented by an untruthful administration that would not own up to it. There is so much about this administration and Kamala Harris that is fundamentally untrustworthy.
They lie as easy and as naturally as they breathe air.
I don’t even think they know the difference between lying and not lying.
Incidentally I recently got out from a boss (DEI) who was a pathological liar. He was incapable of NOT lying. Even when there was no motive or upside to spinning the lie. I can’t express how bizarre it is to have to deal with someone with that much position power directly above you in an org chart.
This is the typical leftist strategy of focusing on some minor semantic issue, freezing it, re-labeling it and then declaring the whole topic to be misinformation. Anyone, who is not a mental retard or a gaslighting c*nt knows damn well that Harris was supposed to be “in charge” of solving the border crisis.
We heard about it for years… remember the big kerfuffle over whether she had even been to the border? Why would that have occurred if not for the fact that it was widely known that she was supposed to be managing the situation?
But let’s not forget, Biden also named her as the lead diplomat to try to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine a couple of years ago. And she screwed that up just as badly as she has as “border czar.”
The woman is a laughingstock.
“Czar” is not a formal title. It’s an informal name for someone who has broad authority over a specific area. In other words it’s a synonym for “point person”.
She was put in charge of the border caused by the Golden Triangle
AKA media called her the Boder Czar
Updated 6:29 PM CDT, March 24, 2021
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.
Biden made the announcement as he and Harris met at the White House on Wednesday with Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandra Mayorkas and other immigration advisers to discuss the increase in migrants, including many unaccompanied minors, arriving at the border in recent weeks.
In delegating the matter to Harris, Biden is seeking to replicate a dynamic that played out when he served as President Barack Obama’s vice president. Obama turned to Biden in his first term to lead the White House effort to draw down U.S. troops in Iraq and oversee implementation of stimulus in response to the Great Recession.
“When she speaks, she speaks for me,” Biden said, noting her past work as California’s attorney general makes her specially equipped to lead the administration’s response.
Biden, who has faced stiff criticism from Republicans over the increased flow of migrants, is hoping to show Americans he’s taking the situation at the border seriously. He also wants to prevent the growing humanitarian and political challenge from overshadowing his administration’s ambitious legislative agenda.
But the high-profile assignment for Harris, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 and is expected to run for the White House again in the future, could be politically fraught.
“Needless to say, the work will not be easy,” Harris said. “But it is important work.”
Harris is tasked with overseeing diplomatic efforts to deal with issues spurring migration in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as pressing them to strengthen enforcement on their own borders, administration officials said. She’s also tasked with developing and implementing a long-term strategy that gets at the root causes of migration from those countries