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Anti-Israel Group at Harvard Criticizes Newly Hired VP as ‘War Criminal’

Anti-Israel Group at Harvard Criticizes Newly Hired VP as ‘War Criminal’


Harvard is allowing itself to be disgraced and made to look foolish by these people.

Campus Reform reports:

Harvard anti-Israel group triggered by hiring of new VP, calls her ‘war criminal’

Harvard University’s anti-Israel Palestine Solidarity Committee has criticized the appointment of a new vice president, calling her a “War Criminal.”

Posting a recap of its grievances with the work history of Jennifer O’Connor on Instagram, the group took aim at her ties to Israel and the defense industry.

The title of the post read: “HARVARD APPOINTS NEW WAR CRIMINAL.”

The group outlined that O’Connor had previously worked for both the federal government as a legal advisor to the secretary of defense and as a deputy assistant and deputy White House counsel under former president Barack Obama.

The group also made mention of how O’Connor had also worked for defense company Northrop Grumman.

The Palestine Solidarity Committee wrote that Northrop Grumman “[s]upplies the Israeli Air Force with the Longbow Missile Delivery & Laser Weapon Delivery Systems,” and noted that the company is “[o]ne of the largest contractors with U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE).”

The group restated their grievances with O’Connor’s previous work history in both the private and public sectors, saying: “O’Connor served as deputy assistant and deputy White House counsel under President Obama. After her position complicit in the death of civilians in Syria and Afghanistan, she would oversee Northrop Grumman — a company that supplies the Israeli Air Force with longbow missiles and laser weapon delivery systems.”

The group concluded the caption with: “Does the university’s new statement of ‘institutional neutrality’ also apply against war criminals leading administration? Her proves [sic] what we already knew. Shame on Harvard.”


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destroycommunism | July 17, 2024 at 11:35 am

stop the flow of tax money to any and allllll except the military courts treasury and 90+% of allll this goes away

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