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Anti-Israel, Far-Left Mobs Terrorize Paris After Le Pen’s Party Wins First Round of Elections

Anti-Israel, Far-Left Mobs Terrorize Paris After Le Pen’s Party Wins First Round of Elections

“Very striking that there are far more Palestine, Pride and Algeria flags then the French flag. A bit of a clue as to why Le Pen did well.”

Vijeta Uniyal wrote about Marine Le Pen’s National Rally Party winning the first round of the French elections.

How did the left respond? By doing what they do best!

Protesting, rioting, and destroying property!

Except…the majority of the mobs had Palestine, Algeria, and pride flags. I didn’t see any French flags. I heard screams for an intifada in France, though.


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MoeHowardwasright | July 1, 2024 at 7:18 am

I’m sure Macaroon was not planning on this act. He was hoping to have a better 2nd round of voting. All this did was prove what LePen has been saying all along about the left and the anti-French elements in their society. FJB

The mooslims and their leftist simps are proving exactly why the boogeyman far right won big in France.

Destruction, Mayhem & Murder are simply in their nature.

Goose-stepping violence, thuggery and intimidation are the only responses that the infantile Maoist/Stalinist/Islamofascist leftists can offer, when deprived of political power in a democratic election.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | July 1, 2024 at 8:08 am

    Expect American Dhimmi-crats to react in precisely the same destructive and subversive manner, when President Trump wins re-election, in November.

      TargaGTS in reply to guyjones. | July 1, 2024 at 8:12 am

      I’m expecting FAR worse. If they will raze city blocks – literally burn entire city blocks to the ground – over the overdose death of a 3x felon in Minnesota kicking off the most expensive riots in US (and probably human) history, think what they’ll do if Trump returns to the White House. It might be a Ft. Sumter moment.

        CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | July 1, 2024 at 8:26 am

        TBH, while I still retain enough empathy to decry what will happen to small business and ordinary people…. the fact is these lefty blue enclaves where such violence/arson would be concentrated set themselves up for it by refusing to ditch lefty, wokiesta politicians and policies. Instead, for decades they embraced the ever more outrageous antics of the lefty weirdos. The Floyd/BLM ‘summer of mostly peaceful protests’ was a very clear wake up call…but the majority of folks in these blue enclaves chose to snooze. Whatever happens to them was in their power to prevent and if they didn’t care enough to mount sufficient political opposition to throw the bums out and head off a new wave of anarchy in their own neighborhood why should I devote much time or energy in caring about events far removed from me and mine? It’s up to the folks where this crap occurs to either fix it or bend over and take it; their backyard, their choice.

          korp in reply to CommoChief. | July 1, 2024 at 9:36 am

          This whole rant assumes everyone in a location votes the same way, and that’s not even true in places like San Francisco or Portland, let alone “blue” areas that have significant but less than 50% red presence. I live in Dallas for example, which goes blue every year in a red state, but is still like 45% red.
          Dallas shut the ‘20 riots down in a hurry, but if they get too big to handle it’s hardly the fault of those of us in that 45%. That said, I’m making sure my family is safe.

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | July 1, 2024 at 10:37 am


          It ain’t a rant. It is a personal observation based upon objective facts. The facts are that y’all didn’t turn the bums out despite the visible problems. You claim that it ain’t your fault and you imply that you want/deserve someone to ride to the rescue.

          Too big to handle? The 45/55 disparity you claim especially when one is ‘fighting’ with advantages of a defender (terrain knowledge, cover, concealment, internal line of communication, preparation) is well within the odds for defeating an attacking force which by the book needs 3/1 advantage to overcome an entrenched defender.

          You chose to continue to live in ‘Big D’ after the taste of the ‘summer of love’. If y’all didn’t get your 45% you claim exists off the couch and into the polls to elect more sober minded no nonsense law and order politicians and/or take sufficient steps to withstand any future onslaught by woke mobs….that’s on you.

          Alternatively you could shag ass to a more hospitable location with a far lower threat level. Again that is your choice to implement or not. It certainly isn’t up to me to drive from rural Bama and save you. If every big city in TX goes up in flames simultaneously and that is what your post implies then the NG gonna be limited to local response and sealing the chaos/anarchy by establishing containment areas within portions of or perhaps entire boundaries of the blue enclaves just like fighting wildfire.

          cbt in reply to CommoChief. | July 2, 2024 at 8:43 am

          That has always been my thoughts on the folks invading over the borders … fix your OWN backyard instead.

        Ironclaw in reply to TargaGTS. | July 1, 2024 at 11:22 am

        I don’t really care if the stupid communist tear up their own neighborhoods. They just better not try to come to mine

Conservative Beaner | July 1, 2024 at 8:27 am

One night in Paris, One night in Paris.

Could be your last.

10cc Un Nuit en Paris.

The Olympics will be a blast

E Howard Hunt | July 1, 2024 at 10:14 am

Pride Flags. There was an institutionally dishonest decision taken to remove homosexuality as a mental illness back in the 70s. Now that they are free to carry on as they will, it is plain as day from their antics that they are profoundly nuts.

texansamurai | July 1, 2024 at 10:24 am

This whole rant assumes everyone in a location votes the same way, and that’s not even true in places like San Francisco or Portland, let alone “blue” areas that have significant but less than 50% red presence. I live in Dallas for example, which goes blue every year in a red state, but is still like 45% red.

you make a very important point–the dems / progressives have proven time and again that they will not or only MIGHT (reluctatantly and at the very last moment) intervene to protect our countrymen–to consign our innocent countrymen to the mob (be it antifa/blm/hamas) and the violence is to give-up, to walk away from a fundamental part of who we are as a country and of what we believe

rather, these professional/wannabe terrorists will require being shown directly (or indirectly via leos,etc) that their time is over, that there’s been enough of their bullshyte

Kaiser’s Maxim is once again proved correct: “The left wil always, eventually, resort to violence, threats of violence, or glorification of violence to advance their agenda. Always.”

destroycommunism | July 1, 2024 at 11:34 am

communistnazi sympathizers always work together to subvert freedom loving people

the msm and schools will teach differently

    Thad Jarvis in reply to destroycommunism. | July 1, 2024 at 12:47 pm

    I’m so glad the resident philosopher chimed in with his deep, lucid opinions.

      henrybowman in reply to Thad Jarvis. | July 1, 2024 at 3:47 pm

      I’ve never seen a “contributor” here contribute not a single thing of value for such an extended period of time. I would have to search long and hard to find any posts from you that contained any rational statement whatsoever, as opposed to being mere kneejerk personal insults. Why the moderators keep you around is a perpetual source of amazement for us all.

America First Legal

/1🔎EXPOSED — Documents show that the Hewlett Foundation, established by the Hewlett-Packard cofounder, is spending MILLIONS to support illegal and racist DEI initiatives and anti-semitism.

The H foundation is captured and the once great Hewlett-Packard manufacturing company reduced to Boeing status.

I hope the French stay strong in the face of these criminal thugs and vote in even larger numbers for the end of Macron’s reign.

Remind me, who is a threat to “democracy”? The Left supports democracy in theory. The problem arises when they’re confronted with reality.

    venril in reply to DaveGinOly. | July 2, 2024 at 9:40 am

    They support the sort of democracy enjoyed by the USSR, wherein everyone had to vote and all votes were counted for Dear Leader. FaIl to vote as they direct, and the left resorts to fear and threats of violence to get their way.

    “See? He was elected again! The people love him!”

I read an absolutely fascinating factoid from UK blogger Matt Goodwin earlier today which I think goes a LONG way towards explaining how NR did so well: ‘Foreigners make up 8% of the population but account for 24% of prison inmates, 77% of ‘solved’ rapes in Paris, 54% of street crimes & 40% of vehicle thefts in Nice, & 38% of burglaries & 31% of muggings across France.’

Richard Aubrey | July 1, 2024 at 11:11 pm

Variations of the same are true all over Europe. One of the issues is whether one is allowed to notice.
For fun, search terms “rotherham” and “multicultural boat” will give you more than you can stomach about Authority looking the other way to avoid being called racist and islamophobic. Over 1400 victims of that reluctance to be called a Big Meanie.

Macron openly warns there will be “Civil War” if the “Right” wins the election.

Paris burns with lefty mobs carrying out his will immediately after the election results are in.

Seems rather insurrectiony, yeah?

Lefties never get prosecuted for inciting violence though, do they?