Woke Journo Revolt at Washington Post Successfully Blocks Editor Who Vowed Reform
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Woke Journo Revolt at Washington Post Successfully Blocks Editor Who Vowed Reform

Woke Journo Revolt at Washington Post Successfully Blocks Editor Who Vowed Reform

“an example of exactly why the paper has been in freefall–the inmates are running the asylum at the Post”


The Washington Post might be doomed. Last year, the liberal paper lost almost $80 million dollars. The executive editor was recently forced out, and the paper decided to bring in Robert Winnett of the Telegraph as the new chief.

But the woke staff doesn’t want to change their ways, so they revolted by running a hit piece about Winnett and it worked. Winnett backed out.

Tim Graham of NewsBusters provides more background:

For weeks now, The Washington Post has been plagued by internal turmoil over some top new hires. It started with new publisher Will Lewis, a former Rupert Murdoch employee who quickly attracted “opposition research” from NPR media reporter David Folkenflik, a man who reports incessantly on Murdoch like the mogul’s a James Bond villain — at taxpayer expense.

This caused a predictable ruckus among leftists, both inside the Post and outside. Since the paper is owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos, the Posties treat the newspaper like a charity and not a business. They don’t seem to care that the Post lost $77 million over the past year and had to offer buyouts to several hundred staffers to address the losses.

The subscribers were in revolt in a web chat with Post media blogger Erik Wemple. Wrote one: “What’s the best way for subscribers to let Jeff Bezos know we don’t like how he’s hiring so many men from Rupert Murdoch’s empire to be in charge of The Washington Post? Many people are simply canceling their subscriptions, but I’m wondering if we have better options.”

This is how the Post decided to handle the situation. They ran a hit piece on their own incoming editor.

And now, Winnett is out. From Politico:

Robert Winnett withdraws from becoming next Washington Post senior editor

Robert Winnett will no longer become The Washington Post’s senior editor amid growing criticism over his alleged ties to unethical journalism practices.

In a message to staff Friday morning, Post publisher Will Lewis announced “with regret” that Winnett had “withdrawn” from the position of editor and would remain at The Telegraph, a U.K.-based newsroom where he currently serves as deputy editor.

David Strom wrote at Hot Air:

The newsroom commissars were so upset that they did an “investigation” into Robert Winnett, the incoming M.E. and produced a nasty and distorted hit piece on him over the weekend. It was extraordinary, and an example of exactly why the paper has been in freefall–the inmates are running the asylum at the Post.

Now the reporters are doing a victory lap, running a story that is a thinly-veiled “we got him!” piece.

They’re like entitled campus brats. Journalists for the Post might as well have formed a mob in front of the building and chanted, Whose paper? OUR paper!

Ace of Spades sees this as a victory, given what it will do to the Post eventually:

This is wonderful news.

The media was already filled with woke progressives but, starting in 2016 and then accelerating after the Summer of George, they hired only minority feminist ultra-progressives. If you didn’t have custom pronouns, luridly neon Danger Hair, and more piercings than Quint’s abdomen,* you could no longer work in the (giggle) “prestige” media.

The New York Times wokies demanded multiple scalps of White Men (spit) or non-conforming Jews in editorial positions. They got the scalps.

Now the wokies at the even-more subverted Washington Post have gotten the firing they were demanding.

John Nolte of Breitbart News is also celebrating:

Above all, the Post has lost the thing it most cherished: its ability to shape and manipulate public opinion.

Those days are now over, and only serious reforms can reverse the slide. Winnett promised reforms, but now, less than three weeks after his hiring was announced, he’s out. This means the Woke Tail still wags the dog over at the Post. This means nothing will change, which is good news for anyone who cares about the truth.

The Post is doomed, to which all good people can only say … tee hee.

The cool kids table at the Washington Post is safe for another day, but at what cost? And what happens when Jeff Bezos gets tired of pouring money down this hole?


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When the whole thing collapses because Bezos refuses to constantly pump more money in while the thing is losing tens of millions of dollars every quarter and bleeding subscribers like a hemophiliac, there will be no pity for those who are left unemployed. Honestly, if they were any good at their job they’d be working for a real publication.

    Unfortunately, most of the rest of the media will be thrilled to snap up former Washington Post “journalists,” giving them big raises in the process.

    diver64 in reply to Ironclaw. | June 23, 2024 at 6:46 am

    I’m sure everyone has read stories about the children demanding Bezos pour a never ending amount of dollars into the Post because he is rich. They don’t understand that Bezos is rich because he doesn’t do nonsense like that. I predict that either Bezos will take time out from his super model wife and super yacht to either sell if someone is buying or personally walk in and start firing the useless entitled employees until his point is made as to who runs the show.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to diver64. | June 23, 2024 at 7:31 am

      Beelzebub is too lazy to personally walk in and fire people. Hell, he couldn’t even keep his ex wife from walking away with nearly $38 billion.

      He’s worth more than $200 billion. Losing $77 million on WaPo is a rounding error. A write off, a tax dodge.

        I don’t think he “let” his ex wife walk away with the money. He did it to himself and I suspect he congratulated his lawyers for getting him out of it so cheap. As for WaPo, never underestimate the ego of someone like that. I’d not be surprised he walks in like Elon carrying a sink.

      henrybowman in reply to diver64. | June 23, 2024 at 5:17 pm

      “the children demanding Bezos pour a never ending amount of dollars into the Post because he is rich.”
      Same children whining that Musk should have taken the money he “wasted” on Twitter and solved world hunger.
      Same children were totally silent when Biden pissed away three times that figure to Zelensky instead of solving world hunger three times.

Get a boss with a Don Rickles sense of humor. The staff can’t move him off point.

Like Donald Trump for instance.

Halcyon Daze | June 22, 2024 at 10:16 am

Democracy dies in darkness, under a pillow.

Elon Musk should offer Bezos a trip to the ISS in exchange for the POST.

I agree with Ace: this is a good thing. Let the WaPo continue to publicly hemorrhage viewers, credibility and money. Let them die in darkness.
May this happen for all DemProg media mouthpieces.
Usual reminder: no matter how much you hate the mainstream media, it isn’t enough.

    henrybowman in reply to steves59. | June 22, 2024 at 11:18 pm

    And as the Post’s wind down into nothingness is finally recognized as irreversible, we on the right side of history can delight in re-enacting the final scene from the penultimate episode of The Prisoner:
    Die. Die. Die.

New Owner.
Clean House.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to EBurke. | June 22, 2024 at 5:48 pm

    Alternate solution: 1) Corporate bookkeeping isolation so that the Washington Post stands on its own financially. 2) Refuse to put any more money into the paper, letting losses be losses. 3) When it goes broke, lay everyone off, sell off the equipment and any real estate in an actual bankruptcy that dissolves it as an entity. Done right, I suspect that Bezos might even get a decent tax write off for doing it.

    Subotai Bahadur

The Post is losing money. At first it’s tempting to dismiss this as a natural occurrence in the 21st century ecosystem; the newspapers are dinosaurs and internet reporters represent the little mammals who are replacing them. After all the LA Times is hemorrhaging money too, and the New York Times is proudly insisting (as of February) that they are breaking even. So the nee normal?

But the Wall Street Journal is growing in subscriptions and profits.

What could possibly make it different?




Enjoy the wages of wokeness, Bezos. You proved you were weak, and now they’re acting accordingly.

E Howard Hunt | June 22, 2024 at 1:26 pm

Graham would have gone crackers.

destroycommunism | June 22, 2024 at 1:42 pm

wish foxnews would have revolted against rinos who got tucker fired

    Same Tucker who is a Hamas activist, a Putin activist, an advocate of the idea the U.S. Federal Government is hiding aliens (somehow he forgot to address the elephant that you can’t go faster than the speed of light and no evidence of aliens exists), who has long since embraced Elizabeth Warren’s current economic vision, who has completely embraced the anti-Semitic portion of the right? Same Tucker Carlson who is routinely attacking Jews with lies (i.e. claiming Ben Shapiro is an open borders advocate)? Gee why exactly would a man who likes the campus protests, and Hamas be lying about Jews to claim they support things he doesn’t like? Could it be he is an anti-Semite?

    He was fired for good reason. If your job is providing your opinion and your opinion……the public square is one thing even the worst groypers should be free to spew on places like youtube. However nobody is required to provide them a paycheck for it.

    Without Fox providing him the opportunity Tucker would be an obscure nobody he is the last person who has any grounds to complain about anything Fox related.

      CommoChief in reply to Danny. | June 23, 2024 at 11:19 am

      Could you lay out some brief examples of what you are talking about here? Truly interested but really don’t know WTF you are talking about here.
      Warren’s position? About what specifically?
      The Ben Shapiro beef seems more about US policy re Israel and about the neocon sorts of positions championed by those such as Nikki Haley who seemingly support endless wars/conflict by USA.
      While the alien thing is a bit out there so is the counter position that the US gov’t is always telling Tue whole truth and never hides anything to the public by either intent or incompetence.

        Danny in reply to CommoChief. | June 23, 2024 at 3:45 pm

        I was initially going to do a much longer response but to be specific.

        1. Describes Hamas as one of America’s children in an interview where frankly the middle eastern interviewer seemed like the moderate more pro-American and more pro-Israel of the two. Same interview he defended Vladimir Putin on grounds every leader has to do it, and lets be blunt. You would not forgive that interview if it was done by say Michael Moore but it was not less anti-American than your standard Michael Moore spewing.

        2. Embraced the anti-Israel side following October 7th

        3. Discredits himself as America first by choosing not to give a dam about Americans taken hostage simply because they are Jewish. Trump very consistently took taking Americans very seriously and personally welcomed American hostages home.

        4. Embraced Elizabeth Warren’s ideas such as banning technology, her tax policy, her anti-dollar store positions (yes it is a true tragedy that Americans are able to purchase for a dollar things that would have cost 75 dollars 50 years ago). He is open about it economically he is not different than Elizabeth Warren he has said so many times including on his former fox show where he said Elizabeth Warren sounds like Trump at his best (Trump does not agree and has never agreed with leftist economics). On taxes he has been very consistently inconsistent but remember the inconsistency is of a man who claims Elizabeth Warren on economics is like Trump at his best (from his own show)

        5. Opinion hosts who lie about the people they cover need to be fired. If your job is to react to what somebody does your inventing things they did so yo could react needs punishment. A reaction is not a reaction if it isn’t reacting to something real. The anti-Semitism angle could use context such as Tucker being in the tank for Hamas. It has been almost 9 months since so I do not remember his exact wording but I remember him claiming it was betraying America to describe views I share with 75% of Americans for supporting Israel over Hamas.

        I think he is just a supporter of Hamas which is why he runs programming on behalf of Hamas and attacking Israel. Nobody thinks that allowing Israel to finish off Hamas in Rafah will be a forever war for America or that allowing it to buy munitions will mean Hezbollah is more likely to keep attacking. American soldiers have in no way shape or form been asked to fight for Israel although from Tucker’s coverage you would think the marines are in Rafah with the Republican Party demanding they be permitted to enter on behalf of Israel.

        Lets not forget his reaction to congress ordering the department of Education to react to anti-Semitism the same way as any other form of bigotry was that Christianity was banned. That says nothing about what congress was doing but says a lot about how Tucker views his faith. There are people of good faith who feel that the act in question should be abolished because it goes to far in controlling freedom of association. Tucker however was talking about Jews being as protected as literally every other group was a ban on Christianity.

        6. What you saw was cliff notes on Tucker. Remember his promotion of Andrew Tate? Go on youtube and listen to his “pimping hoes degree” and tell me that is who you want your grandson listening to.

        Authentic Observer is a moderate British conservative who was viscously attacked for being a woman by far leftist Vaush because she defended femininity and attacked the assault it is undergoing in media from sources like Rings of Power.

        She went over Andrew Tate in great detail and I could say you could do much worst than to listen to her videos on him, it will make you understand exactly how much damage Tucker and Candace do by promoting him and I am not just talking about political damage (which they definitely inflicted) but cultural damage.

        Young men seeing young women as their enemies to be subdued for their pleasure is the sign of a dying society that needs to be put out of it’s misery, not something promoted by a man of any worth.

        7. We are agreed it is stupid and childish to think the United States Government is always telling the truth. However when you are critical of a government narrative you discredit yourself when you do things we agree are out there like the aliens.

          CommoChief in reply to Danny. | June 23, 2024 at 5:25 pm


          Again please narrow down evidence to support your assertions that TC agrees with Warren policies specifically and the Ben Shapiro beef being based in antisemitism.

          No Tate click bait for me thanks… but I will offer hoemath up for your reference as a more intellectual presentation of some of the basic thrust of Tate’s general observations about modern relationships and dating.

          Danny in reply to Danny. | June 23, 2024 at 9:20 pm

          About Tate Bait are you unwilling to watch what he is telling young men? It is word for word the opposite of Jordan Peterson so who is right? If Jordan Peterson is right in what his message to young men is than there is no room for Andrew Tate if Andrew Tate is right there is no room for Jordan Peterson. It really is time for everyone on the right to decide if we actually support civilization or just another form of barbarism with a slightly different name from what the left has. Tate’s conservatism is the conservatism of human trafficking which is what he promotes in his pimping hoes degree which he has been selling to young men. Tell your grandaughter you want to see abused young women from Ukraine tricked by the loverboy methods and support repeal of American laws that routinely put scumbags like Tate in prison for life where they belong. When you are tricking abused young girls into prostitution you deserve absolute opprobrium and when you break the law in the process that law must be upheld. Romania is not a woke country it is a nation where the only significant minority are Hungarians.

          For Tucker Carlson how about here?


          Looks like overt anti-Semitism to me. If a Jew agrees with 3/4s of Americans he is a traitor.

          How about here


          Again he is claiming prominent Jews are disloyal to the country based on claims he KNOWS are lies. Can I start claiming black people support legalizing rape of white women because they all lust after them and not be called a racist? That is the equivalent of what Tucker is doing. He is a disgusting human being.

          Look I know you mean well but knock out the dam tribalism

          For Elizabeth Warren


          Again knock out the dam tribalism.

          I know I am getting down votes. It is from utter hypocrites, and right wingers being fine with anti-Semites as long as they don’t put pronouns in their bios is unacceptable at best.

          If you are fine with the pr0-Hamas Republican Caucus stop pretending to have a problem when Ilhan Omar and other leftist anti-Semites speak please? I am sick of the hypocrisy.

          Tucker to this day is fine with the taking of American hostages.

          That alone is pretty big.

          Furthermore remember Tucker supporting Russian intervention against ISIS?

          I do

          ISIS wasn’t an American security interest it was an American moral outrage against sexual slavery and massacres of exactly the same kind Tucker is now fine with from Hamas.

          If you are fine with Hamas but not Isis that is anti-Semitic.

          CommoChief in reply to Danny. | June 24, 2024 at 6:36 am


          1. Warren economic policy – the article stated Carlson specifically agreed with:
          A. Buy American products
          B. Workforce Training

          Neither seems overly objectionable to me.

          2. Beef with Ben Shapiro – you linked to articles that both list Carlson stating in essence that the US Border and the security of US Citizens at home is/should be a higher priority than providing security for other Nations.

          Not objectionable IMO.

          3. Tate – the world of intersexual dynamics and dating is far different than previously. Tate’s general advice to men is do the work to become the type of Man that 90% of women want/are attracted to. Then take your pick of the women who come into your orbit. No women dating with the intention of marriage gets hurt by this. Women who are merely casual about dating will end up in a series of uncommitted relationships or ‘situationships’ if they don’t ID what their own level of attributes are and find/pursue a Man on the same level to date with the deliberate intent to marry.

          Is Tate a ‘good’ person? nah but an ad hominem attack on his personal failings of morality, even accurate ones, doesn’t diminish the validity of the general thrust of his message.

          You should really check out the work hoemath does to contextualize the reality of modern relationships/dating and what most change to make it improve.

          A person who believes that the US and the security and economic well-being of it’s Citizens at home come first seems reasonable. As does the notion that we should halt our multi decade foreign policy of interventions abroad with endless wars and stop growing the number of entangling alliances that risk out Sons and Daughters, our blood and treasure ….at least until we secure our own border, police the interior to deport the 20M+ illegal aliens and get our own financial/economic/budget houses in order.

        Danny in reply to CommoChief. | June 24, 2024 at 4:33 pm

        1. Here he is advocating banning self driving cars because they will cost jobs as has every technological breakthrough in history


        2. “Beef with Ben Shapiro – you linked to articles that both list Carlson stating in essence that the US Border and the security of US Citizens at home is/should be a higher priority than providing security for other Nations.”

        No he claimed that Ben Shapiro being pro-Israel means he does not care about America or the border. Watch any video by Ben Shapiro and you will know that is a lie. He furthermore lied in claiming Ben is advocating American soldiers being sent to fight once again a lie. Furthermore his claiming that supporting Israel means you support keeping the border open again a lie. I challenge you to find ANY evidence for what Tucker said.

        You had to distort Tucker Carlson to the ultimate extreme.

        I could do exactly the same with AOC to pretend she isn’t a piece of shit I am not going to and will not be doing it with Tucker either.

        If you are prioritizing another nation over the United States it is reasonable to call it out. Tucker did not do that. He selected Jews and attacked them for dual loyalty.

        By the way find for me where the fuck fake nationalist Tucker ever mentioned the American hostages taken by Hamas, or where fake nationalist Tucker ever attacked American intervention against Isis. He attacked America striking Assad.

        There simply is no defending Tucker attacking Jews for something they never said.

        Frankly there is no defending doing that with anyone and no I do not believe somebody as educated as Tucker is unaware that dual loyalty attacks are anti-Semitic in nature.

        Ben never advocated putting Israel first and you know it.

        Again if you could find where Ben advocated open borders I would love to see it. Until then what you have is Tucker being an anti-Semitic liar.

        2. “Tate’s general advice to men is do the work to become the type of Man that 90% of women want/are attracted to. Then take your pick of the women who come into your orbit.”

        That simply isn’t true




        This one is in the context of Candace’ disgraceful infomercial for Andrew Tate but goes over her lies about what he was indicted for


        There is no way to whitewash his message. He tells you himself in his pimping hoes degrees course which he literally targets to young men for emulation that you should be abusing women (yes tricking vulnerable women into prostitution which is what he is advocating is abuse).

        Maybe Andrew Tate think women and girls want an abusive master who doesn’t allow autonomy and believes that a boyfriend/husband who has no legal authority over his wife is a slave.

        That isn’t what girls want.

        Actually what the left wants is very much to have girls see males as Andrew Tate and feel they need the state to defend them.

        The counter to that is to let girls see Jordan Peterson as our guy so they know that no we do not advocate regressive stone age level values.

        The few examples of Tate giving good advice is something Jordan Peterson delivers much better without a side order of extreme misogyny.

        I will not be linking Tate’s utterly disgusting “Pimping Hoes Degree” advice but if you actually think Tate is anything but cancer watch it, it isn’t very hard to find and will wake you up to what he actually tells young men who pay to watch his stuff.

        Tucker with his endless resources has no excuse for promoting him.

          CommoChief in reply to Danny. | June 25, 2024 at 9:04 am


          You are certainly entitled to your opinion. As I am. I submit when anyone makes a case for sending $ to other nations when we have $35 Trillion debt (on the books), an open border, Veterans on the street among many others domestic ills….they are by definition placing these domestic problems of the USA as a lower priority than sending that taxpayer $ to another Nation for whatever purpose they view as a.higher priority. I don’t see how that’s controversial nor how it can be refuted.

          That holds for all Nations who are potential recipients of very scarce taxpayer $.. It isn’t an antisemitic position. Shapiro, who I generally like, has some positions re neocon forever war policies I disagree with. That doesn’t make me antisemitic.

          Get over the name calling. The personal attacks on those of us outside the orthodox DC/uni party narrative have lost their sting.

          Provide a direct quote of Carlson in full context and I will be happy to evaluate it and determine if I agree with your opinion about that particular quote. Disagreement with a person OF a particular tribe doesn’t make one opposed to all members of that tribe. Gotta prove allegations of ists, isms and phobes not just toss out a claim like an hand grenade and expect us to react.

          I could care less about Tate. If women are involved in dating with intent of finding a good,.decent, moral hardworking young man to marry and be the father of their children then I don’t see how what Tate spouts is a problem. These women won’t interact with the ‘players’ the ‘top’ guys who every other women is throwing themselves at from 18-30.

          We both know that the real problem is that women are NOT going after ‘good guys’ but instead they do chase the ‘bad boys’. Their choice, they are adults but you seem to want to protect them from the consequences of their own choices. Do you realize you are implicitly agreeing with part of Tate’s messages? The part that says women should involve their Fathers, Brothers, Uncles, the strong protective male family members in their life, to vet their suitors? As men you and I can spot a player, a.guy who just wants to get into her pants v a good solid guy suitable for long-term relationship marriage. Its part of our role to provide that guidance…. but we can’t do so if women refuse to avail themselves of that advice and counsel. We can’t and should not make them do so as adults but if they make bad choices to chase the Chad and Tyrone archetype b/c he’s ‘hot’ and they get burned in the process that’s on them.

inspectorudy | June 22, 2024 at 2:46 pm

The actions of the woke staff remind me of the steamboat that ran out of coal and they used the wooden hull as firewood to reach shore. They sank before reaching the shore. These morons are using up what little wood they have left to keep out the savior of their company.

I submit that any ‘media’ entity that keeps Taylor Lorenz on staff as a ‘journalist’ deserves to decline into unprofitable obscurity. If a lefty billionaire ideologue with an agenda to advance and an ego to stroke wants to throw their money into the abyss ..its a free Country. Anyone who doesn’t understand this act by Bezos is a secular lefty equivalent of purchasing an indulgence for his ‘capitalist sin’ isn’t paying attention.

Jeff Bezos could’ve imposed significant change at WaPo when he first had bought the newspaper, years ago. Demanding greater editorial and ideological independence, supporting more centrist attitudes from staff and management and excising the rabidly partisan, perennially pro-Dhimmi-crat propaganda narratives.

That he has chosen not to change anything about this disgraceful, Pravda-like operation means that he supports and espouses this malignant and corrosive leftism.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to guyjones. | June 23, 2024 at 7:41 am

    He was hoping that the “Journalism Competition and Preservation Act” ( that’s a mouthful of BS) would pass and he would get our tax $$$$$ to keep the rag afloat.

Jeff B . isn’t going to do anything
he is a multi billionaire …
and being a PUBLISHER and owner
of a Major paper is just too good
its like a drug…

Gremlin1974 | June 22, 2024 at 8:21 pm

He probably went to the people that hired him to complain and realized how little support he would get, that would make me back out.

MoeHowardwasright | June 22, 2024 at 8:57 pm

Bezos had to split his fortune in half to divorce his wife. The new girlfriend has been on a spending spree. Don’t be surprised if Jeff sells the WaPo to someone more interested in a profit. FJB

    He actually gave her 25% of his stake at the time in Amazon because the next door lady was so hot he couldn’t stand it making that the most expensive side piece in history. Now his net worth is down to a measly $200 Billion. I don’t know how he survives on the 900,000,000 shares he still owns.

number crunch | June 22, 2024 at 9:05 pm

I was a WaPo subscriber for over 20 years. I watched the paper simultaneously decline in quality while increasing subscriber fees by over 300% while steering their subscribers rather stupidly towards a digital subscription where there’s an abundance of quality alternatives. Now I read that the WaPo is going to tiered subscriptions to try to fill the $77M/year deficit. The ignorance has now mades its way from the newsroom to the marketing department. Sad to say, but the WaPo needs to fail if management doesn’t have the fortitude to fire its staff.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to number crunch. | June 23, 2024 at 7:45 am

    And if they did fire staff, they would either a) still be staffed with dimwits, or b) try to hire a balanced staff to increase subscriptions. Not many center left or right leaning propagandists out there to fill the gap.

I read an article by a whining WaPo writer arguing that, really, Jeff Bozo is so rich that WaPo’s loss of $77 million last year is no big problem. It’s little more than a mega billionnaire owes the hoi polloi, so to speak. He stopped just short nof demanding a raise.