Woke California: U-Turn Signs Are Homophobic. And Stuff.

I don’t know about you, but I am ten kinds of over every drop of woke. Every last drop of it. This latest out of California is no exception.

Apparently, the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles decided that standard “No U-Turn” signs are ‘homophobic’ and removed them.

Presumably, U-turns are still illegal, but now, no one knows. Not that it matters because this is Gruesome Newsom’s Cali, where only non-Democrats are actually charged with much less convicted of a crime.

NBC Los Angeles reports:

Street signs that officials said previously targeted LGBTQ community members were taken down from a Silver Lake neighborhood Monday.The signs that read “No Cruising” and prohibited U-turns were installed in 1997 when neighbors complained about gay men hanging out and looking for dates in certain residential areas close to popular gay bars.While the “No Cruising” signs were removed after the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council voted to dismantle them in 2011, some of the no U-turn signs remained.

Guilty by association with the “No Cruising” signs, the remaining and perfectly sensible “No U-turn” signs needed to be removed. Because shut up.

NBC Los Angeles continues:

After months of “bureaucratic process,” Raman said she collaborated with the office of Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez, who oversees other parts of Silver Lake, to remove the final signs.“For me, growing up in South Central Los Angeles, cruising had a very different meaning. It usually meant folks in their lowriders or their cars, a lot of hip-hop music, just going up down Crenshaw Boulevard,” Soto-Martinez said. “But here in Silver Lake, cruising, of course, meant something very different. It meant an opportunity for the LGBT community to try to find human connection and intimacy and to be able to express themselves in a society at the time that was not very welcoming to the LGBT community.”Soto-Martinez explained that eliminating the remnants of discrimination was the right step forward when there are escalated attacks against LGBTQ community.“The last two no U-Turn signs remind us of that troubled past that we have here in this neighborhood,” he said.

Meanwhile, homelessness, drug and alcohol deaths, and both violent and non-violent crime are rampant in much of California. But hey, those homophobic No U-turn signs have finally been taken down. Priorities.

Tags: California, Democrats, LGBT