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Video Shows IDF Rescuing Hostages From Hamas

Video Shows IDF Rescuing Hostages From Hamas

This will bring tears to your eyes!

Amazing. That’s all I have to say.


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destroycommunism | June 10, 2024 at 2:36 pm

worst thing to happen to lefty?

israel/j ews fighting back

William A. Jacobson | June 10, 2024 at 2:37 pm

Those weapons are of interest, any readers know what they were firing? Must be some specialized rescue team rifle?

    destroycommunism in reply to William A. Jacobson. | June 10, 2024 at 2:40 pm

    porky bullets

      JohnSmith100 in reply to destroycommunism. | June 10, 2024 at 3:10 pm

      I did not know that pork infused bullets were being produced, meat to send Muslim terrorists to hell. It should be noted that Muslims have their own hell, different from Christian’s. I assume that being killed by a Porky bullet would cause rejection from Muslim hell and that they would then be sent to Christian hell.

      Then there is the issue of pig blood drenched terrorists being cremated.

    Those a SBR carbines with suppressors for indoor fighting.
    That looks like a DBAL on top forward. With a Mepro RDS Pro2 or a True vision as the sight.
    I cannot get a clear enough look at the rear end of the rifles to see if they are carrying M4 or Tavors. I think they might be Tavor SBR;
    M4 with 14.5″ barrel would be longer.
    In the opening frames, I think the one on the right is carrying an M4; I think the right soldier (with cam on) is carrying a Tavor SBR. They are using both rifles in the war.

How many people did Hamas fighters kill that day? After all, protection of civilian life is their top priority.

Anyone who thinks this event was a bad thing is a waste of oxygen

I’m so proud of Israel

And so disgusted with the rest of the world, especially America

Real men live in Israel

At the very end of the video the IDF are chasing the coward captors?

I wish it weren’t blurred, because I want to watch them get shot to sh|t.

Too bad we didn’t have some SF like Delta or Seals that could do this. Unfortunately they are all busy celebrating Gay Month

broomhandle | June 11, 2024 at 7:16 am

Every victory is sweet. This is over the top wonderful. Congratulations to all.

Durak Kazyol | June 11, 2024 at 8:47 am
