Vanderbilt U. Multicultural Leadership Council Rejects Pro-Israel Student Group

The students who make up this council probably believe they’re against hate. They can’t even see the irony.

The College Fix reports:

Vanderbilt multicultural council rejects pro-Israel student groupThe Vanderbilt Multicultural Leadership Council denied a pro-Israel student group a spot in its organization back in March, but some members just recently opened up to the student paper about their reasons for voting “nay.”According to The Hustler, Students Supporting Israel was rejected by the Vandy MLC, the only group to receive a majority “nay” vote — 76 percent — of 11 organizations that applied this spring semester.One other group was denied membership, the Vanderbilt United Mission for Relief and Development, but it fell just shy of the two-thirds majority required for acceptance, getting 60 percent of votes in favor.Both groups were the only MLC rejections “in at least the past few years,” MLC President Zack Maaieh said.Groups that were accepted included Jewish Voice for Peace at Vanderbilt, the Vanderbilt Iranian Student Association, and Vanderbilt Pride Serve.According to its constitution, the MLC is an “’umbrella organization’ of Vanderbilt’s social justice, identity-based and multicultural student organizations.”Various MLC members admitted that the denial of SSI’s membership was due to it being “antithetical” to the “Palestinian cause.” As such, the SSI does not want to work “toward unity” and “does not truly want to collaborate with other student groups.”A member of the Jewish Voice for Peace noted they voted “nay” due to SSI being a “secular” organization; however, so is Vandy’s Students for Justice in Palestine — which is a member of the MLC.The JVP member added that SSI’s “pitch” to join the MLC was “unconvincing.”An executive board member of the Association of Latin American Students was particularly outspoken against SSI, saying the group doesn’t have “a culture or an identity” because it “support[s] a nation-state built on the ideology of political Zionism.”The ALAS member also alleged accepting SSI would have “obstructed” the Multicultural Leadership Council from being a “safe space” for other member groups.

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel