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Union Theological Seminary in NYC Votes to Divest From Companies With Connections to Israel

Union Theological Seminary in NYC Votes to Divest From Companies With Connections to Israel

“profiting from the present war in Palestine”

The people behind this are progressives who are just playing at being Christians. Disgraceful.

Campus Reform reports:

NY seminary votes to divest from companies with connections to Israel

Union Theological Seminary in New York City voted to divest from companies that it claims are “profiting from the present war in Palestine.”

Union Theological, which describes itself as dedicated to “[p]rogressive theology” and “social justice,” announced on May 9 an update to its investment policy that will see it break ties with multiple businesses, including companies that have connections to the Jewish State.

Union Theological stated: “Over the decades, we have developed what are called ‘socially responsible investment (SRI) screens’ to express our values and not financially support damaging and immoral investments, including our early divestment from the dehumanizing system of apartheid in South Africa.”

“With respect to companies that are profiting from the present war in Palestine, we continue to hold these standards high and have taken steps to identify all investments, both domestic and global, that support and profit from the present killing of innocent civilians in Palestine, whose numbers are now over 34,000 – and a humanitarian crisis of ever-growing magnitude,” it continued.

“Union’s president, faculty, and students have repeatedly made strong public calls for an immediate ceasefire and will continue to do so until this continually escalating war has stopped. These calls are supported by today’s decision by Union’s Investment Committees to withdraw support from companies profiting from the war,” the seminary wrote.

The institution announced that, though its investments in businesses it denounced as alleged war profiteers were not significant, it still hopes divestment would have a beneficial impact: “Although our investments in the war in Palestine are small because our previous, strong anti-armament screens are robust, we hope that our action today will bring needed pressure to bear to stop the killing and find a peaceful future for all.”


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In other news today, UTS announced that
—- Down is up, and
—- Left is right.

I want to believe that they’ve been threatened.

I don’t want to believe that they’ve taken the side of kidnappers of children, and rapists.

How bizarre.

    Danny in reply to Jvj1975. | June 8, 2024 at 11:03 pm

    They have not been threatened they love rape as long as it is Jews, and love murder and destruction and human shields to.

    “Not all who say Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven”.

destroycommunism | June 8, 2024 at 8:37 pm

throughout history the church has sided with many who would murder the j ews

I’ll never forget how the Vatican helped the Nazis escape post war and live out their lives free of consequences. But Pope John Paul II was most definitely a mench if only we had more like him. There are tokens in every ethnic and religious group . These are token Christians playing at being pious and holy but when shit hits the fan they will just bury their head in the sand and bow down to whatever master will give them power and immunity ( or so they think until it’s their turn to be sacrificed) . And history repeats itself again and again. No one ever thinks it will be them who is targeted.

henrybowman | June 8, 2024 at 11:54 pm

Just lose your money quietly and shut up about it.
Your virtue signaling has become tiresome. Here is the time on Sprockets when we dance. Dance, dance, dance.

PostLiberal | June 9, 2024 at 1:24 am

Makes me proud I am not affiliated with any church.

drsamherman | June 10, 2024 at 4:52 pm

Glad I’m a very conservative Catholic. That seminary doesn’t represent my school of Catholicism, and honestly neither does our current pontiff to a large degree, Dope Francis. He’s the Peronista Pope, Argentinian (as are a large part of my roots), and a deep fascist/socialist (almost Communist/Marxist—which most fascists were at heart). With that decision, the rate of return on their endowment portfolio will most likely plummet, if not stay flat. An old family friend, who was an economist who advised pension funds in 19 states, answered an email I sent to him and his reply was succinct: it is virtually impossible to divest from Israel completely in modern business as too much business, technologically and in health care, is done through Israeli firms. As he said, “…to divest completely is to give up everything you want to achieve in a growth or income target…”. I trust him. He made our family money grow immeasurably.