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UNC Dismisses Professor After Secretly Recording His Classes

UNC Dismisses Professor After Secretly Recording His Classes

“Notice is not required to record classes, and we do record classes without notice in response to concerns raised by students”

This is all very fishy. The school is not being clear about what was in the recordings that prompted the firing of the professor.

Inside Higher Ed reports:

UNC Fires Professor They Secretly Recorded

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will not renew the contract of a professor whose classes they recorded without his permission, university media relations director Beth Lutz confirmed.

Larry Chavis has taught economics at the university’s Kenan-Flagler Business School on a yearly contract since 2006. In April, he was notified that his classes had been secretly recorded by a camera in his lecture hall, and that footage of those lessons had been used in a professional review. The review was prompted by “reports concerning class content and conduct … over the past few months,” associate dean Christian Lundblad wrote in a letter to Chavis.

“Notice is not required to record classes, and we do record classes without notice in response to concerns raised by students,” Lundblad’s letter said.

Lutz declined to comment on the university’s reasons for letting Chavis’s contract lapse, including whether the recordings played any role in the decision. Chavis told Inside Higher Ed that the letter he received informing him of his termination offered no rationale.

When Chavis asked university officials to explain in more detail the reasons he was under review and why he’d been secretly recorded, Lundblad told him they would meet to discuss it. That meeting was never scheduled.

Chavis, a member of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, has been an outspoken advocate for Indigenous and LGBTQ+ rights in ways that have sometimes pitted him against university officials, he told Inside Higher Ed in April.

Chavis said that whatever the reason for his contract lapse, he worries that the “concerning class content” which Lundblad said prompted the classroom recordings was related to his “strong support of LGBTQ rights.” Chavis said the office of Equal Opportunity Compliance has launched an investigation into the recordings, and that he’s talked to investigators.


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Maybe just teach economics?

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Just saying

“… concerning class content” which Lundblad said prompted the classroom recordings was related to his “strong support of LGBTQ rights.”

What does support for the LGBTQETC agenda have to do with economics?

destroycommunism | June 18, 2024 at 5:12 pm

maybe some of his teachings went like this:

the white mans money is racist and as a poc if you walk into a store with a dollar it is worth 35% less than the white man who walks in with a dollar

and you to demand that your money has to work 5x as hard as the white mans dollar therefor the store has to give you 5x more spending power

destroycommunism | June 18, 2024 at 5:14 pm

here is where he failed in his economics …lgbtq++ theories

b/c same se x cant


PostLiberal | June 18, 2024 at 9:41 pm

I wish that there had been a recording in an AP World History course I took my senior year in high school. It took us students a while to figure it out, but it eventually became apparent that our history teacher was winging it. Word got around to the juniors, with the result being that so few signed up for the course the following year that the course was cancelled, after having been offered every year. The teacher was probably pleased with the result, as he didn’t want to do the work to prepare lectures.

Decades after I was a student at a college, an English teacher there got recorded in the middle of some nasty rant about Republicans. The video went viral. There was no consequence for the teacher.

There was a dental prof back in the 80’s at UNC who made off color jokes during lectures. These were edited and played at a party. When word of this got around, the school of course banned students from recording lectures.

Despite some of the comments we have no idea why he was fired and neither does Chavez. The university is free to not renew any contract for any reason but if they have come out it was because of recordings of what was going on in his classroom then I think they should tell the guy. Then fire him. This all sounds very odd.

    artichoke in reply to diver64. | June 20, 2024 at 5:49 am

    Legally you can fire at-will employees for any permitted reason or no reason. But if you say you’re using a non-permitted reason, then they can sue. In case support of LGBTQxyz is considered a non-permitted reason, you don’t say that.

    While in fact you don’t care who he has sex with, but you don’t want the class distracted by that stuff. Some students may well be disgusted by it, so you don’t bring it into an econ classroom to make your social engineering points.

Mike, why do you call it fishy? The UNC admin is good these days, and they have decided to fix some problems that have developed in their system.

Of course teaching is public, it should always be public. Everything about a university should be public, it is for the public. The idea of a closed classroom as “therapy” is a far left radical idea for the purpose of turning a university into a nest of subversion.