U. Minnesota Appoints Anti-Zionist to Lead the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
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U. Minnesota Appoints Anti-Zionist to Lead the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

U. Minnesota Appoints Anti-Zionist to Lead the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Two advisory board members resigned: “We need a center director who will bring our community together to understand how the Holocaust and other genocides occurred, not someone who blames Israel for the rape and murder of 1,200 civilians, and kidnapping of hundreds more.”

The University of Minnesota is in hot water after it appointed an anti-Zionist as director of its Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

Raz Segal worked as a professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Stockton University in New Jersey.

But Segal has spent his career bashing Israel, equating everything it has done to survive and defend itself as genocide.

Karen Painter and Bruno Chaouat resigned from the department’s advisory board in protest of Segal’s appointment:

“Dr. Segal has positioned himself on an extreme end of the political and ideological spectrum with his publications on Israel and Gaza, including an essay in which he accused Israel of genocide a week after the October 7 terrorist attacks,” Painter wrote in her Friday night resignation email to Provost Rachel Croson and Interim President Jeff Ettinger.

“The CHGS director is ideally a scholar whose principal area of research and public commentary is the Holocaust itself, and certainly should not be an individual publicly identified with extremist positions on the present Middle East war,” she wrote. “We need a center director who will bring our community together to understand how the Holocaust and other genocides occurred, not someone who blames Israel for the rape and murder of 1,200 civilians, and kidnapping of hundreds more.”

Six days after the October 7 massacre, Segal wrote “A Textbook Case of Genocide” in Jewish Currents.

You’d think it’s a piece about the massacre, describing it as the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust.


The piece is a sympathetic piece towards Gaza, criticizing Israel’s treatment of it. In other words, “Can you blame Hamas for attacking, murdering, and kidnapping Jews?” He also brags about his anti-Zionist studies and works throughout his career.

Israel defending itself is textbook genocide.

“Israel’s campaign to displace Gazans—and potentially expel them altogether into Egypt—is yet another chapter in the Nakba, in which an estimated 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes during the 1948 war that led to the creation of the State of Israel,” Segal wrote. “But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians.”

In December, Segal signed a letter saying, “Comparing the Hamas pogrom of 7 October to the Holocaust is a misuse of Holocaust remembrance.” The historians never mention antisemitism. It’s all about Israel.

Google “Raz Segal October 7” and you get a treasure trove of his harsh words for Israel. Quite disgusting.


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That’s how Cultural Marxism goes, out to learn how to kill millions.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Skip. | June 10, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    Jews in Minnesota are already outnumbered by 2-3 fold by Muslims. It would behoove Jews there to migrate to the Midwest. I am sure that the Dakotas would welcome them. Like Michigan, Minnesota is a lost cause. Think about how many Talib and Omar types they have, and rapid multiplication. Both states are doomed to become shit holes.

Hopefully after the election we can end funding of all NGO’s and colleges/universities. Just abolish the government college loan program.

E Howard Hunt | June 10, 2024 at 3:26 pm

A very, small arrogant man. It brings back the memory of the impeccably tailored Jacob Bronowski bending over, knee deep in an ash strewn pond at Auschwitz while sifting the remains of his relatives through his hands. He said, “this is what men do when they aspire to the knowledge of gods.” What a contrast between two men.

“Appoints anti-Zionist to Lead Holocaust Studies”

That’s like hiring Lizzo to do diet studies, or George Floyd to fight drug abuse, or Joe Biden to lead a seminar on mental health, or hiring Al Capone to do your taxes.

    henrybowman in reply to Paula. | June 10, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    The irony is that the blatant FU-ism of this choice should be apparent to anyone on EITHER side of the Hamas-Israel question.

    For example, consider a university with a “Department of Women’s Studies,” a discipline which many of us here routinely dismiss as styrofoam propaganda. The university doesn’t dissolve the department, but it hires a misogynist to run it. The university’s insult is apparent to all sides.

      CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | June 10, 2024 at 4:57 pm

      Yep. Observe what people DO instead of worrying about what they SAY they will do or SAY they believe. That observation always provides an accurate understanding of what that person or organization truly believes is important enough to put into action.

Interim deans should have no authority to hire permanent employees,

    CommoChief in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | June 10, 2024 at 5:04 pm

    Meh. One is either in charge or they are not. It’s one thing if the ‘Commander’ is on vacation and their XO/2nd in command is acting in their absence. In that scenario the XO/2nd in command shouldn’t make any decision that their boss wouldn’t have made if they were present. It’s quite another thing if the ‘Commander/boss has resigned or was fired and one is appointed as the interim ‘Commander/boss’. In this scenario that person is now HMFIC (head MFr in charge) even if only temporarily and it is their ass on the line that’s accountable for success or failure of the organization.

      Perhaps figure out how the interim person became so before offering hot air comparing scenarios. In either case, interims should not be able to make any decision just because they are “in charge” for a moment in time..

      Hamstringing the successor is uncool.

        CommoChief in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | June 10, 2024 at 7:33 pm

        My argument that an interim boss is different than a 2nd in command temporarily acting while the the boss is on vacation. That is two separate scenarios with separate and usually distinct levels of authority. How he got that role is immaterial. Far more important is whether those who selected him as the interim boss placed any limitations upon his authority.

        Personally I would refuse the interim boss position w/o full authority to make decisions including hiring and firing. Nothing effs up an organization faster than an impotent boss. Subordinates who figure out the boss can’t/won’t hold them accountable for failures or provide rewards for success become unmanageable.

          The need to make arguments and discuss complexities over a rather simple thing is strange. Or as you say, “Meh.”

          An interim should not be able to pick people for a permanent someone else that will follow.

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | June 11, 2024 at 6:48 am

          OK. Here is a simplified version: When in charge be in charge. One ain’t fully ‘in charge’ if the boss is absent but one is absolutely ‘in charge’ if the boss quit/fired any you are tapped to the job on an interim basis.

          As a reminder this is a long form blog comment section. It ain’t Twitter (X) with character count limit. It lends itself to longer posts.

      Edward in reply to CommoChief. | June 12, 2024 at 9:30 am

      To continue the military example, that depends on what decisions the temporary CO makes. The XO, responsible for the bureaucracy of the Battery is made the acting CO of an M777 155 Howitzer Battery. He decides, a week before live fire training at Graf, to tell the 1SG “Top, I want the Ammo Platoon troops switched with the Firing Platoon, Tell the platoon SFCs to make it so.” That might be what he can do, but he’s a damned fool if he does. Yeah, they all have the same MOS (13BXX), but hardly the same skill set after some time on the job. It isn’t even a bad idea to undertake cross training of the troops, but not a mass change and not when artillery live fire is in the immediate future, with the potential dangers involved with HE fires.

What do you expect from Minnesota these days? Is he trying to be the last man standing when Islam fully rules Minnesotastan?

drsamherman | June 10, 2024 at 4:31 pm

Professor Fox to teach “Guarding Henhouses 101”.

destroycommunism | June 10, 2024 at 5:30 pm

but israel is the one forced to apologize

destroycommunism | June 10, 2024 at 5:31 pm

whats next someone named omar in charge of usa policies?

What could go wrong?

You don’t want Jews in charge of Holocaust studies either, if you have the topic at all as a studies thing.

The real question is how did Israeli academia spawn so many vicious antisemites? Why are so many of the worst Nazis in academia Israeli? The answer is that Israeli universities got infected with hard leftism at least 50 years ago, and have been indoctrinating generations of students with this crap.

    destroycommunism in reply to Milhouse. | June 11, 2024 at 11:56 am

    or that the nazi types failed the classes and are taking revenge on their betters

      There is empirical support for what you’ve posted —you may be aware or idk maybe not—After WWII, interviews were conducted with various segments of the German population , in attempts to try to understand what the appeal was, why did intelligent “sophisticated” people voluntarily willingly and ofttimes enthusiastically embrace nazism

      The girls who had been in high school in the 1930s said, “Losers. Unpopular boys were drawn to the uniforms, the power, the secrecy, the perceived comaraderie.” Obviously, I’m paraphrasing from memory. Perhaps some of this research is on the www.

      But to me, imho, we’re seeing this play out again. “Kill the [anybody]” isn’t a thing that most of us had anticipated ,

      Cheering for rapists? Kidnappers? Over a border dispute? according to sophisticates like Blinken Sullivan Kam Harris and others

      Surely these young Americans — like the Germans of the 1930s and 1940s are “good “people.

      Young people join gangs in huge, huge numbers, all over the world What’s the appeal? I think that there must be a common thread.?

If he is sincere then he’s psychiatrically unfit

If he’s just an irrational Jew-hater, then he’s unfit

If he’s a closeted convert to Islam — a la Eric Holder and others — then that would make sense. A natural fit for a state run by Keith Ellison and friends.

The West is in deep, deep trouble.

    Milhouse in reply to Br2336. | June 10, 2024 at 9:29 pm

    No, he’s not a convert to Islam. He’s a typical product of the Israeli academic system, hostile to all religions and to his own country of origin, as well as to the USA.

Btw, just for he record, nothing justifies what Hamas and Iran and Houthis have been doing — for decades.

Nothing. You know how I know? Because there’s no instance of rape in any other system of justice. In any other society. Anywhere. For the past 2000+ years of human existence. (Exception? Perhaps general population prison yard, but that’s unwritten.)

They are relentlessly unreasonable, and relentlessly committed to an infantile self-aggrandizing ideology.

This won’t end well

The Gentle Grizzly | June 11, 2024 at 7:12 pm

That picture… he looks like Richard Deacon (Mel Cooley) from the Dick van Dyke TV show.

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