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Two New Polls Suggest Virginia is in Play for Trump in 2024

Two New Polls Suggest Virginia is in Play for Trump in 2024

“If Biden fails to carry Virginia in November, his path to 270 electoral votes and a second term in the White House is practically nonexistent, given his polling in other swing states.”

Two recent polls have shown Donald Trump tied with Joe Biden in Virginia. This is significant because no Republican has won the state in a presidential contest since George W. Bush in 2004.

Trump winning in Virginia would send a shockwave through the political media complex.

Several days ago when the first poll came out, Jeremiah Poff wrote at the Washington Examiner:

Donald Trump may have a shot at winning Virginia

The last time the Commonwealth of Virginia supported a Republican presidential candidate was in 2004, when then-President George W. Bush capped off 10 consecutive wins for the GOP in the Old Dominion, but former President Donald Trump has a shot at reversing that trend this November.

Once considered a perennial swing state, Virginia has tilted ever so slightly toward the Democratic Party in recent elections. Former President Barack Obama won the state in 2008 and in 2012, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton carried the state in her losing campaign in 2016, and President Joe Biden won the state in 2020 by a 10-point margin. In statewide elections, Republicans have fared slightly better, winning races for governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general in 2009 and 2021, while Democrats won the same positions in 2013 and 2017. Democrats have held both Senate seats since 2006…

It is amid this backdrop that a new poll from Roanoke College shows the presidential election in the state tied. Biden and Trump both registered 42% support in the new poll, while the president opens up a slim 2-point advantage when third-party candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein are included.

For a state that has hardly been competitive for Republicans in recent cycles, the poll results are nothing short of astounding. If Biden fails to carry Virginia in November, his path to 270 electoral votes and a second term in the White House is practically nonexistent, given his polling in other swing states.

The second poll to find the race tied in Virginia was the FOX News poll:

Fox News Poll: Biden, Trump in a dead heat in Virginia

Virginia is not widely considered a battleground state this election cycle — or perhaps just not yet. After winning the state by more than 10 points four years ago, President Biden finds himself in a tie with former President Donald Trump, according to a new Fox News survey of Virginia registered voters.

The poll, released Thursday, shows Biden and Trump with 48% each in a head-to-head matchup in the Old Dominion State…

While Biden leads among Black voters, it is nowhere near where he was in 2020 – according to the Fox News Voter Analysis. In 2020, Biden won Blacks by 81 points, compared to 48 points in the new survey. Trump nearly triples his share among Black voters: 9% in 2020 to 25% today.

Matthew Continetti of the Washington Free Beacon commented on this development this week. Watch:

If these polls are accurate, this is a game-changer.

Alarm bells should be going off at the Biden White House.


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I doubt we taxpayers are voting this year, due to unforseen issues that are becoming apparent on the horizon.
Will it be influenza, bacteriological or the presence of lead?

    Dathurtz in reply to scooterjay. | June 9, 2024 at 4:42 pm

    Even when we so vote, there are always late absentee votes and vote adjudication.

      Paula in reply to Dathurtz. | June 9, 2024 at 5:33 pm

      “Late absentee votes”

      Yeah, that’s a head scratcher for sure. The “absentee votes” that were prepared months ahead of time are always late because they can’t be delivered until the “fullness of time”. Only a conspiracy theorist would be suspicious of one individual mailing hundreds of ballots at various locations after midnight, or a ballot counter bringing their luggage with them and keeping it under their table while they’re counting.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to scooterjay. | June 9, 2024 at 6:18 pm


      scooterjay in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | June 9, 2024 at 7:22 pm

      I’m fully expecting a proliferation of fence-perched turtles in the next few months, one of which will be atypical protesters with fedboi hairstyles and spiffy wardrobes.


      steves59 in reply to JR. | June 9, 2024 at 7:10 pm

      Where? In your hand or on your chin?
      I thought I told you to quit upvoting yourself.

      scooterjay in reply to JR. | June 9, 2024 at 7:24 pm

      …said in reverse it becomes stun.

      I think that may be prophetic.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to scooterjay. | June 10, 2024 at 12:19 am

    An H5 influenza pandemic is coming – either before the election, or afterward. It could strike in the lame duck period and cause numerous congressional vacancies. If Trump wins on Nov 5, don’t assume we are home free. There is still 2 months before inauguration, and if the Democrats have control of Congress, even temporary control in January and February due to vacancies, they will disqualify Trump.

destroycommunism | June 9, 2024 at 4:43 pm

he dont need no mo women trouble

destroycommunism | June 9, 2024 at 4:44 pm


get the story on the canadian cancer charity that says

cant use the word “cervix”

must say

“front hole”

Close polling means Democrats win.

    jb4 in reply to rhhardin. | June 10, 2024 at 9:00 am

    Correct, as polling does not count the ballot harvesting impact. The reason Democrats are now sweating it is that the polls in some places are getting outside the margin of even that edge.

practically nonexistent, given his polling in other swing states

An election as well-fortified as 2020 should solve that problem.

If Trump is to have a chance in Virginia, the GOP needs poll watchers in Fairfax Co. Just enough votes tend to emerge from Fairfax Co. late in the evening nearly every time to save the Democratic incumbent. Abby Spanberger was the latest beneficiary.

It’s June. I’ll wait a while before I believe any poll.
In the meantime please enjoy……….

I’ve been saying for months that VA was in play, and now the data confirms it.
And this election could come down to VA as the deciding state. The Democrats have a machine in PA, WI, and MI for rustling up and harvesting ballots, and they control the administration of those states. They will win those states by hook or by crook. The government of VA is split. VA will be very close, though. The Virginia recount after Nov 5 could decide the Presidency.

The latest employment figures showed that people not born here gained a lot of jobs and those born here lost a bunch. This is not a new trend. Will many in the Democratic base ever see that the Biden administration is turning them into a new underclass for the benefit of his 10+M illegals? If they ever wake up, the Dems will be “toast”.

healthguyfsu | June 10, 2024 at 2:42 pm

DMV states never go Republican because Dems will do what Dems do. Move a bunch of people, even transients into the DMV area and mobilize them to vote (or just steal their ballots) and twist an election.

They got caught napping on Youngkin. It probably won’t happen again.

Let’s see: How does the old saying go?

“You’ve got lies, damned lies, statistics, and electoral polls.”

I place absolutely zero faith in the polls.