The Pro-Israel, Pro-American Backlash Is Coming
In a CBS/YouGov poll, 62% of Americans embrace mass deportation. The anti-Israel anarchy is a microcosm of our greater national anarchy, and people are getting fed up.

I know things look bleak. Our campuses and cities are terrorized by anti-Israel and anti-American thugs in a Red-Green alliance, and Democrats who run the campuses and cities have no stomach to stop it, in part because they support it.
But it’s gone too far.
It’s gotten so bad that even AOC felt the political need to speak out when the terrorists-in-waiting stood outside the Nova music festival massacre exhibit in NYC taunting those inside.
#NOW Cops STOP PROTESTERS after they lit up flares outside of Nova Exhibition, the October 7th Hamas attack exhibit that's taking place on Wall Street in Lower Manhattan.
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) June 11, 2024
The callousness, dehumanization, and targeting of Jews on display at last night’s protest outside the Nova Festival exhibit was atrocious antisemitism – plain and simple.
Antisemitism has no place in our city nor any broader movement that centers human dignity and liberation.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 11, 2024
Other protesters unfurled a banner: “Long Live October 7th”.
#NOW Protesters unfurl banner that reads "Long Live October 7th" in Union Square NYC
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) June 10, 2024
They’re hunting ‘Zionists’ on NYC subways:
Antisemitic mob take over NYC Subway and send chilling message to all Jews on board.
“Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist.
This is your chance to get out.”
Video: @wearetov
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 11, 2024
And they continue to defile our historical statues and monuments.
Lafayette, who spent his life from the age of 19 fighting for liberty on two continents.
— Richard Brookhiser (@RBrookhiser) June 8, 2024
They’re sick of it in Europe, where nationalist and pro-Israel parties did well in European Parliament elections, and some high profile anti-Israel parties got clobbered.
Belgian Prime Minister appears to be on the verge of TEARS after his liberal party suffered a staggering defeat in the EU elections.
Alexander De Croo, who is vocally anti-Israel, RESIGNED after his party received just 5.8% of the votes.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 9, 2024
One marker I think is significant, though not directly related to Israel, is that Americans are embracing mass deportation. The anti-Israel anarchy is a microcosm of our greater national anarchy, and people are willing to take drastic steps.
As has happened in Europe, you can only push so far. Lollipops and unicorns leftism eventually falls victim to reality.
No one cares about being called a "bigot" anymore. They just want good policy.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) June 11, 2024
From the CBS/YouGov poll:
Meanwhile, Trump has talked about the actions he would take toward immigration if elected to a second term, including deportation efforts.
A nearly six in 10 majority of voters say they would favor, in principle, a new government program to deport all undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.
(That isn’t purely partisan, it includes a third of Democrats. It rises to nine in 10 Republicans.)
A similarly sized majority would have local law enforcement try to identify those living in the U.S. illegally, and just under half support the idea of setting up large government detention centers to sort out which people ought to be deported.
There’s only so much a society can take. We either collapse or fight back. We’re reaching that breaking point.

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Meh. I will believe it when I see it. Moreover, the Biden* has a growing taste for arresting political opponents, so it’s not clear there will actually be enough non-Democrats left who can actually oppose them.
Then there is the small matter of Brownshirt paramilitary terrorist groups aligned with the Democrat Party who function as a kind of quasi-police in deep blue cities and college campuses.
Require proof of legal residency with every interaction with the government. Start with welfare, drivers licenses and schools. Those who can’t verify citizenship are deported.
Agreed. Every person unlawfully present in the USA whether from an illegal crossing, expiration of temp protective status or visa overstay should fear deportation as a consequence of every interaction with any gov’t agency or heck any private monopoly such as electric utility… show a damn State issued ID which affirms Citizenship, Green Card holder status, Temp protective Status or other lawful immigration status in every instance of where receiving public services or monopoly services and for establishimg financial services accounts. Make it difficult to be unlawfully present.
G-D willing, Prof Jacobson, I hope you are correct! = It makes me wonder how truly clueless these people are and If I’m the crazy one thinking that they are hateful, disgusting bigots. I truly hope people are thinking, feeling and acting with the enough is enough attitude this November. Let sanity prevail!
“If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.”
― Thomas Sowell, Knowledge And Decisions
One of his best quotes, and there are many.
“There’s only so much a society can take. We either collapse or fight back. We’re reaching that breaking point.”
Absolutely agreed, but even with the trends you cite, you know that the Left will go to war to prevent Americans from reclaiming national sovereignty, the rule of law, and re-establishing the Constitution for all. They do not obey the law or popular will now, and there are enough of them to make the process kinetic.
Subotai Bahadur
That’s the perspective. There’s no one and done event, fight, election, policy change, etc.
One perspective that can win: govern ourselves to our own advantage.
And a strategy: frame events to allow the people impacted to understand what’s to their advantage and not.
I had not seen that subway video. Good grief. That’s terrifying. How many agents is Wray sending to NYC?
As an aside, that Lafayette post made me wonder why Lafayette has never enjoyed a big-budget Hollywood biopic treatment. That guy’s life is absolutely amazing. With respect to his love for America, he named one of his sons (maybe his only son?) Georges Washington .
Why no biopic? Answer: he was a straight white Christian European. Now if he wore a dress, maybe…
It’s sure starting to look like the small voices are getting louder, finally, and people are waking from a slumber to see how they have been played for suckers by manipulators that use hate and division to amass power.
But there is still the Bureaucracy, Big Tech, Big Media, and the enemies of individual rights to fend off and overcome, not to mention AI.
There is a long way to go, but the slog to renew America has begun in earnest.
Only 14% of Biden’s voters voted in person in 2020 nationwide and even less in the battle ground states. The mail in ballots will keep Biden in power.
“high profile anti-Israel parties got clobbered” ….. In the USA, that is the Democratic Party. In the USA, the Green Party, also clobbered in Europe, is also the Democratic Party. Biden’s performance is getting so bad – note especially his Juneteenth zombie look – that I increasingly worry about him getting replaced. IMO this should have been a “next generation” election and any credible younger candidate will win, getting the “pox on both their houses” vote.
How much longer before gun owners are issued a “Halo” that spies on you 24-7 and can immediately disable you?
Watch it be made palatable.
I hope so, Professor J. It’s clear that if the Dhimmi-crats retain the White House, things are going to get exponentially worse.
American Jews are now being confronted and slandered by obnoxious, goose-stepping, genocidal, Jew-hating Dhimmi-crats — many of them non-Muslims who are in gleeful alliance with Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists — hectored with lines such as “Go back to Poland,” and, “History didn’t begin in 1948.” This is ugly and evil stuff that the feckless and stupid Dhimmi-crats are directly responsible for enabling.
We are witnessing the blatant moral stupidity and hypocrisy of the so-called “anti-fascist” and “anti-racist” leftists and Dhimmi-crats.
Just wanted to let you know that I find your use of the term “Dhimmi-crats” multiple times in every article posted is annoying. Perhaps I just don’t understand the wit behind this term. Could you please explain why this term is witty? Or is there another reason you use this term everyday multiple times in every comment you make? Not trying to be churlish but c’mon man.
non mus lims being ALLOWED to live in a mus lim country/world had still have some of their own traditions
he might have another reason but thats my take
“C’mon, man?”
Is that you, tottering crime boss Biden?
Well, “Tom,” I couldn’t care less what you think of my use of “Dhimmi-crat.” Truly, I don’t give a damn. And, further, why do you care what I post? Does it offend your delicate sensibilities with regard to legitimate criticism of Dhimmi-crats? This forum is about personal opinions, and, I’m entitled to mine. You sound like a hyper-sensitive wanker, frankly, because only a wanker would care to write you wrote.
And, I normally wouldn’t indulge such a sanctimonious, stupid and obnoxiously judgmental comment such as yours, except to simply say — it’s not meant to be a “witty” characterization, but, rather, a fairly factual and accurate. one.
To that end — if you’re not fully cognizant of the obvious fact that the contemporary Dhimmi-crat Party and its leadership have directly enabled, whitewashed and rationalized genocidal Jew-hate, Islamofascism and Muslim supremacism (and, your comment implies that you’re not, and, have been sleeping through the pro-Hamas rhetoric emanating from Party apparatchiks, as well as the rise of myriad rabid, Jew-hating Muslim supremacists, such as the vile Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib), then, you’re exceptionally foolish, myopic and obtuse.
In sum — the vile and evil Dhimmi-crats have fairly earned that moniker.
Gee, I guess you’ll continue to be annoyed, Tom. Life is full of such circumstances.
Yeah, I hate Dhimmi-crats.
Suck it up and deal with it.
“Dhimmi” is a historical term for non-Muslims living in prescribed Islamic theocracy, who have a particular, reduced legal status.
Thus, “Dhimmi-crats” casts The Screaming D party as subordinate or captive to Islam, creatures of lesser rights, willing subjects to a authority over them, and complying to many of the forms of Islam without being believers.
Not that you asked, but yes, I call the “The Screaming Ds”, and the other guys “The Feckless Rs” as a kind of barbed wit. It’s funny because it’s true, much like “Useful Idiots.”
To loosely quote Jack Nicholson as the Joker, “This country needs an enema”.
IMO the current anti Israel foolishness is another in a long train of nonsensical woke totalitarian policy prescriptions which leftists take to the streets to demand.
There is a very real phenomenon of the ‘great sorting’ occurring. Large numbers of folks are departing deep blue enclaves in blue States and heading for more reasonable areas in Red or purple States. A smaller shift the opposite direction is occurring as leftists depart Red States where the Legislatures are finally asserting themselves to stop some of the worst of the lefty excesses they ignored for far too long. This is a common sense choice but it does exacerbate the ideological divide among regions.
When the electorate in deep blue enclaves vote out the current lefty politicians who endorse these woke nonsense policies then may there is a chance the Nation wound up divided. Examples of one politician here and another there being removed isn’t gonna cut it, the remaining voters in blue enclaves gotta be willing to ‘throw the bums out’ across the board in their primary elections if not the general before things will materially change.
Large numbers of folks are departing deep blue enclaves in blue States and heading for more reasonable areas in Red or purple States.”
Yes. BUT, that hasn’t produced desirable results in every state this is occurring. In FL & TX for instance, this influx of interstate migration – some from blue states, but also from other traditional red states – has benefited conservatives in FL & TX. For instance, Ted Cruz won reelection in 2018 ONLY because he overwhelmingly won non-native Texans (O’Rourke surprisingly won people born in TX by 5-points, IIRC).
But, in other states – like Georgia, for example – this interstate migration has not been helpful at all. I have a theory: Conservative-minded folks are heading to low-tax southern states where they believe conservative principles will be upheld. Georgia is getting a LOT of New England/IL, CA expats that aren’t moving for political reasons. They’re moving for economic reasons and economic reasons alone. Once in GA, they’re voting for the very same kinds of people who created the unwanted economic conditions they’re ran from. States like CO, AZ, GA & NC have been ‘blued’ by this interstate migration. Liberals are bringing their cancerous ideals with them to these states.
You make good points, Targa. But lets not forget election fraud. It appears that there is modest fraud in TX and FL — much more in GA.
That’s true. But, as a GA resident myself, the impact of interstate migration – particularly in the Metro ATL area – is profound. In 2004, Bush carried this state by 17-points. In 2016, Trump only carried it by 5-points even though he INCREASED the GOP margins in most other rural GA counties. It’s metro Atlanta – where the vast majority of Yankee transplants are moving to – that’s turning the state purple…and probably blue.
International migration isn’t helping either. There are suburban – exurban even – school districts that were 98% white a decade ago that are now Majority-minority (mostly Latinos and Asians). It’s insane how this city has changed the last 20-years, but the last 10-years in particular.
I’m with you
but 2004 and now???
we are so much more left lawless its scary
Well I didn’t make the argument that the internal migration of the great sorting is beneficial. While it is for individuals making a common sense decision to relocate from an area of high taxes, high crime, low performing public schools and poor public services to a jurisdiction that doesn’t have those issue or at least are less pronounced ….for the Nation as whole it is probably not for the best. It leads ultimately to greater regional polarization that is almost certainly going to result in some degree of political split. That may simply be all sides agreeing to embrace extreme Federalism to allow each State to set the polices that more closely matches the political ideology and policy preferences of that State’s Citizens instead of seeking to impose one National solution from a distant central govt in DC. Abortion is a pretty good example and the likely bell weather for whether that is possible. I doubt it myself, as too many folks enjoy telling others what to do or what not to do.
This is a pretty large internal migration that is on balance more about folks moving to more free jurisdictions. That holds for the lefties departing Red States due to perceptions of abortion or trans. Some bring their destructive woke leftist ideology and voting habits with them. Many others make the move b/c they realize the destructive nature of the leftist ideology on most aspects of their lives and have changed their habits to match this realization.
I agree that those who bring their bad habits and woke/totalitarian lefty policy preferences to a Red jurisdiction are on balance a negative. I would say they are more like locusts than cancer as they have already devoured the economic and social vitality of their prior areas and move to repeat the process elsewhere.
If Jewish Americans continue to vote Left, we will have to leave them to their fate. They had a large hand in turning America into the ‘society’ it is, culturally, academically and politically. If they don’t recognize the threat the Left poses to them (and us all) they do not deserve the support from the Right.
Good people are always just that. They will not do what the left will do because good people fear consequences. Hamas is winning the PR war because they are willing to see their own slaughtered. With blood there is news. No blood no news. Until good people set aside their goodness, the left will continue to win.
I fear that as long as Amazon is able to deliver packages the next day, and credit cards hold up, and smart phones continue to be available, that Americans won’t do much more than give token support to protecting our Constitutional rights. After all, Candy Crush is mesmorizing. And we’re now a nation of slaggards.
thats part of the goal
keep people off the street
then the watered down pd around the country will turn into their own mob
they want to run america like they do the prison system
allow the animals to be in control with an occasional butt kicking by the authorities to remind everyone of who is really in charge
and as you correctly noted
keep ordering your amazon pay your tribute and stfu!!
I’ll believe there’s a pro-American backlash when we have a majority Party whose motto is Foreigners Out! We’re talking to you illegal aliens as well as legal aliens admitted from impossible-to-assimilate terroristic Muslim countries.
To frustrate matters some of the most vocal and prominent anti-Israel activists are left-wing, jewish intellectuals!
it doesnt frustrate at all
if you want to help your own demise do it
“The Pro-Israel, Pro-American Backlash Is Coming”
“The Pro-American Backlash Is Coming”
This is what concerns us. America first. Israel when we’ve taken care of what we need to fix.
Because of massive US financial support, the USA is at war with both Russia and Hamas.
(These wars would not exist without US support.)
The USA has to decide whether it wants to keep funding these wars.
These are political issues.
think about this:
(That isn’t purely partisan, it includes a third of Democrats. It rises to nine in 10 Republicans.)
so 10% of gop are against it and 66% of dems are against it
then when its actually time to do it
and the lies and crying of the msm/schools take over the propaganda
we will see further capitulation towards the left
and the welfare system which is what supports this whole mess needs to be abolished
Im afraid the j ewish population in America is going to meet their Omar
That Omar movement is stealthy in its approach with only a moment here and their being exposed
the uprising in dearborn mi over the teachings in the schools etc
what happened to THAT COVERAGE!!?!?!?!
if you didnt see the ( how ironic) the video from nyc on the trains
saying who here are j ews (b/c they hid their words BUT THATS EXACTLY WHAT THEY MEANT)
thats what they are telling and showing us
ignore at your own peril
It would seem that the commenters at this website have thoroughly repudiated one of our founding principles: that all men are created equal and are endowed with certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Instead, it is asserted here that only those lucky enough to be born north of the Rio Grand and south of the Canadian Rockies are endowed with those rights — that the accident of the latitude and longitude of your birth determines your rights, not your nature as a human being.
philosophy is great
until it crosses the border
With all due respect, I think that the matter involved is sovereignty and whether we are or not a sovereign nation. A sovereign nation has recognized borders, and controls who crosses those borders and under what conditions. That control is absolute. If you do not have the power to exercise that control [and that exercise is the sole choice of the people and government of that sovereign nation] that crossing and the power to remove at will those who are NOT your citizens; then you are not a sovereign nation.
A sovereign nation makes its own laws effective inside its own borders in accordance with the Social Contract of that nation [think Thomas Hobbes]. And it can and does enforce those laws within its own borders. Nobody else can.
If we do not have recognized borders WE control on the terms of OUR Social Contract, and if we do not have laws that WE make and enforce under the terms of our Social Contract; then we are not a sovereign nation, we are not free, and we do not control either our fate in dealing with outsiders nor with dealing with political factions within.
Subotai Bahadur
Interesting point in terms of EU directing border policies for member “nations.” And various arms of the UN directing immigration and border policies for nations.
Seems like they don’t much think of nations as nations. Huh.
Let’s hope Biden and the Dhimmi-crats go down to defeat, in November.
“Dhimmi-crat” (noun) — A member of the morally bankrupt, feckless and cowed American political party that obsequiously panders to, kowtows to and show deference to Jew-hating, genocidal Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists (in the U.S., and, abroad), while whitewashing, rationalizing and otherwise enabling their hateful rhetoric and deeds.
There is a huge distance between poll results and the government taking steps to act and actually acting. I’ll believe it when I see it happens. 🙁
what we are seeing is that the lawless mob that is the base and shock troops of the Democratic Party are being allowed to break the law and threaten violence against American Jews and any institution that is remotely associated with the Jewish community. So far, with the exception of the NYPD’s actions at Columbia, the reaction by law enforcement on a state .local and federal level has been all talk and no action.