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The Globalization of Higher Education Has Not Worked Out as Planned

The Globalization of Higher Education Has Not Worked Out as Planned

“U.S. universities used to admit students from overseas so they could learn about American values and the virtues of our political system and bring that knowledge back to their home countries.”

This is directly related to the insanity we are currently seeing on college campuses. Take note of the detail about the Ivy League.

From the Washington Examiner:

The anti-Americanism of globalized universities

U.S. universities used to admit students from overseas so they could learn about American values and the virtues of our political system and bring that knowledge back to their home countries. We were exporting democracy and freedom, one student at a time.

It’s the other way around now. American students at our top universities are being exposed to a critical mass of foreign students, learning about their values and political systems, and then incorporating these perspectives into our political culture.

U.S. universities used to admit a small number of international students, hovering between 1% and 2% of total enrollment from the end of World War II until 1977. Since then, the percentage of foreign students has almost tripled, on average. At our leading universities, the share of students from abroad makes up about a third of their enrollment.

It’s often even higher at Ivy League universities. Almost 40% of their students come from overseas if you count those who participate in the Optional Practical Training program during the year after completing their degrees. Even if you exclude OPT student visa holders, who often remain an extra year at universities as researchers or instructors in their fields of study, 27% of Ivy League student enrollment consists of international students.

Columbia University’s foreign students make up between 40% and 67% of its enrollment, depending on whether OPT students are counted. At the University of Pennsylvania, that figure is between 25% and 37%. At Harvard, it’s between 25% and 34%. Among the top 25 national universities identified by U.S. News rankings, the average foreign enrollment stands at 21% or 31%, depending on whether OPT students are included.

The wave of campus protests following the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas helps illustrate the consequences of this sea change. Chanting about the need to globalize the intifada or “free Palestine” “from the river to the sea,” removing 6 million Jews from Israel through death or expulsion, seems like a perfectly normal thing to do in many of these students’ home countries.


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Dolce Far Niente | June 11, 2024 at 12:10 pm

Aside from their complementary anti-American ideologies, foreign students paid the highest tuition of any class of student. And since most have their tuition paid by their anti-American governments, that inflated rate is paid without a murmur.

Greedy capitalism meets jihadism; a match made in Hell.

    Tuition for “international” or foreign students is approx double at UC system. That creates obvious incentive for UC to admit the max number of foreign students possible, displacing Californians. Further, illegal aliens can get the lower in-state tuition rate if they attend high school or community college for 3 years in CA, displacing more Californians.

The ChiComs have been infiltrating the grad schools for decades, and are still getting caught at the airport smuggling products and information.

So why not their twisted philosophy to gullible young skulls full of mush, all prepped by their socialist professors?

henrybowman | June 11, 2024 at 4:03 pm

The other contributing factor is that our crumbling government-run primary and secondary educational system has for too long been turning out failed students who cannot hope to compete for slots in top-tier schools against better-prepared scholars from other countries. Then add in the DEI anti-white-male bias that was subsequently applied to make the process even less competitive, and unless you can provide the college superior virtue-signaling mojo like David Hogg had, you may as well not even apply.

destroycommunism | June 12, 2024 at 1:00 pm

when the teachers support ms13

and /or are sleeping with the students

the distortion of the dream occurs